import logging import os from argparse import ArgumentParser from ast import literal_eval from types import SimpleNamespace from typing import List from robustnessgym import Dataset, Spacy, CachedOperation from robustnessgym.core.constants import CACHEDOPS from import strings_as_json from robustnessgym.logging.utils import set_logging_level from spacy import load from spacy.attrs import DEP, IS_ALPHA, IS_PUNCT, IS_STOP, LEMMA, LOWER, TAG, SENT_END, \ SENT_START, ORTH, POS, ENT_IOB from spacy.tokens import Doc from align import BertscoreAligner, NGramAligner, StaticEmbeddingAligner from utils import preprocess_text set_logging_level('critical') logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) def _spacy_encode(self, x): arr = x.to_array( [DEP, IS_ALPHA, IS_PUNCT, IS_STOP, LEMMA, LOWER, TAG, SENT_END, SENT_START, ORTH, POS, ENT_IOB]) return { 'arr': arr.flatten(), 'shape': list(arr.shape), 'words': [t.text for t in x] } def _spacy_decode(self, x): doc = Doc(self.nlp.vocab, words=x['words']) return doc.from_array( [DEP, IS_ALPHA, IS_PUNCT, IS_STOP, LEMMA, LOWER, TAG, SENT_END, SENT_START, ORTH, POS, ENT_IOB], x['arr'].reshape(x['shape']) ) Spacy.encode = _spacy_encode Spacy.decode = _spacy_decode class AlignerCap(CachedOperation): def __init__( self, aligner, spacy, **kwargs, ): super(AlignerCap, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.spacy = spacy self.aligner = aligner @classmethod def encode(cls, x): # Convert to built-in types from / np.float return super(AlignerCap, cls).encode([ {str(k): [(int(t[0]), float(t[1])) for t in v] for k, v in d.items()} for d in x ]) @classmethod def decode(cls, x): x = super(AlignerCap, cls).decode(x) x = [{literal_eval(k): v for k, v in d.items()} for d in x] return x def apply(self, batch, columns, *args, **kwargs): # Run the aligner on the first example of the batch return [ self.aligner.align( self.spacy.retrieve(batch, columns[0])[0], [self.spacy.retrieve(batch, col)[0] for col in columns[1:]] if len(columns) > 2 else [self.spacy.retrieve(batch, columns[1])[0]], ) ] class BertscoreAlignerCap(AlignerCap): def __init__( self, threshold: float, top_k: int, spacy, ): super(BertscoreAlignerCap, self).__init__( aligner=BertscoreAligner(threshold=threshold, top_k=top_k), spacy=spacy, threshold=threshold, top_k=top_k, ) class NGramAlignerCap(AlignerCap): def __init__( self, spacy, ): super(NGramAlignerCap, self).__init__( aligner=NGramAligner(), spacy=spacy ) class StaticEmbeddingAlignerCap(AlignerCap): def __init__( self, threshold: float, top_k: int, spacy, ): super(StaticEmbeddingAlignerCap, self).__init__( aligner=StaticEmbeddingAligner(threshold=threshold, top_k=top_k), spacy=spacy, threshold=threshold, top_k=top_k, ) def _run_aligners( dataset: Dataset, aligners: List[CachedOperation], doc_column: str, reference_column: str, summary_columns: List[str] = None, ): if not summary_columns: summary_columns = [] to_columns = [] if reference_column is not None: to_columns.append(reference_column) to_columns.extend(summary_columns) for aligner in aligners: # Run the aligner on (document, summary) pairs dataset = aligner( dataset, [doc_column] + to_columns, # Must use `batch_size = 1` batch_size=1, ) if reference_column is not None and len(summary_columns): # Run the aligner on (reference, summary) pairs dataset = aligner( dataset, [reference_column] + summary_columns, # Must use `batch_size = 1` batch_size=1, ) if len(to_columns) > 1: # Instead of having one column for (document, summary) comparisons, split # off into (1 + |summary_columns|) total columns, one for each comparison # Retrieve the (document, summary) column doc_summary_column = aligner.retrieve( dataset[:], [doc_column] + to_columns, )[tuple([doc_column] + to_columns)] for i, col in enumerate(to_columns): # Add as a new column after encoding with the aligner's `encode` method dataset.add_column( column=str(aligner.identifier(columns=[doc_column, col])), values=[aligner.encode([row[i]]) for