from clip_transform import CLIPTransform from chat_service import ChatService from dotenv import load_dotenv from speech_service import SpeechService from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from audio_stream_processor import AudioStreamProcessor from streaming_chat_service import StreamingChatService def run_debug_code(): load_dotenv() # print ("Initializing CLIP templates") # clip_transform = CLIPTransform() # print ("CLIP success") print ("Initializing Chat") # chat_service = ChatService() audio_processor = AudioStreamProcessor() chat_service = StreamingChatService(audio_processor, voice_id="2OviOUQc1JsQRQgNkVBj") # Chales003 user_speech_service = SpeechService(voice_id="Adam") # user_speech_service.print_voices() # if you want to see your custom voices prompts = [ "hello, how are you today?", "tell me about your shadow self?", "hmm, interesting, tell me more about that.", "wait, that is so interesting, what else?", ] for prompt in prompts: print ("") print (f'prompt: "{prompt}"') stream = audio_processor.add_audio_stream(stream) print ("") print (f'response:') response = chat_service.respond_to(prompt) audio_processor.close() print ("Chat success") if __name__ == '__main__': run_debug_code()