import os from typing import List, Union, Optional, Tuple import click import dnnlib from torch_utils import gen_utils import numpy as np import PIL.Image import scipy import torch import legacy os.environ['PYGAME_HIDE_SUPPORT_PROMPT'] = 'hide' import moviepy.editor # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: this is no longer true for StyleGAN3, we have 14 layers irrespective of resolution def parse_styles(s: str) -> List[int]: """ Helper function for parsing style layers. s will be a comma-separated list of values, and these can be either ranges ('a-b'), ints ('a', 'b', 'c', ...), or the style layer names ('coarse', 'middle', 'fine'). A combination of these can also be used. For example, if the user wishes to mix the 'coarse' and 'fine' layers, then the input can be: 'coarse,fine'. If just the 'middle' and '14-17' layers are to be used, then 'middle,14-17' or '14-17,middle' can be the used as input. The repeated styles will be deleted, as these won't add anything to our final result. """ style_layers_dict = {'coarse': list(range(0, 4)), 'middle': list(range(4, 8)), 'fine': list(range(8, 18))} str_list = s.split(',') nums = [] for el in str_list: if el in style_layers_dict: nums.extend(style_layers_dict[el]) else: nums.extend(gen_utils.num_range(el, remove_repeated=True)) # Sanity check: delete repeating numbers and limit values between 0 and 17 nums = list(set([max(min(x, 17), 0) for x in nums])) return nums # TODO: For StyleGAN3, there's only 'coarse' and 'fine' groups, though the boundary is not 100% clear def style_names(max_style: int, file_name: str, desc: str, col_styles: List[int]) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Add the styles if they are being used (from the StyleGAN paper) to both the file name and the new directory to be created. """ if list(range(0, 4)) == col_styles: styles = 'coarse_styles' elif list(range(4, 8)) == col_styles: styles = 'middle_styles' elif list(range(8, max_style)) == col_styles: styles = 'fine_styles' elif list(range(0, 8)) == col_styles: styles = 'coarse+middle_styles' elif list(range(4, max_style)) == col_styles: styles = 'middle+fine_styles' elif list(range(0, 4)) + list(range(8, max_style)) == col_styles: styles = 'coarse+fine_styles' else: styles = 'custom_styles' file_name = f'{file_name}-{styles}' desc = f'{desc}-{styles}' return file_name, desc def _parse_cols(s: str, G, device: torch.device, truncation_psi: float) -> List[torch.Tensor]: """s can be a path to a npy/npz file or a seed number (int)""" s = s.split(',') w = torch.Tensor().to(device) for el in s: if os.path.isfile(el): w_el = gen_utils.get_latent_from_file(el) # np.ndarray w_el = torch.from_numpy(w_el).to(device) # torch.tensor w =, w)) else: nums = gen_utils.num_range(el, remove_repeated=True) for n in nums: w =, device, n, truncation_psi), w)) return w # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # We group the different types of style-mixing (grid and video) into a main function def main(): pass # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @main.command(name='grid') @click.pass_context @click.option('--network', 'network_pkl', help='Network pickle filename', required=True) @click.option('--cfg', type=click.Choice(['stylegan2', 'stylegan3-t', 'stylegan3-r']), help='Config of the network, used only if you want to use the pretrained models in torch_utils.gen_utils.resume_specs') @click.option('--device', help='Device to use for image generation; using the CPU is slower than the GPU', type=click.Choice(['cpu', 'cuda']), default='cuda', show_default=True) # Synthesis options @click.option('--row-seeds', '-rows', 'row_seeds', type=gen_utils.num_range, help='Random seeds to use for image rows', required=True) @click.option('--col-seeds', '-cols', 'col_seeds', type=gen_utils.num_range, help='Random seeds to use for image columns', required=True) @click.option('--styles', 'col_styles', type=parse_styles, help='Style layers to use; can pass "coarse", "middle", "fine", or a list or range of ints', default='0-6', show_default=True) @click.option('--trunc', 'truncation_psi', type=float, help='Truncation psi', default=1, show_default=True) @click.option('--noise-mode', help='Noise mode', type=click.Choice(['const', 'random', 