row in doc_summary_column], ) # Remove the (document, summary) column dataset.remove_column( str( aligner.identifier( columns=[doc_column] + to_columns ) ) ) del dataset.interactions[CACHEDOPS].history[ ( aligner.identifier, strings_as_json( strings=[doc_column] + to_columns ) ) ] if reference_column is not None and len(summary_columns) > 1: # Instead of having one column for (reference, summary) comparisons, split # off into (|summary_columns|) total columns, one for each comparison # Retrieve the (reference, summary) column reference_summary_column = aligner.retrieve( dataset[:], [reference_column] + summary_columns, )[tuple([reference_column] + summary_columns)] for i, col in enumerate(summary_columns): # Add as a new column dataset.add_column( column=str(aligner.identifier(columns=[reference_column, col])), values=[ aligner.encode([row[i]]) for row in reference_summary_column ] ) # Remove the (reference, summary) column dataset.remove_column( str( aligner.identifier( columns=[reference_column] + summary_columns ) ) ) del dataset.interactions[CACHEDOPS].history[ ( aligner.identifier, strings_as_json( strings=[reference_column] + summary_columns ) ) ] return dataset def deanonymize_dataset( rg_path: str, standardized_dataset: Dataset, processed_dataset_path: str = None, n_samples: int = None, ): """Take an anonymized dataset and add back the original dataset columns.""" assert processed_dataset_path is not None, \ "Please specify a path to save the dataset." # Load the dataset dataset = Dataset.load_from_disk(rg_path) if n_samples: dataset.set_visible_rows(list(range(n_samples))) standardized_dataset.set_visible_rows(list(range(n_samples))) text_columns = [] # Add columns from the standardized dataset dataset.add_column('document', standardized_dataset['document']) text_columns.append('document') if 'summary:reference' in standardized_dataset.column_names: dataset.add_column('summary:reference', standardized_dataset['summary:reference']) text_columns.append('summary:reference') # Preprocessing all the text columns dataset = dataset.update( lambda x: {f'preprocessed_{k}': preprocess_text(x[k]) for k in text_columns} ) # Run the Spacy pipeline on all preprocessed text columns try: nlp = load('en_core_web_lg') except OSError: nlp = load('en_core_web_sm') nlp.add_pipe('sentencizer', before="parser") spacy = Spacy(nlp=nlp) dataset = spacy( dataset, [f'preprocessed_{col}' for col in text_columns], batch_size=100, ) # Directly save to disk dataset.save_to_disk(processed_dataset_path) return dataset def run_workflow( jsonl_path: str = None, dataset: Dataset = None, doc_column: str = None, reference_column: str = None, summary_columns: List[str] = None, bert_aligner_threshold: float = 0.5, bert_aligner_top_k: int = 3, embedding_aligner_threshold: float = 0.5, embedding_aligner_top_k: int = 3, processed_dataset_path: str = None, n_samples: int = None, anonymize: bool = False, ): assert (jsonl_path is None) != (dataset is None), \ "One of `jsonl_path` and `dataset` must be specified." assert processed_dataset_path is not None, \ "Please specify a path to save the dataset." # Load the dataset if jsonl_path is not None: dataset = Dataset.from_jsonl(jsonl_path) if doc_column is None: # Assume `doc_column` is called "document" doc_column = 'document' assert doc_column in dataset.column_names, \ f"`doc_column={doc_column}` is not a column in dataset." print("Assuming `doc_column` is called 'document'.") if reference_column is None: # Assume `reference_column` is called "summary:reference" reference_column = 'summary:reference' print("Assuming `reference_column` is called 'summary:reference'.") if reference_column not in dataset.column_names: print("No reference summary loaded") reference_column = None if summary_columns is None or len(summary_columns) == 0: # Assume `summary_columns` are prefixed by "summary:" summary_columns = [] for col in dataset.column_names: if col.startswith("summary:") and col != "summary:reference": summary_columns.append(col) print(f"Reading summary columns from dataset. Found {summary_columns}.") if len(summary_columns) == 0 and reference_column is None: raise ValueError("At least one summary is required") # Set visible rows to restrict to the first `n_samples` if n_samples: dataset.set_visible_rows(list(range(n_samples))) # Combine the text columns into one list text_columns = [doc_column] + ([reference_column] if reference_column else []) + summary_columns # Preprocessing all the text columns dataset = dataset.update( lambda x: {f'preprocessed_{k}': preprocess_text(x[k]) for k in text_columns} ) # Run the Spacy pipeline on all preprocessed text columns nlp = load('en_core_web_lg') nlp.add_pipe('sentencizer', before="parser") spacy = Spacy(nlp=nlp) dataset = spacy( dataset, [f'preprocessed_{col}' for col in text_columns], batch_size=100, ) # Run the 3 align pipelines bert_aligner = BertscoreAlignerCap( threshold=bert_aligner_threshold, top_k=bert_aligner_top_k, spacy=spacy, ) embedding_aligner = StaticEmbeddingAlignerCap( threshold=embedding_aligner_threshold, top_k=embedding_aligner_top_k, spacy=spacy, ) ngram_aligner = NGramAlignerCap( spacy=spacy, ) dataset = _run_aligners( dataset=dataset, aligners=[bert_aligner, embedding_aligner, ngram_aligner], doc_column=f'preprocessed_{doc_column}', reference_column=f'preprocessed_{reference_column}' if reference_column else None, summary_columns=[f'preprocessed_{col}' for col in summary_columns], ) # Save the dataset if anonymize: # Remove certain columns to anonymize and save to disk for col in [doc_column, reference_column]: if col is not None: dataset.remove_column(col) dataset.remove_column(f'preprocessed_{col}') dataset.remove_column( str(spacy.identifier(columns=[f'preprocessed_{col}'])) ) del dataset.interactions[CACHEDOPS].history[ (spacy.identifier, f'preprocessed_{col}') ] dataset.save_to_disk(f'{processed_dataset_path}.anonymized') else: # Directly save to disk dataset.save_to_disk(processed_dataset_path) return dataset def parse_prediction_jsonl_name(prediction_jsonl: str): """Parse the name of the prediction_jsonl to extract useful information.""" # Analyze the name of the prediction_jsonl filename = prediction_jsonl.split("/")[-1] # Check that the filename ends with `.results.anonymized` if filename.endswith(".results.anonymized"): # Fmt: -...results.anonymized # Split using a period model_train_dataset, eval_dataset, eval_split = filename.split(".")[:-2] model, train_dataset = model_train_dataset.split("-") return SimpleNamespace( model_train_dataset=model_train_dataset, model=model, train_dataset=train_dataset, eval_dataset=eval_dataset, eval_split=eval_split, ) raise NotImplementedError( "Prediction files must be named " "-...results.anonymized. " f"Please rename the prediction file {filename} and run again." ) def join_predictions( dataset_jsonl: str = None, prediction_jsonls: str = None, save_jsonl_path: str = None, ): """Join predictions with a dataset.""" assert prediction_jsonls is not None, "Must have prediction jsonl files." print( "> Warning: please inspect the prediction .jsonl file to make sure that " "predictions are aligned with the examples in the dataset. " "Use `get_dataset` to inspect the dataset." ) # Load the dataset dataset = get_dataset(dataset_jsonl=dataset_jsonl) # Parse names of all prediction files to get metadata metadata = [ parse_prediction_jsonl_name(prediction_jsonl) for prediction_jsonl in prediction_jsonls ] # Load the predictions predictions = [ Dataset.from_jsonl(json_path=prediction_jsonl) for prediction_jsonl in prediction_jsonls ] # Predictions for a model for i, prediction_data in enumerate(predictions): # Get metadata for i_th prediction file metadata_i = metadata[i] # Construct a prefix for columns added to the dataset for