Image composition,Subjective,Lighting,Color Palette,Background ,Prints,Text,Symbols,Artistic license,Year tags,Errors | |
,,,,,,,,,, | |
View Angle,Common,Directional,Single color themes,Colors,Patterns,Image metadata,2D shapes,Major changes,Year,Flaws | |
dutch angle,Attractive,backlighting,aqua theme,aqua background,Argyle,Artist name,Arrow,animalization,2024,aliasing | |
from above,Awesome,sidelighting,black theme,beige background,Asa No Ha,Character name,asterisk,foodification,2023,anatomical nonsense | |
from behind,Beautiful,underlighting,blue theme,black background,Camouflage,Character signature,Circle,furrification,2022,artistic error | |
from below,Childish,,brown theme,blue background,Checkered,Circle name,Crescent,humanization,2021,bad anatomy | |
from side,Color,Types,green theme,brown background,Colored stripes,Commissioner name,Decagram,mechanization,2020,bad aspect ratio | |
pov,Cool,bloom,grey theme,green background,Diagonal stripes,Company name,Diamond,monsterification,2019,bad feet | |
sideways,Cute,caustics,orange theme,grey background,Double vertical stripe,Completion time,Dodecagram,objectification,2018,bad hands | |
straight-on,Adorable,crack of light,pink theme,orange background,Gingham,Content rating,Druze star,personification,2017,bad proportions | |
upside-down,Kawaii,moonlight,purple theme,pink background,Honeycomb,Copyright name,Enneagram,slimification,2016,bad reflection | |
,Disgusting,refraction,red theme,purple background,Horizontal Stripes,Dated,Hendecagram,vehicalization,2015,bleed through | |
Perspective / Depth,Epic,spotlight,white theme,red background,Houndstooth,Group name,Heptagon,zombification,2014,blurry | |
atmospheric perspective,Erotic,stage lights,yellow theme,sepia background,Invasion stripes,Logo,Heptagram,,2013,censored | |
fisheye,Good,sunlight,,tan background,Multicolored stripes,Signature,Hexagon,Whole attire,2012,crease | |
panorama,Great,,Neutral Palettes,white background,Pinstripe pattern,Song name,Hexagram,adapted costume,2011,decensored | |
perspective,Gorgeous,Light sources,dark,yellow background,Plaid,Twitter username,inverted pentagram,alternate costume,2010,derivative work | |
vanishing point,Handsome,candlelight,greyscale,,Polka dot,Watermark,Octagon,casual,2009,detexted | |
,Helpless,ceiling light,high contrast,Multiple colors,Sayagata,Weapon name,Octagram,contemporary,2008,downscaled | |
Composition,Hentai,chandelier,lineart,gradient background,Seigaiha,Web address,Pentagon,cosplay,2007,duplicate | |
afterimage,Ecchi,desk lamp,monochrome,heaven condition,Striped,,Pentagram,costume combination,2006,extra digits | |
border,Lewd,embers,muted color,multicolored background,Tiger stripes,Misc,Rectangle,costume switch,2005,extraction | |
bust chart,Love,fire,negative,rainbow background,Vertical stripes,Backwards text,red star,enmaided,2004,gif artifacts | |
character chart,Perfect,flashlight,pale color,two-tone background,Yagasuri,Body writing,spoken star,,2003,glaze artifacts | |
chart,Pretty,glowstick,shadow,,,Calendar (medium),Square,Specific clothes or accessories,2002,hard-translated | |
collage,Sexy,lamp,,Patterns,Specific prints,Clothes writing,Star,alternate headwear,2001,image macro | |
column lineup,Squeezable,lamppost,Partial Coloring,argyle background,Animal print,Detexted,Star of David,alternate weapon,2000,image sample | |
diagram,Thick,lantern,greyscale with colored background,checkered background,Bat print,Dialogue Box,Star of Lakshmi,bespectacled,1999,jpeg artifacts | |
fading border,Thicc,moon,partially colored,dotted background,Bear print,Foreground text,Triangle,headwear switch,1998,lossless-lossy | |
fake scrollbar,Violent,oil lamp,spot color,food-themed background,Bird print,Gradient text,,no earrings,1997,lossy-lossless | |
from outside,VIP quality,sun,,grid background,Cherry blossom print,Metal band text,3D shapes,no eyewear,1996,md5 mismatch | |
glitch,Wholesome,torch,Filters,halftone background,Cow print,Mirrored text,Cone,no headwear,1995,moire | |
head out of frame,,wall lamp,double exposure,honeycomb background,Crescent print,Name tag,Cube,no legwear,1994,nude filter | |
isometric,Exceptions,,high contrast,marble background,Fireworks print,Pixel text,Dodecahedron,no mask,1993,photo-referenced | |
letterboxed,Colorful,Misc,inverted colors,paw print background,Flag print,Rainbow text,Great dodecahedron,,1992,pixel-perfect duplicate | |
lineup,Creepy,flare,limited palette,plaid background,Floral print,Segment display,Icosahedron,Body parts,1991,poorly drawn | |
mosaic art,Scary,floodlights,neon palette,polka dot background,Game controller print,Silent comic,Klein bottle,alternate breast size,1990,quality | |
move chart,Fabulous,glowing headgear,pastel colors,simple background,Handprint,Sound effects,Mobius strip,alternate skin color,1989,ranguage | |
negative space,Fluffy,headlight,saturated,snowflake background,Leaf print,Text background,Octahedron,alternate wings,1988,reference photo | |
omake,Manly,muzzle flash,sepia,spiral background,Leopard print,Text focus,Orb,kemonomimi mode,1987,reference work | |
out of frame,Moe,ultraviolet light,vignetting,strawberry background,Moon print,Text in eyes,Platonic solids,no animal ears,1986,resized | |
out-of-frame censoring,Ultimate Moe,,,striped background,Musical note print,Text-only page,Prism,no fire,1985,reversed | |
outside border,Motherly,,Color Theory,sunburst background,Piano print,Textless version,Pyramid,no horns,1984_(year),rotated | |
partially underwater shot,Obvious statement,,analogous colors,,Snake print,Wall of text,Small stellated dodecahedron,no tail,1983,scan artifacts | |
photomosaic,Shame,,color contrast,Other,Tiger print,,Stellated octahedron,no wings,1982,screenshot redraw | |
pillarboxed,Strong,,color coordination,abstract background,Watermelon print,Literary devices,Stellations,,,solid color thumbnail | |
polar opposites,Too many,,colorful,animal background,Zebra print,Alliteration,Tetrahedron,Hair,Season,third-party edit | |
pov,Too literal,,,backlighting,,Haiku,Torus,alternate hair color,summer,third-party watermark | |
projected inset,Truth,,,blending,Traditional Japanese Patterns,Poem,,alternate hair length,spring (season),typo | |
reference sheet,What,,,blurry background,asa no ha (pattern),Profanity,Symbols of emotions,alternate hairstyle,autumn,uncensored | |
relationship graph,,,,card background,egasumi,Rhyme,^^^,hair color switch,winter,unmoving pattern | |
