import os import streamlit as st # Streamlit library for creating web apps from openai import OpenAI # New import for OpenAI client # Instantiate the OpenAI client with the API key from Streamlit secrets client = OpenAI(api_key=os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]) # Define a function for running a conversation with OpenAI def run_prompt_through_openai(system_prompt, user_prompt, model='gpt-3.5-turbo'): # Use the OpenAI client to create a ChatCompletion instance for the conversation chat_completion = model=model, # Specify the model to use for the conversation messages=[ # Define the messages for the conversation {'role': 'system', 'content': system_prompt}, # The initial system message {'role': 'user', 'content': user_prompt} # The user's message ], temperature=0.9, top_p=1, ) # Extract and return the AI's response from the conversation return chat_completion.choices[0].message.content # Set a title for the Streamlit app st.title("Single Input Example") st.write("This is an example for Sinan Ozdemir's [ChatGPT and LLMs in 3 weeks course](") # Create a text input field for the system prompt, with a default value system_prompt = "You are a Twitter bot that helps people with their tweets" # Create a text input field for the user prompt, with a default value user_input = st.text_input("Description of a tweet you want", value="I need a tweet about GPT-4") user_prompt = '''Input: I need a tweet about GPT-4 Tweet: "Wow! I just read about GPT-4 and it's amazing! I can't wait to see what it can do! #gpt4 #ai #machinelearning" Input: Dogs in the summer and avoiding fleas and ticks Tweet: "I love my dog, but I hate the fleas and ticks that come with him. I'm going to try to avoid them this summer." Input: San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge Tweet: "I love the Golden Gate Bridge. It's a beautiful sight to see. I can't wait to go back to San Francisco." Input: {user_input} Tweet:''' # This is where the user's input will be added # Create a button for executing the AI conversation if st.button("Run"): user_prompt = user_prompt.format(user_input=user_input) # If the button is clicked, run the user and system prompts through the chosen AI model response = run_prompt_through_openai(system_prompt, user_prompt) # Write the AI's response in the app. st.markdown(f"```\n# System Prompt\n---\n{system_prompt}\n```") st.markdown(f"```\n# User Prompt\n---\n{user_prompt}\n```") st.markdown(f"```\n# AI Response\n---\n{response}\n```")