this prediction file prefix = metadata_i.model_train_dataset # Add the predictions column to the dataset for col in prediction_data.column_names: # Don't add the indexing information since the dataset has it already if col not in {'index', 'ix', 'id'}: # `add_column` will automatically ensure that column lengths match if col == 'decoded': # rename decoded to summary dataset.add_column(f'summary:{prefix}', prediction_data[col]) else: dataset.add_column(f'{prefix}:{col}', prediction_data[col]) # Save the dataset back to disk if save_jsonl_path: dataset.to_jsonl(save_jsonl_path) else: print("Dataset with predictions was not saved since `save_jsonl_path` " "was not specified.") return dataset def standardize_dataset( dataset_name: str = None, dataset_version: str = None, dataset_split: str = 'test', dataset_jsonl: str = None, doc_column: str = None, reference_column: str = None, save_jsonl_path: str = None, no_save: bool = False, ): """Load a dataset from Huggingface and dump it to disk.""" # Load the dataset from Huggingface dataset = get_dataset( dataset_name=dataset_name, dataset_version=dataset_version, dataset_split=dataset_split, dataset_jsonl=dataset_jsonl, ) if doc_column is None: if reference_column is not None: raise ValueError("You must specify `doc_column` if you specify `reference_column`") try: doc_column, reference_column = { 'cnn_dailymail': ('article', 'highlights'), 'xsum': ('document', 'summary') }[dataset_name] except: raise NotImplementedError( "Please specify `doc_column`." ) # Rename the columns if doc_column != 'document': dataset.add_column('document', dataset[doc_column]) dataset.remove_column(doc_column) dataset.add_column('summary:reference', dataset[reference_column]) dataset.remove_column(reference_column) # Save the dataset back to disk if save_jsonl_path: dataset.to_jsonl(save_jsonl_path) elif (save_jsonl_path is None) and not no_save: # Auto-create a path to save the standardized dataset os.makedirs('preprocessing', exist_ok=True) if not dataset_jsonl: dataset.to_jsonl( f'preprocessing/' f'standardized_{dataset_name}_{dataset_version}_{dataset_split}.jsonl' ) else: dataset.to_jsonl( f'preprocessing/' f'standardized_{dataset_jsonl.split("/")[-1]}' ) return dataset def get_dataset( dataset_name: str = None, dataset_version: str = None, dataset_split: str = 'test', dataset_jsonl: str = None, ): """Load a dataset.""" assert (dataset_name is not None) != (dataset_jsonl is not None), \ "Specify one of `dataset_name` or `dataset_jsonl`." # Load the dataset if dataset_name is not None: return get_hf_dataset(dataset_name, dataset_version, dataset_split) return Dataset.from_jsonl(json_path=dataset_jsonl) def get_hf_dataset(name: str, version: str = None, split: str = 'test'): """Get dataset from Huggingface.""" if version: return Dataset.load_dataset(name, version, split=split) return Dataset.load_dataset(name, split=split) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--dataset', type=str, choices=['cnn_dailymail', 'xsum'], help="Huggingface dataset name.") parser.add_argument('--version', type=str, help="Huggingface dataset version.") parser.add_argument('--split', type=str, default='test', help="Huggingface dataset split.") parser.add_argument('--dataset_jsonl', type=str, help="Path to a jsonl file for the dataset.") parser.add_argument('--dataset_rg', type=str, help="Path to a dataset stored in the Robustness Gym format. " "All processed datasets are stored in this format.") parser.add_argument('--prediction_jsonls', nargs='+', default=[], help="Path to one or more jsonl files for the predictions.") parser.add_argument('--save_jsonl_path', type=str, help="Path to save the processed jsonl dataset.") parser.add_argument('--doc_column', type=str, help="Name of the document column in the dataset.") parser.add_argument('--reference_column', type=str, help="Name of the reference summary column in the