rotational symmetry,,,,chibi inset,genjiguruma,,+++,hair down,,upscaled | |
rounded corners,,,,drama layer,goshoguruma,Specific pieces of text,Anger vein,hair up,Month,vhs artifacts | |
seating chart,,,,fiery background,igeta (pattern),!,Arrow through heart,,January,waifu2x | |
social media composition,,,,flag background,kagome (pattern),!!,Blush,Eyes,February,watermark | |
stats,,,,floral background,kanoko (pattern),!?,Broken heart,alternate eye color,March,web address | |
symmetry,,,,fruit background,karakusa (pattern),?,Flying sweatdrops,eye color switch,April, | |
tachi-e,,,,heart background,kikkoumon,…,Heart,unusually open eyes,May, | |
trim marks,,,,imageboard colors,kikumon,A,Notice lines,,June, | |
viewfinder,,,,lace background,kojitsunagi (pattern),Get,puff of air,Personality and roles,July, | |
zoom layer,,,,mosaic background,sakuramon,H,Shout lines,dark persona,August, | |
,,,,paneled background,sayagata,K.O.,Smiley face,light persona,September, | |
Pointing at Viewer,,,,photo background,seigaiha,No,Spoken anger vein,out of character,October, | |
aiming at viewer,,,,projected inset,shima (pattern),Nyan,Spoken blush,personality switch,November, | |
eye pov,,,,simple background,shippou (pattern),Va,Spoken heart,role reversal,December, | |
eyewear view,,,,sofmap background,uchiwa,VS,Spoken squiggle,,, | |
female pov,,,,starry background,uroko (pattern),Yes,Spoken sweatdrop,Overall colors,, | |
multiple pov,,,,text background,yagasuri,Zzz,Squeans,alternate color,, | |
incoming attack,,,,transparent background,,,Squiggle,alternate element,, | |
incoming drink,,,,zoom layer,Other Patterns,Greetings and courtesy,Sweatdrop,palette swap,, | |
incoming food,,,,,animal print,Akeome,Symbol BA-90,player 2,, | |
incoming gift,,,,,argyle,Congratulations,,,, | |
incoming hug,,,,,checkered,Convention greeting,Musical symbols,Age,, | |
incoming kiss,,,,,cow print,Happy Birthday,Bass clef,age comparison,, | |
incoming punch,,,,,double happiness,Happy Easter,beamed eighth notes,age progression,, | |
pointing at viewer,,,,,fleur-de-lis,Happy Halloween,beamed sixteenth notes,aged down,, | |
pov across bed,,,,,floral print,Happy Holidays,beamed sixty-fourth notes,aged up,, | |
pov across table,,,,,flower of life,Happy New Year,beamed thirty-second notes,,, | |
pov adoring,,,,,gingham,Happy Valentine,Clubs,Other changes,, | |
pov bullying,,,,,houndstooth,Kotoyoro,Diamonds,alternate universe,, | |
pov crotch,,,,,leopard print,Merry Christmas,dotted eighth note,character doll,, | |
pov dating,,,,,meandros,Shochuumimai,dotted half note,fusion,, | |
pov hands,,,,,paisley,Thank you,dotted quarter note,genderswap,, | |
fed by viewer,,,,,plaid,,dotted sixteenth note,genderswap (ftm),, | |
take your pick,,,,,polka dot,Other common phrases,dotted thirty-second note,genderswap (mtf),, | |
reaching towards viewer,,,,,shark print,Tewoarao-!,eighth note,if they mated,, | |
taker pov,,,,,striped,Trick or Treat,eighth rest,,, | |
wet lens,,,,,tiger print,Urameshiya,Flat sign,,, | |
Viewer on leash,,,,,zebra print,,ghost note,,, | |
,,,,,,Meme phrases,grace note,,, | |
Subject matter,,,,,Patterned things,A flat chest is a status symbol,half note,,, | |
