gpt-academic3.6 / crazy_functions /解析项目源代码.py
li zhisheng
[main] support rust program
history blame
20.6 kB
from toolbox import update_ui
from toolbox import CatchException, report_execption, write_results_to_file
from .crazy_utils import input_clipping
def 解析源代码新(file_manifest, project_folder, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt):
import os, copy
from .crazy_utils import request_gpt_model_multi_threads_with_very_awesome_ui_and_high_efficiency
from .crazy_utils import request_gpt_model_in_new_thread_with_ui_alive
msg = '正常'
inputs_array = []
inputs_show_user_array = []
history_array = []
sys_prompt_array = []
report_part_1 = []
assert len(file_manifest) <= 512, "源文件太多(超过512个), 请缩减输入文件的数量。或者,您也可以选择删除此行警告,并修改代码拆分file_manifest列表,从而实现分批次处理。"
############################## <第一步,逐个文件分析,多线程> ##################################
for index, fp in enumerate(file_manifest):
# 读取文件
with open(fp, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f:
file_content =
prefix = "接下来请你逐文件分析下面的工程" if index==0 else ""
i_say = prefix + f'请对下面的程序文件做一个概述文件名是{os.path.relpath(fp, project_folder)},文件代码是 ```{file_content}```'
i_say_show_user = prefix + f'[{index}/{len(file_manifest)}] 请对下面的程序文件做一个概述: {os.path.abspath(fp)}'
# 装载请求内容
# 文件读取完成,对每一个源代码文件,生成一个请求线程,发送到chatgpt进行分析
gpt_response_collection = yield from request_gpt_model_multi_threads_with_very_awesome_ui_and_high_efficiency(
inputs_array = inputs_array,
inputs_show_user_array = inputs_show_user_array,
history_array = history_array,
sys_prompt_array = sys_prompt_array,
llm_kwargs = llm_kwargs,
chatbot = chatbot,
show_user_at_complete = True
# 全部文件解析完成,结果写入文件,准备对工程源代码进行汇总分析
report_part_1 = copy.deepcopy(gpt_response_collection)
history_to_return = report_part_1
res = write_results_to_file(report_part_1)
chatbot.append(("完成?", "逐个文件分析已完成。" + res + "\n\n正在开始汇总。"))
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history_to_return) # 刷新界面
############################## <第二步,综合,单线程,分组+迭代处理> ##################################
batchsize = 16 # 10个文件为一组
report_part_2 = []
previous_iteration_files = []
last_iteration_result = ""
while True:
if len(file_manifest) == 0: break
this_iteration_file_manifest = file_manifest[:batchsize]
this_iteration_gpt_response_collection = gpt_response_collection[:batchsize*2]
file_rel_path = [os.path.relpath(fp, project_folder) for index, fp in enumerate(this_iteration_file_manifest)]
# 把“请对下面的程序文件做一个概述” 替换成 精简的 "文件名:{all_file[index]}"
for index, content in enumerate(this_iteration_gpt_response_collection):
if index%2==0: this_iteration_gpt_response_collection[index] = f"{file_rel_path[index//2]}" # 只保留文件名节省token
previous_iteration_files.extend([os.path.relpath(fp, project_folder) for index, fp in enumerate(this_iteration_file_manifest)])
previous_iteration_files_string = ', '.join(previous_iteration_files)
current_iteration_focus = ', '.join([os.path.relpath(fp, project_folder) for index, fp in enumerate(this_iteration_file_manifest)])
i_say = f'用一张Markdown表格简要描述以下文件的功能:{previous_iteration_files_string}。根据以上分析,用一句话概括程序的整体功能。'
inputs_show_user = f'根据以上分析,对程序的整体功能和构架重新做出概括,由于输入长度限制,可能需要分组处理,本组文件为 {current_iteration_focus} + 已经汇总的文件组。'
this_iteration_history = copy.deepcopy(this_iteration_gpt_response_collection)
# 裁剪input
inputs, this_iteration_history_feed = input_clipping(inputs=i_say, history=this_iteration_history, max_token_limit=2560)
result = yield from request_gpt_model_in_new_thread_with_ui_alive(
inputs=inputs, inputs_show_user=inputs_show_user, llm_kwargs=llm_kwargs, chatbot=chatbot,
history=this_iteration_history_feed, # 迭代之前的分析
report_part_2.extend([i_say, result])
last_iteration_result = result
file_manifest = file_manifest[batchsize:]
gpt_response_collection = gpt_response_collection[batchsize*2:]
############################## <END> ##################################
res = write_results_to_file(history_to_return)
chatbot.append(("完成了吗?", res))
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history_to_return) # 刷新界面
def 解析项目本身(txt, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt, web_port):
history = [] # 清空历史,以免输入溢出
import glob
file_manifest = [f for f in glob.glob('./*.py') if ('test_project' not in f) and ('gpt_log' not in f)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob('./crazy_functions/*.py') if ('test_project' not in f) and ('gpt_log' not in f)]+ \
[f for f in glob.glob('./request_llm/*.py') if ('test_project' not in f) and ('gpt_log' not in f)]
project_folder = './'
if len(file_manifest) == 0:
report_execption(chatbot, history, a = f"解析项目: {txt}", b = f"找不到任何python文件: {txt}")
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
yield from 解析源代码新(file_manifest, project_folder, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt)
def 解析一个Python项目(txt, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt, web_port):
history = [] # 清空历史,以免输入溢出
import glob, os
if os.path.exists(txt):
project_folder = txt
