import prawcore.exceptions from settings import CONFIG_FILE_PATH import re from praw.models import MoreComments, Subreddit, ListingGenerator from typing import Iterator, Any, AnyStr, Union, Dict, List class RedditContent: """ Authenticates to Reddit, Search for subreddits, get threads and comments. """ def __init__(self, max_comment_length=2000, min_comment_length=100, min_comment_score=10, thread_limit=20, include_nsfw:bool=False, config_file_path:str=None, sub_limit=100 ): """ :param max_comment_length: :param min_comment_length: :param min_comment_score: :param thread_limit: :param include_nsfw: :param config_file_path: :param sub_limit: """ self.config_file_path = CONFIG_FILE_PATH if config_file_path is None else config_file_path self.thread_limit = thread_limit self.sub_limit = sub_limit self.include_nsfw = include_nsfw ### Comment related parameters self.max_comment_length = max_comment_length self.min_comment_length = min_comment_length self.min_comment_score = min_comment_score ### Parameters to be used self.reddit = None self.subs:List[Subreddit]=None self.contents = {} self.controlled=False def process(self, get_popular:bool=True, search_query:str=None, exact_search:bool=False, fuzzy_search:bool=False, subreddits:List[AnyStr]=None ): ## Authenticate if not already authenticated if not self.reddit: self.authenticate() ## Run process pipeline if subreddits: from time import sleep for sub in subreddits: sleep(2) try: self.pipe(query=sub, fuzzy=False, exact=True) except prawcore.exceptions.Forbidden as e: print(f"Could not get the {sub} subreddit due to:\n{e}") continue elif search_query: self.pipe(query=search_query, fuzzy=fuzzy_search, exact=exact_search) else:## default value -> gets popular subreddits self.pipe(query=None, fuzzy=False, exact=False) if not self.controlled: ##control the contents self.control_contents() def pipe(self, query, fuzzy, exact): self.get_subs( query=query, exact=exact, fuzzy=fuzzy ) ## Get threads from subreddits self.update_content_subreddits() ##get threads and comments self.update_content_threads_comments() def get_subs(self,query:AnyStr, exact:bool=False, fuzzy:bool=False): """ Calls the methods for popular or query related subreddits :param query: :param exact: :param fuzzy: :return: """ ## Get query related subreddits if search query is provided ## default is to have popular subreddits if query is None: print("Getting the popular subreddits.") self.subs = self.get_popular_subreddits() return self.subs if fuzzy: print(f"Getting {query} related subreddits.") self.subs = self.search_subreddits(query) return self.subs print(f"Getting {query} subreddit.") self.subs = self.search_subreddits_by_name(query, exact=exact) return self.subs def search_subreddits(self, query:str): """ Search for subreddits title and description by query :param query: :return: """ return def search_subreddits_by_name(self, query:str, exact:bool=False): return self.reddit.subreddits.search_by_name(query, exact=exact, include_nsfw=self.include_nsfw) def get_subreddits(self, subreddits:list|str)->Subreddit: ## if isinstance(subreddits, str): return self.reddit.subreddit(subreddits) return self.reddit.subreddit("+".join(subreddits)) def get_subreddit_threads(self, subreddits:List[AnyStr])->Iterator[Any]:## subreddit object of the subreddits return self.get_subreddits(subreddits).hot(limit=self.thread_limit) def get_popular_subreddits(self): return self.reddit.subreddits.popular(limit=self.sub_limit) def update_content_subreddits(self): """ Populates self.contents with subreddits :param subreddits: :return: """ for sub in self.subs: r_url = sub.url.split("/")[2] self.contents.update({r_url: { "title": sub.title, "description": sub.description, "display_name": sub.display_name, "url": r_url, "contents": [] }}) def update_content_threads_comments(self, subreddit_names:List[str]=None): """ Updates self.contents with threads and comments :return: """ ##get display names for the subreddits subreddit_names = [sub["display_name"] for sub in