absolutely everyone,,,,,patterned (for unique patterns with no name),Ara Ara,half rest,,, | |
cityscape,,,,,patterned background,Are you talking about Kuririn,Hearts,,, | |
everyone,,,,,patterned clothing,Arrow to the knee,Musical note,,, | |
landscape,,,,,patterned hair,Auu,Natural sign,,, | |
nature,,,,,,Ayaya~,Playing Card,,, | |
no humans,,,,,Print items,Cool your head,Playing Card,,, | |
off-topic,,,,,Print bikini,Criminal scum!,Playing card theme,,, | |
scenery,,,,,Print eyepatch,Daga kotowaru,quarter note,,, | |
still life,,,,,Print footwear,Desu,quarter rest,,, | |
,,,,,Print gloves,Dondake,Sharp sign,,, | |
Focus tags,,,,,Print hakama,Ecchi nano wa ikenai to omoimasu,sixteenth note,,, | |
animal focus,,,,,Print headwear,H,sixteenth rest,,, | |
armpit focus,,,,,Print kimono,Homu,sixty-fourth note,,, | |
ass focus,,,,,Print leggings,Horosho,Spades,,, | |
back focus,,,,,Print neckwear,I am L,spoken musical note,,, | |
book focus,,,,,Print panties,I don't have a single regret in my life,Staff (music),,, | |
breast focus,,,,,Print pantyhose,I just don't get it,thirty-second note,,, | |
cloud focus,,,,,Print shirt,I'm such a fool,thirty-second rest,,, | |
ear focus,,,,,Print shorts,I'm wet!,Time signature,,, | |
eye focus,,,,,Print socks,Ippen shinde miru?,Treble clef,,, | |
food focus,,,,,Print swimsuit,Is that so,whole note,,, | |
foot focus,,,,,Print thighhighs,It's embarrassing to be gossiped,whole rest,,, | |
hand focus,,,,,Print umbrella,It's not you sit down,,,, | |
hip focus,,,,,,Kashikoma!,,,, | |
male focus,,,,,,Keep this a secret from everyone in class,Punctuation and maths,,, | |
navel focus,,,,,,Koa,!,,, | |
other focus,,,,,,Make a Contract,!?,,, | |
pectoral focus,,,,,,Masa ni,?,,, | |
solo focus,,,,,,Mukyuu,...,,, | |
text focus,,,,,,Myon,@,,, | |
thigh focus,,,,,,Nanodesu,Dao Fu,,, | |
vehicle focus,,,,,,Nipa~,Double Happiness,,, | |
vehicle focus,,,,,,Not afraid anymore,Equal sign,,, | |
weapon focus,,,,,,Nyanpassu~,Heaven kanji,,, | |
wind chime focus,,,,,,Objection,Infinity symbol,,, | |
,,,,,,Oh? You're approaching me?,Minus sign,,, | |
Framing the body,,,,,,Okawaii koto,Omega symbol,,, | |
close-up,,,,,,Pan-pa-ka-paaan!,Pi (math),,, | |
cowboy shot,,,,,,People die if they are killed,Runes,,, | |
cropped arms,,,,,,Pika pika pikarin jankenpon,Segment display,,, | |
cropped head,,,,,,Poi,Seven-segment display,,, | |
cropped legs,,,,,,ryaku,shou,,, | |
cropped shoulders,,,,,,They're not panties,Sigrunen,,, | |
cropped torso,,,,,,Too bad! It was just me!,spoken ellipsis,,, | |
cut-in,,,,,,Tsuki ni kawatte oshioki yo,spoken exclamation mark,,, | |
feet out of frame,,,,,,Uguu~,spoken interrobang,,, | |
full body,,,,,,Unyu,spoken question mark,,, | |
group profile,,,,,,Uso da,Two-legged horse kanji,,, | |
lower body,,,,,,Uso desu,wealth symbol,,, | |
multiple views,,,,,,Va,Z (Russian symbol),,, | |
portrait,,,,,,Woomy,,,, | |
profile,,,,,,Yaranaika,Currency symbols,,, | |
split crop,,,,,,You are already dead,Dollar sign,,, | |
upper body,,,,,,Your next line is,Euro sign,,, | |
very wide shot,,,,,,Yukkuri shiteitte ne,Franc sign,,, | |
wide shot,,,,,,ZA WARUDO,Indian rupee sign,,, | |
,,,,,,,Pound sign,,, | |
Styles,,,,,,,Ruble sign,,, | |
abstract,,,,,,,Won sign,,, | |
