#!/bin/bash # This scripts using 2 gpus to inference. # Now only supports 2GPUs and 4GPUs for pyramid-flow-sd3; and 2GPUs or 3 GPUs for pyramid-flow-miniflux # You can set it to 4 to further reduce the generating time # Requires nproc_per_node == sp_group_size # Replace the model_path to your downloaded ckpt dir GPUS=2 # should be 2 for pyramid_flux, and 2 or 4 for pyramid_mmdit MODEL_NAME=pyramid_flux # or pyramid_mmdit VARIANT=diffusion_transformer_768p # or diffusion_transformer_384p MODEL_PATH=/home/jinyang06/models/pyramid-flow-miniflux # Replace with your checkpoint path TASK=t2v # i2v for image-to-video torchrun --nproc_per_node $GPUS \ inference_multigpu.py \ --model_name $MODEL_NAME \ --model_path $MODEL_PATH \ --variant $VARIANT \ --task $TASK \ --model_dtype bf16 \ --temp 16 \ --sp_group_size $GPUS