'none']), default='const', show_default=True) @click.option('--anchor-latent-space', '-anchor', is_flag=True, help='Anchor the latent space to w_avg to stabilize the video') # Extra parameters for saving the results @click.option('--outdir', type=click.Path(file_okay=False), help='Directory path to save the results', default=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'out', 'images'), show_default=True, metavar='DIR') @click.option('--description', '-desc', type=str, help='Description name for the directory path to save results', default='', show_default=True) def generate_style_mix( ctx: click.Context, network_pkl: str, cfg: Optional[str], device: Optional[str], row_seeds: List[int], col_seeds: List[int], col_styles: List[int], truncation_psi: float, noise_mode: str, anchor_latent_space: bool, outdir: str, description: str, ): """Generate style-mixing images using pretrained network pickle. Examples: \b python grid --rows=85,100,75,458,1500 --cols=55,821,1789,293 \\ --network= """ # TODO: add class_idx device = torch.device('cuda') if torch.cuda.is_available() and device == 'cuda' else torch.device('cpu') # Load the network G = gen_utils.load_network('G_ema', network_pkl, cfg, device) # Setup for using CPU if device.type == 'cpu': gen_utils.use_cpu(G) # Stabilize/anchor the latent space if anchor_latent_space: gen_utils.anchor_latent_space(G) # Sanity check: loaded model and selected styles must be compatible max_style = G.mapping.num_ws if max(col_styles) > max_style: click.secho(f'WARNING: Maximum col-style allowed: {max_style - 1} for loaded network "{network_pkl}" ' f'of resolution {G.img_resolution}x{G.img_resolution}', fg='red') click.secho('Removing col-styles exceeding this value...', fg='blue') col_styles[:] = [style for style in col_styles if style < max_style] print('Generating W vectors...') all_seeds = list(set(row_seeds + col_seeds)) # TODO: change this in order to use _parse_cols all_z = np.stack([np.random.RandomState(seed).randn(G.z_dim) for seed in all_seeds]) all_w = G.mapping(torch.from_numpy(all_z).to(device), None) w_avg = G.mapping.w_avg all_w = w_avg + (all_w - w_avg) * truncation_psi w_dict = {seed: w for seed, w in zip(all_seeds, list(all_w))} print('Generating images...') all_images = gen_utils.w_to_img(G, all_w, noise_mode) image_dict = {(seed, seed): image for seed, image in zip(all_seeds, list(all_images))} print('Generating style-mixed images...') for row_seed in row_seeds: for col_seed in col_seeds: w = w_dict[row_seed].clone() w[col_styles] = w_dict[col_seed][col_styles] image = gen_utils.w_to_img(G, w, noise_mode)[0] image_dict[(row_seed, col_seed)] = image # Name of grid and run directory grid_name = 'grid' description = 'stylemix-grid' if len(description) == 0 else description # Add to the name the styles (from the StyleGAN paper) if they are being used grid_name, description = style_names(max_style, grid_name, description, col_styles) # Create the run dir with the given name description run_dir = gen_utils.make_run_dir(outdir, description) print('Saving image grid...') W = G.img_resolution H = G.img_resolution canvas =[G.synthesis.img_channels], # Handle RGBA case (W * (len(col_seeds) + 1), H * (len(row_seeds) + 1)), 'black') for row_idx, row_seed in enumerate([0] + row_seeds): for col_idx, col_seed in enumerate([0] + col_seeds): if row_idx == 0 and col_idx == 0: continue key = (row_seed, col_seed) if row_idx == 0: key = (col_seed, col_seed) if col_idx == 0: key = (row_seed, row_seed) canvas.paste(PIL.Image.fromarray(image_dict[key], gen_utils.channels_dict[G.synthesis.img_channels]), (W * col_idx, H * row_idx)), f'{grid_name}.png')) print('Saving individual images...') for (row_seed, col_seed), image in image_dict.items(): PIL.Image.fromarray(image, gen_utils.channels_dict[G.synthesis.img_channels]).save(os.path.join(run_dir, f'{row_seed}-{col_seed}.png')) # Save the configuration used ctx.obj = { 'network_pkl': network_pkl, 'row_seeds': row_seeds, 'col_seeds': col_seeds, 'col_styles': col_styles, 'truncation_psi': truncation_psi, 'noise_mode': noise_mode, 'run_dir': run_dir, 'description': description, } gen_utils.save_config(ctx=ctx, run_dir=run_dir) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @main.command(name='video') @click.pass_context @click.option('--network', 'network_pkl', help='Network pickle filename', required=True) @click.option('--cfg', type=click.Choice(['stylegan2', 'stylegan3-t', 'stylegan3-r']), help='Config of the network, used only if you want to use the pretrained models in torch_utils.gen_utils.resume_specs') # Synthesis options @click.option('--trunc', 'truncation_psi', type=float, help='Truncation psi', default=1, show_default=True) @click.option('--noise-mode', type=click.Choice(['const', 'random', 'none']), help='Noise mode', default='const', show_default=True) @click.option('--anchor-latent-space', '-anchor', is_flag=True, help='Anchor the latent space to w_avg to stabilize the video') @click.option('--row-seed', '-row', 'row_seed', type=int, help='Random seed to use for video row', required=True) @click.option('--columns', '-cols', 'columns', type=str, help='Path to dlatents (.npy/.npz) or seeds to use ("a", "b-c", "e,f-g,h,i", etc.), or a combination of both', required=True) @click.option('--styles', 'col_styles', type=parse_styles, help='Style layers to use; can pass "coarse", "middle", "fine", or a list or range of ints', default='0-6', show_default=True) @click.option('--only-stylemix', is_flag=True, help='Add flag to only show the style-mixed images in the video') # Video options @click.option('--compress', is_flag=True, help='Add flag to compress the final mp4 file via ffmpeg-python (same resolution, lower file size)') @click.option('--duration-sec', type=float, help='Duration of the video in seconds', default=30, show_default=True) @click.option('--fps', type=click.IntRange(min=1), help='Video FPS.', default=30, show_default=True) # Extra parameters for saving the results @click.option('--outdir', type=click.Path(file_okay=False), help='Directory path to save the results', default=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'out', 'video'), show_default=True, metavar='DIR') @click.option('--description', '-desc', type=str, help='Description name for the directory path to save results', default='', show_default=True) def random_stylemix_video( ctx: click.Context, network_pkl: str, cfg: Optional[str], row_seed: int, columns: str, col_styles: List[int], only_stylemix: bool, compress: bool, truncation_psi: float, noise_mode: str, anchor_latent_space: bool, fps: int, duration_sec: float, outdir: Union[str, os.PathLike], description: str, smoothing_sec: Optional[float] = 3.0 # for Gaussian blur; won't be a parameter, change at own risk ): """Generate random style-mixing video using pretrained network pickle. Examples: \b python video --row=85 --cols=55,821,1789 --fps=60 \\ --network= \b python video --row=0 --cols=7-10 --styles=fine,1,3,5-7 --duration-sec=60 \\ --network= """ # TODO: add class_idx # Calculate number of frames num_frames = int(np.rint(duration_sec * fps)) device = torch.device('cuda') # Load the network G = gen_utils.load_network('G_ema', network_pkl, cfg, device) # Stabilize/anchor the latent space if anchor_latent_space: gen_utils.anchor_latent_space(G) # Get the average dlatent w_avg = G.mapping.w_avg # Sanity check: loaded model and selected styles must be compatible max_style = G.mapping.num_ws if max(col_styles) > max_style: click.secho(f'WARNING: Maximum col-style allowed: {max_style - 1} for loaded network "{network_pkl}" ' f'of resolution {G.img_resolution}x{G.img_resolution}', fg='red') click.secho('Removing col-styles exceeding this value...', fg='blue') col_styles[:] = [style for style in col_styles if style < max_style] # First column (video) latents print('Generating source W vectors...') src_shape = [num_frames, G.z_dim] src_z = np.random.RandomState(row_seed).randn(*src_shape).astype(np.float32) src_z = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(src_z, sigma=[smoothing_sec * fps, 0], mode='wrap') # wrap to form a loop src_z /= np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(src_z))) # normalize # Map to W and do truncation trick src_w = G.mapping(torch.from_numpy(src_z).to(device), None) src_w = w_avg + (src_w - w_avg) * truncation_psi # First row (images) latents dst_w = _parse_cols(columns, G, device, truncation_psi) # dst_z = np.stack([np.random.RandomState(seed).randn(G.z_dim) for