art deco,,,,,,,Yen sign,,, | |
art nouveau,,,,,,,,,, | |
faux traditional media,,,,,,,Encodings,,, | |
fine art parody,,,,,,,Barcode,,, | |
flame painter,,,,,,,QR code,,, | |
impressionism,,,,,,,,,, | |
ligne claire,,,,,,,Cross symbols,,, | |
List of style parodies,,,,,,,arrow cross,,, | |
minimalism,,,,,,,Balkenkreuz,,, | |
nihonga,,,,,,,Celtic cross,,, | |
photorealistic,,,,,,,Cross,,, | |
realistic,,,,,,,cross bottony,,, | |
sketch,,,,,,,cross crosslet,,, | |
style parody,,,,,,,cross fitchy,,, | |
sumi-e,,,,,,,cross fleury,,, | |
surreal,,,,,,,cross moline,,, | |
traditional media,,,,,,,cross patonce,,, | |
ukiyo-e,,,,,,,cross patty,,, | |
unfinished,,,,,,,cross potent,,, | |
,,,,,,,crucifix,,, | |
Media,,,,,,,Greek cross,,, | |
acrylic paint (medium),,,,,,,inverted cross,,, | |
airbrush (medium),,,,,,,Iron Cross,,, | |
ballpoint pen (medium),,,,,,,Latin cross,,, | |
brush (medium),,,,,,,Maltese cross,,, | |
calligraphy brush (medium),,,,,,,Orthodox cross,,, | |
canvas (medium),,,,,,,plus sign,,, | |
chalk (medium),,,,,,,red cross,,, | |
charcoal (medium),,,,,,,Sun cross,,, | |
color ink (medium),,,,,,,two-barred cross,,, | |
colored pencil (medium),,,,,,,,,, | |
coupy pencil (medium),,,,,,,Misc symbols,,, | |
crayon (medium),,,,,,,Anarchy symbol,,, | |
gouache (medium),,,,,,,Ankh,,, | |
graphite (medium),,,,,,,Ars Goetia,,, | |
ink (medium),,,,,,,Bagua,,, | |
marker (medium),,,,,,,Battery indicator,,, | |
millipen (medium),,,,,,,Biohazard symbol,,, | |
nib pen (medium),,,,,,,Black Sun,,, | |
oil painting (medium),,,,,,,Caduceus,,, | |
painting (medium),,,,,,,Compass rose,,, | |
pastel (medium),,,,,,,Digital rain,,, | |
photo (medium),,,,,,,Fasces,,, | |
tempera (medium),,,,,,,Flammable symbol,,, | |
watercolor (medium),,,,,,,Fleur-de-lis,,, | |
watercolor pencil (medium),,,,,,,Fragile Symbol,,, | |
,,,,,,,Hammer and sickle,,, | |
Techniques,,,,,,,Jolly Roger,,, | |
anaglyph,,,,,,,Kolovrat,,, | |
backlighting,,,,,,,Lightning bolt symbol,,, | |
blending,,,,,,,Mitsudomoe,,, | |
bloom,,,,,,,No entry sign,,, | |
bokeh,,,,,,,No smoking,,, | |
caustics,,,,,,,No symbol,,, | |
cel shading,,,,,,,Om,,, | |
chiaroscuro,,,,,,,Onsen symbol,,, | |
chromatic aberration,,,,,,,Ouroboros,,, | |
chromatic aberration abuse,,,,,,,Parental Advisory,,, | |
depth of field,,,,,,,Peace symbol,,, | |
diffraction spikes,,,,,,,Power symbol,,, | |
dithering,,,,,,,Radiation symbol,,, | |
double exposure,,,,,,,Recycling symbol,,, | |
drop shadow,,,,,,,Reichsadler,,, | |
emphasis lines,,,,,,,Restroom sign,,, | |
exif thumbnail surprise,,,,,,,Rod of Asclepius,,, | |
film grain,,,,,,,Sigil of Lucifer,,, | |
foreshortening,,,,,,,Signal bar,,, | |
gradient,,,,,,,Skull and crossbones,,, | |
halftone,,,,,,,Spoken X,,, | |
high contrast,,,,,,,Star and crescent,,, | |
lens flare,,,,,,,Star of life,,, | |
lens flare abuse,,,,,,,Swastika,,, | |
motion blur,,,,,,,Tomoe,,, | |
motion lines,,,,,,,Totenkopf,,, | |
multiple monochrome,,,,,,,Trigram,,, | |
open in internet explorer,,,,,,,Tryzub,,, | |
open in winamp,,,,,,,Warning sign,,, | |
optical illusion,,,,,,,Wheel of Dharma,,, | |
scanlines,,,,,,,Wheelchair sign,,, | |
sidelighting,,,,,,,Wi-Fi symbol,,, | |
silhouette,,,,,,,Wolfsangel,,, | |