if txt == "": txt = '空空如也的输入栏'
report_execption(chatbot, history, a = f"解析项目: {txt}", b = f"找不到本地项目或无权访问: {txt}")
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
file_manifest = [f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.py', recursive=True)]
if len(file_manifest) == 0:
report_execption(chatbot, history, a = f"解析项目: {txt}", b = f"找不到任何python文件: {txt}")
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
yield from 解析源代码新(file_manifest, project_folder, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt)
def 解析一个C项目的头文件(txt, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt, web_port):
history = [] # 清空历史,以免输入溢出
import glob, os
if os.path.exists(txt):
project_folder = txt
if txt == "": txt = '空空如也的输入栏'
report_execption(chatbot, history, a = f"解析项目: {txt}", b = f"找不到本地项目或无权访问: {txt}")
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
file_manifest = [f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.h', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.hpp', recursive=True)] #+ \
# [f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.c', recursive=True)]
if len(file_manifest) == 0:
report_execption(chatbot, history, a = f"解析项目: {txt}", b = f"找不到任何.h头文件: {txt}")
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
yield from 解析源代码新(file_manifest, project_folder, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt)
def 解析一个C项目(txt, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt, web_port):
history = [] # 清空历史,以免输入溢出
import glob, os
if os.path.exists(txt):
project_folder = txt
if txt == "": txt = '空空如也的输入栏'
report_execption(chatbot, history, a = f"解析项目: {txt}", b = f"找不到本地项目或无权访问: {txt}")
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
file_manifest = [f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.h', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.cpp', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.hpp', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.c', recursive=True)]
if len(file_manifest) == 0:
report_execption(chatbot, history, a = f"解析项目: {txt}", b = f"找不到任何.h头文件: {txt}")
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
yield from 解析源代码新(file_manifest, project_folder, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt)
def 解析一个Java项目(txt, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt, web_port):
history = [] # 清空历史,以免输入溢出
import glob, os
if os.path.exists(txt):
project_folder = txt
if txt == "": txt = '空空如也的输入栏'
report_execption(chatbot, history, a=f"解析项目: {txt}", b=f"找不到本地项目或无权访问: {txt}")
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
file_manifest = [f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.java', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.jar', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.xml', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.sh', recursive=True)]
if len(file_manifest) == 0:
report_execption(chatbot, history, a=f"解析项目: {txt}", b=f"找不到任何java文件: {txt}")
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
yield from 解析源代码新(file_manifest, project_folder, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt)
def 解析一个前端项目(txt, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt, web_port):
history = [] # 清空历史,以免输入溢出
import glob, os
if os.path.exists(txt):
project_folder = txt
if txt == "": txt = '空空如也的输入栏'
report_execption(chatbot, history, a=f"解析项目: {txt}", b=f"找不到本地项目或无权访问: {txt}")
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
file_manifest = [f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.ts', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.tsx', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.json', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.js', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.vue', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.less', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.sass', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.wxml', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.wxss', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.css', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.jsx', recursive=True)]
if len(file_manifest) == 0:
report_execption(chatbot, history, a=f"解析项目: {txt}", b=f"找不到任何前端相关文件: {txt}")
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
yield from 解析源代码新(file_manifest, project_folder, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt)
def 解析一个Golang项目(txt, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt, web_port):
history = [] # 清空历史,以免输入溢出
import glob, os
if os.path.exists(txt):
project_folder = txt
if txt == "": txt = '空空如也的输入栏'
report_execption(chatbot, history, a=f"解析项目: {txt}", b=f"找不到本地项目或无权访问: {txt}")
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
file_manifest = [f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.go', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/go.mod', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/go.sum', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/', recursive=True)]