dataset.") parser.add_argument('--summary_columns', nargs='+', default=[], help="Name of other summary columns in/added to the dataset.") parser.add_argument('--bert_aligner_threshold', type=float, default=0.1, help="Minimum threshold for BERT alignment.") parser.add_argument('--bert_aligner_top_k', type=int, default=10, help="Top-k for BERT alignment.") parser.add_argument('--embedding_aligner_threshold', type=float, default=0.1, help="Minimum threshold for embedding alignment.") parser.add_argument('--embedding_aligner_top_k', type=int, default=10, help="Top-k for embedding alignment.") parser.add_argument('--processed_dataset_path', type=str, help="Path to store the final processed dataset.") parser.add_argument('--n_samples', type=int, help="Number of dataset samples to process.") parser.add_argument('--workflow', action='store_true', default=False, help="Whether to run the preprocessing workflow.") parser.add_argument('--standardize', action='store_true', default=False, help="Whether to standardize the dataset and save to jsonl.") parser.add_argument('--join_predictions', action='store_true', default=False, help="Whether to add predictions to the dataset and save to " "jsonl.") parser.add_argument('--try_it', action='store_true', default=False, help="`Try it` mode is faster and runs processing on 10 " "examples.") parser.add_argument('--deanonymize', action='store_true', default=False, help="Deanonymize the dataset provided by summvis.") parser.add_argument('--anonymize', action='store_true', default=False, help="Anonymize by removing document and reference summary " "columns of the original dataset.") args = parser.parse_args() if args.standardize: # Dump a dataset to jsonl on disk after standardizing it standardize_dataset( dataset_name=args.dataset, dataset_version=args.version, dataset_split=args.split, dataset_jsonl=args.dataset_jsonl, doc_column=args.doc_column, reference_column=args.reference_column, save_jsonl_path=args.save_jsonl_path, ) if args.join_predictions: # Join the predictions with the dataset dataset = join_predictions( dataset_jsonl=args.dataset_jsonl, prediction_jsonls=args.prediction_jsonls, save_jsonl_path=args.save_jsonl_path, ) if args.workflow: # Run the processing workflow dataset = None # Check if `args.dataset_rg` was passed in if args.dataset_rg: # Load the dataset directly dataset = Dataset.load_from_disk(args.dataset_rg) run_workflow( jsonl_path=args.dataset_jsonl, dataset=dataset, doc_column=args.doc_column, reference_column=args.reference_column, summary_columns=args.summary_columns, bert_aligner_threshold=args.bert_aligner_threshold, bert_aligner_top_k=args.bert_aligner_top_k, embedding_aligner_threshold=args.embedding_aligner_threshold, embedding_aligner_top_k=args.embedding_aligner_top_k, processed_dataset_path=args.processed_dataset_path, n_samples=args.n_samples if not args.try_it else 10, anonymize=args.anonymize, ) if args.deanonymize: # Deanonymize an anonymized dataset # Check if `args.dataset_rg` was passed in assert args.dataset_rg is not None, \ "Must specify `dataset_rg` path to be deanonymized." assert args.dataset_rg.endswith('anonymized'), \ "`dataset_rg` must end in 'anonymized'." assert (args.dataset is None) != (args.dataset_jsonl is None), \ "`dataset_rg` points to an anonymized dataset that will be " \ "deanonymized. Please pass in relevant arguments: either " \ "`dataset`, `version` and `split` OR `dataset_jsonl`." # Load the standardized dataset standardized_dataset = standardize_dataset( dataset_name=args.dataset, dataset_version=args.version, dataset_split=args.split, dataset_jsonl=args.dataset_jsonl, doc_column=args.doc_column, reference_column=args.reference_column, no_save=True, ) # Use it to deanonymize dataset = deanonymize_dataset( rg_path=args.dataset_rg, standardized_dataset=standardized_dataset, processed_dataset_path=args.processed_dataset_path, n_samples=args.n_samples if not args.try_it else 10, )