seed in col_seeds]) # dst_w = G.mapping(torch.from_numpy(dst_z).to(device), None) # dst_w = w_avg + (dst_w - w_avg) * truncation_psi # Width and height of the generated image W = G.img_resolution H = G.img_resolution # Video name mp4_name = f'{len(dst_w)}x1' # Run dir name description = 'stylemix-video' if len(description) == 0 else description # Add to the name the styles (from the StyleGAN paper) if they are being used to both file and run dir mp4_name, description = style_names(max_style, mp4_name, description, col_styles) # Create the run dir with the description run_dir = gen_utils.make_run_dir(outdir, description) # If user wishes to only show the style-transferred images (nice for 1x1 case) if only_stylemix: print('Generating style-mixing video (saving only the style-transferred images)...') # We generate a canvas where we will paste all the generated images canvas ='RGB', (W * len(dst_w), H * len([row_seed])), 'black') # use any color you want def make_frame(t): # Get the frame number according to time t frame_idx = int(np.clip(np.round(t * fps), 0, num_frames - 1)) # For each of the column images for col, _ in enumerate(dst_w): # Select the pertinent latent w column w_col = dst_w[col].unsqueeze(0) # [18, 512] -> [1, 18, 512] # Replace the values defined by col_styles w_col[:, col_styles] = src_w[frame_idx, col_styles] # Generate the style-mixed images col_images = gen_utils.w_to_img(G, w_col, noise_mode) # Paste them in their respective spot in the grid for row, image in enumerate(list(col_images)): canvas.paste(PIL.Image.fromarray(image, 'RGB'), (col * H, row * W)) return np.array(canvas) mp4_name = f'{mp4_name}-only-stylemix' else: print('Generating style-mixing video (saving the whole grid)...') # Generate an empty canvas where we will paste all the generated images canvas ='RGB', (W * (len(dst_w) + 1), H * (len([row_seed]) + 1)), 'black') # Generate all destination images (first row; static images) dst_images = gen_utils.w_to_img(G, dst_w, noise_mode) # Paste them in the canvas for col, dst_image in enumerate(list(dst_images)): canvas.paste(PIL.Image.fromarray(dst_image, 'RGB'), ((col + 1) * H, 0)) def make_frame(t): # Get the frame number according to time t frame_idx = int(np.clip(np.round(t * fps), 0, num_frames - 1)) # Get the image at this frame (first column; video) src_image = gen_utils.w_to_img(G, src_w[frame_idx], noise_mode)[0] # Paste it to the lower left canvas.paste(PIL.Image.fromarray(src_image, 'RGB'), (0, H)) # For each of the column images (destination images) for col, _ in enumerate(list(dst_images)): # Select pertinent latent w column w_col = dst_w[col].unsqueeze(0) # [18, 512] -> [1, 18, 512] # Replace the values defined by col_styles w_col[:, col_styles] = src_w[frame_idx, col_styles] # Generate these style-mixed images col_images = gen_utils.w_to_img(G, w_col, noise_mode) # Paste them in their respective spot in the grid for row, image in enumerate(list(col_images)): canvas.paste(PIL.Image.fromarray(image, 'RGB'), ((col + 1) * H, (row + 1) * W)) return np.array(canvas) mp4_name = f'{mp4_name}-style-mixing' # Generate video using the respective make_frame function videoclip = moviepy.editor.VideoClip(make_frame, duration=duration_sec) videoclip.set_duration(duration_sec) # Change the video parameters (codec, bitrate) if you so desire final_video = os.path.join(run_dir, f'{mp4_name}.mp4') videoclip.write_videofile(final_video, fps=fps, codec='libx264', bitrate='16M') # Save the configuration used for the experiment ctx.obj = { 'network_pkl': network_pkl, 'row_seed': row_seed, 'columns': columns, 'col_styles': col_styles, 'only_stylemix': only_stylemix, 'compress': compress, 'truncation_psi': truncation_psi, 'noise_mode': noise_mode, 'duration_sec': duration_sec, 'video_fps': fps, 'run_dir': run_dir, 'description': description, } # Save the run configuration gen_utils.save_config(ctx=ctx, run_dir=run_dir) # Compress the video (smaller file size, same resolution; not guaranteed though) if compress: gen_utils.compress_video(original_video=final_video, original_video_name=mp4_name, outdir=run_dir, ctx=ctx) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": main() # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------