self.contents.values()] if subreddit_names is None else subreddit_names threads_comments = self.get_subreddit_threads(subreddit_names) for thread in threads_comments: comments = self.get_comments( if not comments: continue r_url = comments[0]["url"].split("/")[2] self.contents[r_url]["contents"].append({ "thread_id":, "title": thread.title, "self_text": thread.selftext, "num_comments": thread.num_comments, "comments": comments, "is_nsfw": thread.over_18, "upvotes": thread.score, "thread_url": thread.url, "upvote_ratio": thread.upvote_ratio, }) def get_comments(self, post_id, sort_by="top"): """ Get comments from a post / thread, filters the comments and returns them :param post_id: post id to be submitted :param sort_by: after getting the comments, sort them by top, new, controversial, etc. :return: a dict of comments --> {text: str, id: str, url: str, author: str, upvotes: int} """ submission = self.reddit.submission(post_id) if submission.over_18 and not self.include_nsfw: return {} submission.comment_sort = sort_by comments = [] for top_level_comment in submission.comments.list(): if isinstance(top_level_comment, MoreComments): continue ## TODO: include all comments in the comment tree filters = [ ## If any of the filters are true, skip the comment top_level_comment.body in ["[removed]", "[deleted]"], top_level_comment.stickied, len(top_level_comment.body) < self.min_comment_length, len(top_level_comment.body) > self.max_comment_length, is None, top_level_comment.score < self.min_comment_score ] if any(filters): continue sanitised_text = self.sanitise_text(top_level_comment.body) if sanitised_text is None or sanitised_text.isspace(): continue comments.append({ "text": sanitised_text, "id":, "url": top_level_comment.permalink, "author":, "upvotes": top_level_comment.score, }) return comments def authenticate(self): from authentication import authenticate_reddit, get_reddit_config config = get_reddit_config(self.config_file_path) self.reddit = authenticate_reddit(config) def control_contents(self): """ When querying multiple subreddits, sometimes some contents returned empty. Controls the contents of the self.contents :return: """ subs_with_no_contents = [ subreddit_content["display_name"] for subreddit_url, subreddit_content in self.contents.items() if not subreddit_content["contents"] ] self.controlled = True ##print(no_contents) ##Debug purposes if subs_with_no_contents: self.update_content_threads_comments( subreddit_names=subs_with_no_contents ) @staticmethod def sanitise_text(text:str, no_urls:bool=True, no_special_chars:bool=True, no_emojis:bool=True)->str: r"""Sanitizes the text for tts. What gets removed: - following characters`^_~@!&;#:-%“”‘"%*/{}[]()\|<>?=+` - any http or https links - emojis Args: text (str): Text to be sanitized Returns: str: Sanitized text """ # remove any urls from the text if no_urls: regex_urls = r"((http|https)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\.\/\?\:@\-_=#]+\.([a-zA-Z]){2,6}([a-zA-Z0-9\.\&\/\?\:@\-_=#])*" text = re.sub(regex_urls, " ", text) # note: not removing apostrophes if no_special_chars: regex_expr = r"\s['|’]|['|’]\s|[\^_~@!&;#:\-%—“”‘\"%\*/{}\[\]\(\)\\|<>=+]" result = re.sub(regex_expr, " ", text) text = result.replace("+", "plus").replace("&", "and") if no_emojis: emoj = re.compile("[" u"\U0001F600-\U0001F64F" # emoticons u"\U0001F300-\U0001F5FF" # symbols & pictographs u"\U0001F680-\U0001F6FF" # transport & map symbols u"\U0001F1E0-\U0001F1FF" # flags (iOS) u"\U00002500-\U00002BEF" # chinese char u"\U00002702-\U000027B0" u"\U000024C2-\U0001F251" u"\U0001f926-\U0001f937" u"\U00010000-\U0010ffff" u"\u2640-\u2642" u"\u2600-\u2B55" u"\u200d" u"\u23cf" u"\u23e9" u"\u231a" u"\ufe0f" # dingbats u"\u3030" "]+", re.UNICODE) text = re.sub(emoj, '', text) # utf-8 decode translate unicode characters text = str(text) # remove extra whitespace return " ".join(text.split()) def write_contents(self, out_file_path:str): import json with open(out_file_path, "w") as f: json.dump(self.contents, f, indent=4)