speed lines,,,,,,,X mark,,, | |
stereogram,,,,,,,Yin Yang,,, | |
underlighting,,,,,,,Zodiac,,, | |
vignetting,,,,,,,,,, | |
,,,,,,,Solar system,,, | |
Format,,,,,,,Sun symbol,,, | |
1koma,,,,,,,Mercury symbol,,, | |
2koma,,,,,,,Venus symbol,,, | |
3d,,,,,,,Mars symbol,,, | |
3koma,,,,,,,Jupiter symbol,,, | |
4koma,,,,,,,Saturn symbol,,, | |
5koma,,,,,,,Uranus symbol,,, | |
absurdres,,,,,,,Neptune symbol,,, | |
album cover,,,,,,,Pluto symbol,,, | |
animated,,,,,,,,,, | |
animated gif,,,,,,,Genders,,, | |
animated png,,,,,,,Androgyne symbol,,, | |
anime screenshot,,,,,,,Interlocked Mars and Venus symbols,,, | |
archived file,,,,,,,Interlocked Mars symbols,,, | |
artbook,,,,,,,Interlocked Venus symbols,,, | |
borderless panels,,,,,,,Male-Female symbol,,, | |
calendar (medium),,,,,,,Transgender symbol,,, | |
card (medium),,,,,,,,,, | |
character single,,,,,,,Road signs,,, | |
comic,,,,,,,Bicycles only sign,,, | |
corrupted file,,,,,,,Bus stop,,, | |
corrupted twitter file,,,,,,,Falling rocks sign,,, | |
cover,,,,,,,Motor vehicles only sign,,, | |
cover page,,,,,,,No parking sign,,, | |
doujin cover,,,,,,,No pedestrian crossing sign,,, | |
dvd cover,,,,,,,No stopping sign,,, | |
easytoon,,,,,,,No U-turn sign,,, | |
fake cover,,,,,,,One way sign,,, | |
fake phone screenshot,,,,,,,Parking permissive sign,,, | |
fake screenshot,,,,,,,Pedestrian crossing sign,,, | |
flash,,,,,,,Pedestrians only sign,,, | |
game cg,,,,,,,Railroad crossing ahead sign,,, | |
game screenshot,,,,,,,Road closed to Vehicles sign,,, | |
gyotaku (medium),,,,,,,Road narrows sign,,, | |
has artifacted revision,,,,,,,Road sign,,, | |
has bad revision,,,,,,,School crossing sign,,, | |
has censored revision,,,,,,,Speed limit sign,,, | |
has cropped revision,,,,,,,Stop sign,,, | |
has downscaled revision,,,,,,,Straight or left turn sign,,, | |
has lossy revision,,,,,,,Straight or right turn sign,,, | |
has watermarked revision,,,,,,,Turn left sign,,, | |
highres,,,,,,,Turn right sign,,, | |
icon,,,,,,,,,, | |
incredibly absurdres,,,,,,,,,, | |
kirigami,,,,,,,,,, | |
left-to-right manga,,,,,,,,,, | |
lineart,,,,,,,,,, | |
live2d,,,,,,,,,, | |
logo,,,,,,,,,, | |
looping animation,,,,,,,,,, | |
lowres,,,,,,,,,, | |
magazine cover,,,,,,,,,, | |
manga cover,,,,,,,,,, | |
mosaic art,,,,,,,,,, | |
multiple 4koma,,,,,,,,,, | |
music video,,,,,,,,,, | |
no lineart,,,,,,,,,, | |
non-repeating animation,,,,,,,,,, | |
oekaki,,,,,,,,,, | |
official art,,,,,,,,,, | |
official wallpaper,,,,,,,,,, | |
outline,,,,,,,,,, | |
paper child,,,,,,,,,, | |
paper cutout,,,,,,,,,, | |
papercraft,,,,,,,,,, | |
phonecard,,,,,,,,,, | |
photo,,,,,,,,,, | |
photomosaic,,,,,,,,,, | |
pixel art,,,,,,,,,, | |
postcard,,,,,,,,,, | |
poster,,,,,,,,,, | |
revision,,,,,,,,,, | |
right-to-left comic,,,,,,,,,, | |
roulette animation,,,,,,,,,, | |
scan,,,,,,,,,, | |
shitajiki,,,,,,,,,, | |
silent comic,,,,,,,,,, | |
tall image,,,,,,,,,, | |
tegaki,,,,,,,,,, | |
tileable,,,,,,,,,, | |
transparent background,,,,,,,,,, | |
triptych (art),,,,,,,,,, | |
twitter thumbnail collage,,,,,,,,,, | |
vector trace,,,,,,,,,, | |
video,,,,,,,,,, | |
video game cover,,,,,,,,,, | |
wallpaper forced,,,,,,,,,, | |
wide image,,,,,,,,,, | |
widescreen,,,,,,,,,, |