import cv2 import os import tempfile import time import gradio as gr from gradio_rerun import Rerun import rerun as rr import rerun.blueprint as rrb from color_grid import build_color_grid # NOTE: Functions that work with Rerun should be decorated with `@rr.thread_local_stream`. # This decorator creates a generator-aware thread-local context so that rerun log calls # across multiple workers stay isolated. # A task can directly log to a binary stream, which is routed to the embedded viewer. # Incremental chunks are yielded to the viewer using `yield`. # # This is the preferred way to work with Rerun in Gradio since your data can be immediately and # incrementally seen by the viewer. Also, there are no ephemeral RRDs to cleanup or manage. @rr.thread_local_stream("rerun_example_streaming_blur") def streaming_repeated_blur(img): stream = rr.binary_stream() if img is None: raise gr.Error("Must provide an image to blur.") blueprint = rrb.Blueprint( rrb.Horizontal( rrb.Spatial2DView(origin="image/original"), rrb.Spatial2DView(origin="image/blurred"), ), collapse_panels=True, ) rr.send_blueprint(blueprint) rr.set_time_sequence("iteration", 0) rr.log("image/original", rr.Image(img)) yield blur = img for i in range(100): rr.set_time_sequence("iteration", i) # Pretend blurring takes a while so we can see streaming in action. time.sleep(0.1) blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(blur, (5, 5), 0) rr.log("image/blurred", rr.Image(blur)) # Each time we yield bytes from the stream back to Gradio, they # are incrementally sent to the viewer. Make sure to yield any time # you want the user to be able to see progress. yield # However, if you have a workflow that creates an RRD file instead, you can still send it # directly to the viewer by simply returning the path to the RRD file. # # This may be helpful if you need to execute a helper tool written in C++ or Rust that can't # be easily modified to stream data directly via Gradio. # # In this case you may want to clean up the RRD file after it's sent to the viewer so that you # don't accumulate too many temporary files. @rr.thread_local_stream("rerun_example_cube_rrd") def create_cube_rrd(x, y, z, pending_cleanup): cube = build_color_grid(int(x), int(y), int(z), twist=0) rr.log("cube", rr.Points3D(cube.positions, colors=cube.colors, radii=0.5)) # We eventually want to clean up the RRD file after it's sent to the viewer, so tracking # any pending files to be cleaned up when the state is deleted. temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="cube_", suffix=".rrd", delete=False) pending_cleanup.append( blueprint = rrb.Spatial3DView(origin="cube"), default_blueprint=blueprint) # Just return the name of the file -- Gradio will convert it to a FileData object # and send it to the viewer. return def cleanup_cube_rrds(pending_cleanup): for f in pending_cleanup: os.unlink(f) with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Tab("Streaming"): with gr.Row(): img = gr.Image(interactive=True, label="Image") with gr.Column(): stream_blur = gr.Button("Stream Repeated Blur") with gr.Row(): viewer = Rerun( streaming=True, panel_states={ "time": "collapsed", "blueprint": "hidden", "selection": "hidden", }, ), inputs=[img], outputs=[viewer]) with gr.Tab("Dynamic RRD"): pending_cleanup = gr.State( [], time_to_live=10, delete_callback=cleanup_cube_rrds ) with gr.Row(): x_count = gr.Number( minimum=1, maximum=10, value=5, precision=0, label="X Count" ) y_count = gr.Number( minimum=1, maximum=10, value=5, precision=0, label="Y Count" ) z_count = gr.Number( minimum=1, maximum=10, value=5, precision=0, label="Z Count" ) with gr.Row(): create_rrd = gr.Button("Create RRD") with gr.Row(): viewer = Rerun( streaming=True, panel_states={ "time": "collapsed", "blueprint": "hidden", "selection": "hidden", }, ) create_cube_rrd, inputs=[x_count, y_count, z_count, pending_cleanup], outputs=[viewer], ) with gr.Tab("Hosted RRD"): with gr.Row(): # It may be helpful to point the viewer to a hosted RRD file on another server. # If an RRD file is hosted via http, you can just return a URL to the file. choose_rrd = gr.Dropdown( label="RRD", choices=[ f"{rr.bindings.get_app_url()}/examples/arkit_scenes.rrd", f"{rr.bindings.get_app_url()}/examples/dna.rrd", f"{rr.bindings.get_app_url()}/examples/plots.rrd", ], ) with gr.Row(): viewer = Rerun( streaming=True, panel_states={ "time": "collapsed", "blueprint": "hidden", "selection": "hidden", }, ) choose_rrd.change(lambda x: x, inputs=[choose_rrd], outputs=[viewer]) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch()