import logging import os import requests import sys import aiogram import random import asyncio from typing import List from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError from aiogram import Bot, Dispatcher, F, types from import MemoryStorage from aiogram.types import ContentType, Message from aiogram_media_group import MediaGroupFilter, media_group_handler from dotenv import load_dotenv from vk_api import VkApi from vk_api.upload import VkUpload from vk_api.utils import get_random_id from PIL import Image, UnidentifiedImageError from rlottie_python import LottieAnimation from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip load_dotenv() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN = os.getenv('TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN') TELEGRAM_CHANNEL_USERNAME = os.getenv('TELEGRAM_CHANNEL_USERNAME') VK_API_TOKEN = os.getenv('VK_API_TOKEN') VK_GROUP_ID = os.getenv('VK_GROUP_ID') vk_session = VkApi(token=VK_API_TOKEN) vk = vk_session.get_api() uploader = VkUpload(vk) PROXY_URL = os.getenv('PROXY_URL') proxy = PROXY_URL proxies = {"http": proxy, "https": proxy} bot = Bot(token=TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN, proxy=proxies) storage = MemoryStorage() dp = Dispatcher(storage=storage, proxy=proxies) def add_entry(message_id, post_id): with open('data.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(f'{message_id}:{post_id}\n') def get_entry(message_id) -> int: with open('data.txt', 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): if int(line.split(':')[0]) == message_id: return int(line.split(':')[1]) raise KeyError(f'{message_id} is not in the file!') def create_vk_post(text: str, message_id, photo_list=None, video_list=None, doc_list=None, audio_list=None, gif_list=None): photos, videos, docs, audios, gifs = [], [], [], [], [] try: if photo_list: photos = uploader.photo_wall(photos=photo_list, group_id=VK_GROUP_ID) if video_list: videos = [, group_id=int(VK_GROUP_ID)) for path in video_list] if doc_list: for doc in doc_list: if os.path.exists(doc): with open(doc, 'rb') as f: doc_info = uploader.document(doc=f, title=os.path.basename(doc)) docs.append(doc_info) if audio_list: for audio in audio_list: if os.path.exists(audio): with open(audio, 'rb') as f: audio_info =, artist="Unknown Artist", title=os.path.basename(audio)) audios.append(audio_info) if gif_list: for gif in gif_list: if os.path.exists(gif): with open(gif, 'rb') as f: gif_info = uploader.document(doc=f, title=os.path.basename(gif)) gifs.append(gif_info) attachments = [f'photo{photo.get("owner_id")}_{photo["id"]}' for photo in photos if "owner_id" in photo and "id" in photo] attachments += [f'video{video["owner_id"]}_{video["video_id"]}' for video in videos if "owner_id" in video and "video_id" in video] attachments += [f'doc{doc["doc"]["owner_id"]}_{doc["doc"]["id"]}' for doc in docs if "doc" in doc and "owner_id" in doc["doc"] and "id" in doc["doc"]] attachments += [f'audio{audio["owner_id"]}_{audio["id"]}' for audio in audios if "owner_id" in audio and "id" in audio] attachments += [f'doc{gif["doc"]["owner_id"]}_{gif["doc"]["id"]}' for gif in gifs if "doc" in gif and "owner_id" in gif["doc"] and "id" in gif["doc"]] source_link = f'{TELEGRAM_CHANNEL_USERNAME}/{message_id}' post_text = f'{text}\n\nИсточник: {source_link}' response = owner_id=f'-{VK_GROUP_ID}', message=post_text, attachments=','.join(attachments), from_group=1, copyright=source_link, random_id=get_random_id() ) post_id = response['post_id'] add_entry(message_id, post_id) except Exception as e: logging.error(f'Error while creating VK post: {e}') def edit_vk_post(post_id, new_text, message_id): old_post = vk.wall.getById(posts=f'-{VK_GROUP_ID}_{post_id}')[0] attachments = [f'{attachment["type"]}{attachment[attachment["type"]]["owner_id"]}_{attachment[attachment["type"]]["id"]}' for attachment in old_post.get('attachments', [])] source_link = f'{TELEGRAM_CHANNEL_USERNAME}/{message_id}' edited_text = f'{new_text}\n\nИсточник: {source_link}' vk.wall.edit( message=edited_text, post_id=post_id, from_group=1, owner_id=f'-{VK_GROUP_ID}', copyright=source_link, attachments=attachments ) async def download_file_with_retries(file_id: str, destination: str, retries: int = 3, delay: int = 5): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(destination), exist_ok=True) for attempt in range(retries): try: file = await bot.get_file(file_id) await bot.download_file(file.file_path, destination) return True except Exception as e: logging.error(f'Error while downloading file (attempt {attempt + 1}/{retries}): {e}') if attempt < retries - 1: await asyncio.sleep(delay) return False @media_group_handler async def album_handler(messages: List[Message]): random_number = random.randint(1000000, 9999999) c = 0 photo_list = [] video_list = [] doc_list = [] audio_list = [] gif_list = [] text = None for message in messages: if message.caption and not text: text = message.caption if path = f'./files/photo_{random_number}_{c}.jpg' if await download_file_with_retries([-1].file_id, path): photo_list.append(path) elif path = f'./files/video_{random_number}_{c}.mp4' if await download_file_with_retries(, path): video_list.append(path) elif message.document: path = f'./files/doc_{random_number}_{c}_{message.document.file_name}' if await download_file_with_retries(message.document.file_id, path): doc_list.append(path) elif path = f'./files/audio_{random_number}_{c}_{}' if await download_file_with_retries(, path): audio_list.append(path) elif message.animation: path = f'./files/gif_{random_number}_{c}.mp4' if await download_file_with_retries(message.animation.file_id, path): gif_list.append(path) c += 1 message_id = messages[0].message_id post_text = text if text else '' await asyncio.to_thread(create_vk_post, post_text, message_id, photo_list, video_list, doc_list, audio_list, gif_list) for path in photo_list + video_list + doc_list + audio_list + gif_list: os.remove(path) async def photo_video_handler(message: Message): text = message.caption or '' random_number = random.randint(1000000, 9999999) if path = f'./files/photo_{random_number}.jpg' if await download_file_with_retries([-1].file_id, path): await asyncio.to_thread(create_vk_post, text, message.message_id, [path]) os.remove(path) elif path = f'./files/video_{random_number}.mp4' if await download_file_with_retries(, path): await asyncio.to_thread(create_vk_post, text, message.message_id, None, [path]) os.remove(path) async def document_handler(message: Message): text = message.caption or '' random_number = random.randint(1000000, 9999999) path = f'./files/doc_{random_number}_{message.document.file_name}' if await download_file_with_retries(message.document.file_id, path): await asyncio.to_thread(create_vk_post, text, message.message_id, None, None, [path]) os.remove(path) async def audio_handler(message: Message): text = message.caption or '' random_number = random.randint(1000000, 9999999) audio_paths = [] for i, audio in enumerate( path = f'./files/audio_{random_number}_{i}_{audio.file_name}' if await download_file_with_retries(audio.file_id, path): if os.path.exists(path): audio_paths.append(path) if audio_paths: await asyncio.to_thread(create_vk_post, text, message.message_id, None, None, None, audio_paths) for path in audio_paths: os.remove(path) async def video_handler(message: Message): text = message.caption or '' random_number = random.randint(1000000, 9999999) path = f'./files/video_{random_number}_{}' if await download_file_with_retries(, path): if os.path.exists(path): await asyncio.to_thread(create_vk_post, text, message.message_id, None, [path]) os.remove(path) async def text_handler(message: Message): await asyncio.to_thread(create_vk_post, message.text, message.message_id) async def edited_handler(message: Message): if message.message_id is None: return try: post_id = get_entry(message.message_id) except KeyError: return text = message.text or message.caption or '' await asyncio.to_thread(edit_vk_post, post_id, text, message.message_id) async def sticker_handler(message: Message): random_number = random.randint(1000000, 9999999) path = f'./files/sticker_{random_number}.{"tgs" if message.sticker.is_animated else "webp"}' if await download_file_with_retries(message.sticker.file_id, path): if message.sticker.is_animated or message.sticker.is_video: try: gif_path = f'./files/sticker_{random_number}.gif' if message.sticker.is_animated: animation = LottieAnimation.from_tgs(path) frames = [animation.render_pillow_frame(frame_num=i) for i in range(animation.lottie_animation_get_totalframe())] frames[0].save(gif_path, save_all=True, append_images=frames[1:], loop=0, duration=1000 // animation.lottie_animation_get_framerate()) else: clip = VideoFileClip(path) clip.write_gif(gif_path) clip.close() os.remove(path) await asyncio.to_thread(create_vk_post, '', message.message_id, None, None, None, None, [gif_path]) os.remove(gif_path) except Exception as e: logging.error(f'Error while converting animated sticker: {e}') try: os.remove(path) except PermissionError: pass else: try: png_path = f'./files/sticker_{random_number}.png' try: with as im: width, height = im.size scale = 1.0 width_new, height_new = int(width * scale), int(height * scale) im_resized = im.resize((width_new, height_new), Image.LANCZOS), 'PNG') except UnidentifiedImageError as e: raise os.remove(path) await asyncio.to_thread(create_vk_post, '', message.message_id, [png_path], None, None, None, None) os.remove(png_path) except Exception as e: logging.error(f'Error while converting static sticker: {e}') if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) async def voice_handler(message: Message): text = message.caption or '' random_number = random.randint(1000000, 9999999) path = f'./files/voice_{random_number}.ogg' download_task = asyncio.create_task(download_file_with_retries(message.voice.file_id, path, retries=5, delay=10)) try: await download_task if not os.path.exists(path): return except Exception as e: return file_size = os.path.getsize(path) max_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024 if file_size > max_size: os.remove(path) return await asyncio.to_thread(create_vk_post, text, message.message_id, None, None, None, [path]) os.remove(path) async def animation_handler(message: Message): text = message.caption or '' random_number = random.randint(1000000, 9999999) path = f'./files/animation_{random_number}.mp4' retries = 3 delay = 5 for attempt in range(retries): try: if await download_file_with_retries(message.animation.file_id, path): gif_path = f'./files/animation_{random_number}.gif' clip = VideoFileClip(path) clip.write_gif(gif_path) clip.close() os.remove(path) await asyncio.to_thread(create_vk_post, text, message.message_id, None, None, None, None, [gif_path]) os.remove(gif_path) break except Exception as e: if attempt < retries - 1: await asyncio.sleep(delay) else: logging.error(f'Failed to download animation {message.animation.file_id} after {retries} attempts') async def main(): dp.channel_post.register(album_handler, MediaGroupFilter()) dp.channel_post.register(photo_video_handler, F.content_type.in_([ContentType.PHOTO, ContentType.VIDEO])) dp.channel_post.register(document_handler, F.content_type == ContentType.DOCUMENT) dp.channel_post.register(audio_handler, F.content_type == ContentType.AUDIO) dp.channel_post.register(video_handler, F.content_type == ContentType.VIDEO) dp.channel_post.register(text_handler, F.content_type == ContentType.TEXT) dp.channel_post.register(sticker_handler, F.content_type == ContentType.STICKER) dp.channel_post.register(animation_handler, F.content_type == ContentType.ANIMATION) dp.channel_post.register(voice_handler, F.content_type == ContentType.VOICE) dp.edited_channel_post.register(edited_handler) await dp.start_polling(bot) if __name__ == '__main__':'Starting bot')