""" Utilities for instrumenting a torch model. Trace will hook one layer at a time. TraceDict will hook multiple layers at once. subsequence slices intervals from Sequential modules. get_module, replace_module, get_parameter resolve dotted names. set_requires_grad recursively sets requires_grad in module parameters. Script from memit source code MIT License Copyright (c) 2022 Kevin Meng Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import contextlib import copy import inspect from collections import OrderedDict import torch class Trace(contextlib.AbstractContextManager): """ To retain the output of the named layer during the computation of the given network: with Trace(net, 'layer.name') as ret: _ = net(inp) representation = ret.output A layer module can be passed directly without a layer name, and its output will be retained. By default, a direct reference to the output object is returned, but options can control this: clone=True - retains a copy of the output, which can be useful if you want to see the output before it might be modified by the network in-place later. detach=True - retains a detached reference or copy. (By default the value would be left attached to the graph.) retain_grad=True - request gradient to be retained on the output. After backward(), ret.output.grad is populated. retain_input=True - also retains the input. retain_output=False - can disable retaining the output. edit_output=fn - calls the function to modify the output of the layer before passing it the rest of the model. fn can optionally accept (output, layer) arguments for the original output and the layer name. stop=True - throws a StopForward exception after the layer is run, which allows running just a portion of a model. """ def __init__( self, module, layer=None, retain_output=True, retain_input=False, clone=False, detach=False, retain_grad=False, edit_output=None, stop=False, ): """ Method to replace a forward method with a closure that intercepts the call, and tracks the hook so that it can be reverted. """ retainer = self self.layer = layer if layer is not None: module = get_module(module, layer) def retain_hook(m, inputs, output): if retain_input: retainer.input = recursive_copy( inputs[0] if len(inputs) == 1 else inputs, clone=clone, detach=detach, retain_grad=False, ) # retain_grad applies to output only. if edit_output: output = invoke_with_optional_args( edit_output, output=output, layer=self.layer ) if retain_output: retainer.output = recursive_copy( output, clone=clone, detach=detach, retain_grad=retain_grad ) # When retain_grad is set, also insert a trivial # copy operation. That allows in-place operations # to follow without error. if retain_grad: output = recursive_copy(retainer.output, clone=True, detach=False) if stop: raise StopForward() return output self.registered_hook = module.register_forward_hook(retain_hook) self.stop = stop def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.close() if self.stop and issubclass(type, StopForward): return True def close(self): self.registered_hook.remove() class TraceDict(OrderedDict, contextlib.AbstractContextManager): """ To retain the output of multiple named layers during the computation of the given network: with TraceDict(net, ['layer1.name1', 'layer2.name2']) as ret: _ = net(inp) representation = ret['layer1.name1'].output If edit_output is provided, it should be a function that takes two arguments: output, and the layer name; and then it returns the modified output. Other arguments are the same as Trace. If stop is True, then the execution of the network will be stopped after the last layer listed (even if it would not have been the last to be executed). """ def __init__( self, module, layers=None, retain_output=True, retain_input=False, clone=False, detach=False, retain_grad=False, edit_output=None, stop=False, ): self.stop = stop def flag_last_unseen(it): try: it = iter(it) prev = next(it) seen = set([prev]) except StopIteration: return for item in it: if item not in seen: yield False, prev seen.add(item) prev = item yield True, prev for is_last, layer in flag_last_unseen(layers): self[layer] = Trace( module=module, layer=layer, retain_output=retain_output, retain_input=retain_input, clone=clone, detach=detach, retain_grad=retain_grad, edit_output=edit_output, stop=stop and is_last, ) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.close() if self.stop and issubclass(type, StopForward): return True def close(self): for layer, trace in reversed(self.items()): trace.close() class StopForward(Exception): """ If the only output needed from running a network is the retained submodule then Trace(submodule, stop=True) will stop execution immediately after the retained submodule by raising the StopForward() exception. When Trace is used as context manager, it catches that exception and can be used as follows: with Trace(net, layername, stop=True) as tr: net(inp) # Only runs the network up to layername print(tr.output) """ pass def recursive_copy(x, clone=None, detach=None, retain_grad=None): """ Copies a reference to a tensor, or an object that contains tensors, optionally detaching and cloning the tensor(s). If retain_grad is true, the original tensors are marked to have grads retained. """ if not clone and not detach and not retain_grad: return x if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): if retain_grad: if not x.requires_grad: x.requires_grad = True x.retain_grad() elif detach: x = x.detach() if clone: x = x.clone() return x # Only dicts, lists, and tuples (and subclasses) can be copied. if isinstance(x, dict): return type(x)({k: recursive_copy(v) for k, v in x.items()}) elif isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): return type(x)([recursive_copy(v) for v in x]) else: assert False, f"Unknown type {type(x)} cannot be broken into tensors." def subsequence( sequential, first_layer=None, last_layer=None, after_layer=None, upto_layer=None, single_layer=None, share_weights=False, ): """ Creates a subsequence of a pytorch Sequential model, copying over modules together with parameters for the subsequence. Only modules from first_layer to last_layer (inclusive) are included, or modules between after_layer and upto_layer (exclusive). Handles descent into dotted layer names as long as all references are within nested Sequential models. If share_weights is True, then references the original modules and their parameters without copying them. Otherwise, by default, makes a separate brand-new copy. """ assert (single_layer is None) or ( first_layer is last_layer is after_layer is upto_layer is None ) if single_layer is not None: first_layer = single_layer last_layer = single_layer first, last, after, upto = [ None if d is None else d.split(".") for d in [first_layer, last_layer, after_layer, upto_layer] ] return hierarchical_subsequence( sequential, first=first, last=last, after=after, upto=upto, share_weights=share_weights, ) def hierarchical_subsequence( sequential, first, last, after, upto, share_weights=False, depth=0 ): """ Recursive helper for subsequence() to support descent into dotted layer names. In this helper, first, last, after, and upto are arrays of names resulting from splitting on dots. Can only descend into nested Sequentials. """ assert (last is None) or (upto is None) assert (first is None) or (after is None) if first is last is after is upto is None: return sequential if share_weights else copy.deepcopy(sequential) assert isinstance(sequential, torch.nn.Sequential), ( ".".join((first or last or after or upto)[:depth] or "arg") + " not Sequential" ) including_children = (first is None) and (after is None) included_children = OrderedDict() # A = current level short name of A. # AN = full name for recursive descent if not innermost. (F, FN), (L, LN), (A, AN), (U, UN) = [ (d[depth], (None if len(d) == depth + 1 else d)) if d is not None else (None, None) for d in [first, last, after, upto] ] for name, layer in sequential._modules.items(): if name == F: first = None including_children = True if name == A and AN is not None: # just like F if not a leaf. after = None including_children = True if name == U and UN is None: upto = None including_children = False if including_children: # AR = full name for recursive descent if name matches. FR, LR, AR, UR = [ n if n is None or n[depth] == name else None for n in [FN, LN, AN, UN] ] chosen = hierarchical_subsequence( layer, first=FR, last=LR, after=AR, upto=UR, share_weights=share_weights, depth=depth + 1, ) if chosen is not None: included_children[name] = chosen if name == L: last = None including_children = False if name == U and UN is not None: # just like L if not a leaf. upto = None including_children = False if name == A and AN is None: after = None including_children = True for name in [first, last, after, upto]: if name is not None: raise ValueError("Layer %s not found" % ".".join(name)) # Omit empty subsequences except at the outermost level, # where we should not return None. if not len(included_children) and depth > 0: return None result = torch.nn.Sequential(included_children) result.training = sequential.training return result def set_requires_grad(requires_grad, *models): """ Sets requires_grad true or false for all parameters within the models passed. """ for model in models: if isinstance(model, torch.nn.Module): for param in model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = requires_grad elif isinstance(model, (torch.nn.Parameter, torch.Tensor)): model.requires_grad = requires_grad else: assert False, "unknown type %r" % type(model) def get_module(model, name): """ Finds the named module within the given model. """ for n, m in model.named_modules(): if n == name: return m raise LookupError(name) def get_parameter(model, name): """ Finds the named parameter within the given model. """ for n, p in model.named_parameters(): if n == name: return p raise LookupError(name) def replace_module(model, name, new_module): """ Replaces the named module within the given model. """ if "." in name: parent_name, attr_name = name.rsplit(".", 1) model = get_module(model, parent_name) # original_module = getattr(model, attr_name) setattr(model, attr_name, new_module) def invoke_with_optional_args(fn, *args, **kwargs): """ Invokes a function with only the arguments that it is written to accept, giving priority to arguments that match by-name, using the following rules. (1) arguments with matching names are passed by name. (2) remaining non-name-matched args are passed by order. (3) extra caller arguments that the function cannot accept are not passed. (4) extra required function arguments that the caller cannot provide cause a TypeError to be raised. Ordinary python calling conventions are helpful for supporting a function that might be revised to accept extra arguments in a newer version, without requiring the caller to pass those new arguments. This function helps support function callers that might be revised to supply extra arguments, without requiring the callee to accept those new arguments. """ argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(fn) pass_args = [] used_kw = set() unmatched_pos = [] used_pos = 0 defaulted_pos = len(argspec.args) - ( 0 if not argspec.defaults else len(argspec.defaults) ) # Pass positional args that match name first, then by position. for i, n in enumerate(argspec.args): if n in kwargs: pass_args.append(kwargs[n]) used_kw.add(n) elif used_pos < len(args): pass_args.append(args[used_pos]) used_pos += 1 else: unmatched_pos.append(len(pass_args)) pass_args.append( None if i < defaulted_pos else argspec.defaults[i - defaulted_pos] ) # Fill unmatched positional args with unmatched keyword args in order. if len(unmatched_pos): for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in used_kw or k in argspec.kwonlyargs: continue pass_args[unmatched_pos[0]] = v used_kw.add(k) unmatched_pos = unmatched_pos[1:] if len(unmatched_pos) == 0: break else: if unmatched_pos[0] < defaulted_pos: unpassed = ", ".join( argspec.args[u] for u in unmatched_pos if u < defaulted_pos ) raise TypeError(f"{fn.__name__}() cannot be passed {unpassed}.") # Pass remaining kw args if they can be accepted. pass_kw = { k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in used_kw and (k in argspec.kwonlyargs or argspec.varargs is not None) } # Pass remaining positional args if they can be accepted. if argspec.varargs is not None: pass_args += list(args[used_pos:]) return fn(*pass_args, **pass_kw)