if len(file_manifest) == 0:
report_execption(chatbot, history, a=f"解析项目: {txt}", b=f"找不到任何golang文件: {txt}")
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
yield from 解析源代码新(file_manifest, project_folder, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt)
def 解析一个Rust项目(txt, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt, web_port):
history = [] # 清空历史,以免输入溢出
import glob, os
if os.path.exists(txt):
project_folder = txt
if txt == "": txt = '空空如也的输入栏'
report_execption(chatbot, history, a=f"解析项目: {txt}", b=f"找不到本地项目或无权访问: {txt}")
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
file_manifest = [f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.rs', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.toml', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.lock', recursive=True)]
if len(file_manifest) == 0:
report_execption(chatbot, history, a=f"解析项目: {txt}", b=f"找不到任何golang文件: {txt}")
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
yield from 解析源代码新(file_manifest, project_folder, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt)
def 解析一个Lua项目(txt, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt, web_port):
history = [] # 清空历史,以免输入溢出
import glob, os
if os.path.exists(txt):
project_folder = txt
if txt == "": txt = '空空如也的输入栏'
report_execption(chatbot, history, a = f"解析项目: {txt}", b = f"找不到本地项目或无权访问: {txt}")
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
file_manifest = [f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.lua', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.xml', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.json', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.toml', recursive=True)]
if len(file_manifest) == 0:
report_execption(chatbot, history, a = f"解析项目: {txt}", b = f"找不到任何lua文件: {txt}")
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
yield from 解析源代码新(file_manifest, project_folder, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt)
def 解析一个CSharp项目(txt, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt, web_port):
history = [] # 清空历史,以免输入溢出
import glob, os
if os.path.exists(txt):
project_folder = txt
if txt == "": txt = '空空如也的输入栏'
report_execption(chatbot, history, a = f"解析项目: {txt}", b = f"找不到本地项目或无权访问: {txt}")
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
file_manifest = [f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.cs', recursive=True)] + \
[f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/**/*.csproj', recursive=True)]
if len(file_manifest) == 0:
report_execption(chatbot, history, a = f"解析项目: {txt}", b = f"找不到任何CSharp文件: {txt}")
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
yield from 解析源代码新(file_manifest, project_folder, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt)
def 解析任意code项目(txt, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt, web_port):
txt_pattern = plugin_kwargs.get("advanced_arg")
txt_pattern = txt_pattern.replace(",", ",")
# 将要匹配的模式(例如: *.c, *.cpp, *.py, config.toml)
pattern_include = [_.lstrip(" ,").rstrip(" ,") for _ in txt_pattern.split(",") if _ != "" and not _.strip().startswith("^")]
if not pattern_include: pattern_include = ["*"] # 不输入即全部匹配
# 将要忽略匹配的文件后缀(例如: ^*.c, ^*.cpp, ^*.py)
pattern_except_suffix = [_.lstrip(" ^*.,").rstrip(" ,") for _ in txt_pattern.split(" ") if _ != "" and _.strip().startswith("^*.")]
pattern_except_suffix += ['zip', 'rar', '7z', 'tar', 'gz'] # 避免解析压缩文件
# 将要忽略匹配的文件名(例如: ^
pattern_except_name = [_.lstrip(" ^*,").rstrip(" ,").replace(".", "\.") for _ in txt_pattern.split(" ") if _ != "" and _.strip().startswith("^") and not _.strip().startswith("^*.")]
# 生成正则表达式
pattern_except = '/[^/]+\.(' + "|".join(pattern_except_suffix) + ')$'
pattern_except += '|/(' + "|".join(pattern_except_name) + ')$' if pattern_except_name != [] else ''
import glob, os, re
if os.path.exists(txt):
project_folder = txt
if txt == "": txt = '空空如也的输入栏'
report_execption(chatbot, history, a = f"解析项目: {txt}", b = f"找不到本地项目或无权访问: {txt}")
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
# 若上传压缩文件, 先寻找到解压的文件夹路径, 从而避免解析压缩文件
maybe_dir = [f for f in glob.glob(f'{project_folder}/*') if os.path.isdir(f)]
if len(maybe_dir)>0 and maybe_dir[0].endswith('.extract'):
extract_folder_path = maybe_dir[0]
extract_folder_path = project_folder
# 按输入的匹配模式寻找上传的非压缩文件和已解压的文件
file_manifest = [f for pattern in pattern_include for f in glob.glob(f'{extract_folder_path}/**/{pattern}', recursive=True) if "" != extract_folder_path and \
os.path.isfile(f) and (not, f) or pattern.endswith('.' +, f).group().split('.')[-1]))]
if len(file_manifest) == 0:
report_execption(chatbot, history, a = f"解析项目: {txt}", b = f"找不到任何文件: {txt}")
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
yield from 解析源代码新(file_manifest, project_folder, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt)