from collections import deque import os import threading import time import av import numpy as np import streamlit as st from streamlit_webrtc import WebRtcMode, webrtc_streamer import pydub import torch # import av # import cv2 from sample_utils.turn import get_ice_servers import json from typing import List from vosk import SetLogLevel, Model, KaldiRecognizer SetLogLevel(-1) # mutes vosk verbosity from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() system_one = { "audio_bit_rate": 16000, # "audio_bit_rate": 32000, # "audio_bit_rate": 48000, # "vision_embeddings_fps": 5, "vision_embeddings_fps": 2, } system_one["video_detection_emotions"] = [ "a happy person", "the person is happy", "the person's emotional state is happy", "a sad person", "a scared person", "a disgusted person", "an angry person", "a suprised person", "a bored person", "an interested person", "a guilty person", "an indiffert person", "a distracted person", ] # system_one["video_detection_emotions"] = [ # "Happiness", # "Sadness", # "Fear", # "Disgust", # "Anger", # "Surprise", # "Boredom", # "Interest", # "Excitement", # "Guilt", # "Shame", # "Relief", # "Love", # "Embarrassment", # "Pride", # "Envy", # "Jealousy", # "Anxiety", # "Hope", # "Despair", # "Frustration", # "Confusion", # "Curiosity", # "Contentment", # "Indifference", # "Anticipation", # "Gratitude", # "Bitterness" # ] system_one["video_detection_engement"] = [ "the person is engaged in the conversation", "the person is not engaged in the conversation", "the person is looking at me", "the person is not looking at me", "the person is talking to me", "the person is not talking to me", "the person is engaged", "the person is talking", "the person is listening", ] system_one["video_detection_present"] = [ "the view from a webcam", "the view from a webcam we see a person", # "the view from a webcam. I see a person", # "the view from a webcam. The person is looking at the camera", # "i am a webcam", # "i am a webcam and i see a person", # "i am a webcam and i see a person. The person is looking at me", # "a person", # "a person on a Zoom call", # "a person on a FaceTime call", # "a person on a WebCam call", # "no one", # " ", # "multiple people", # "a group of people", ] system_one_audio_status = st.empty() playing = st.checkbox("Playing", value=True) def load_vosk (model='small'): # load vosk model # get path of current file current_file_path = os.path.abspath(__file__) current_directory = os.path.dirname(current_file_path) _path = os.path.join(current_directory, 'models', 'vosk', model) model_voice = Model(_path) recognizer = KaldiRecognizer(model_voice, system_one['audio_bit_rate']) return recognizer vask = load_vosk() def handle_audio_frame(frame): # if self.vosk.AcceptWaveform(data): pass def do_work(data: bytearray) -> tuple[str, bool]: text = '' speaker_finished = False if vask.AcceptWaveform(data): result = vask.Result() result_json = json.loads(result) text = result_json['text'] speaker_finished = True else: result = vask.PartialResult() result_json = json.loads(result) text = result_json['partial'] return text, speaker_finished audio_frames_deque_lock = threading.Lock() audio_frames_deque: deque = deque([]) video_frames_deque_lock = threading.Lock() video_frames_deque: deque = deque([]) async def queued_video_frames_callback( frames: List[av.AudioFrame], ) -> av.AudioFrame: with video_frames_deque_lock: video_frames_deque.extend(frames) return frames async def queued_audio_frames_callback( frames: List[av.AudioFrame], ) -> av.AudioFrame: with audio_frames_deque_lock: audio_frames_deque.extend(frames) # create frames to be returned. new_frames = [] for frame in frames: input_array = frame.to_ndarray() new_frame = av.AudioFrame.from_ndarray( np.zeros(input_array.shape, dtype=input_array.dtype),, ) new_frame.sample_rate = frame.sample_rate new_frames.append(new_frame) # TODO: replace with the audio we want to send to the other side. return new_frames system_one_audio_status.write("Initializing CLIP model") from clip_transform import CLIPTransform clip_transform = CLIPTransform() system_one_audio_status.write("Initializing CLIP templates") embeddings = clip_transform.text_to_embeddings(system_one["video_detection_emotions"]) system_one["video_detection_emotions_embeddings"] = embeddings embeddings = clip_transform.text_to_embeddings(system_one["video_detection_engement"]) system_one["video_detection_engement_embeddings"] = embeddings embeddings = clip_transform.text_to_embeddings(system_one["video_detection_present"]) system_one["video_detection_present_embeddings"] = embeddings system_one_audio_status.write("Initializing webrtc_streamer") webrtc_ctx = webrtc_streamer( key="charles", desired_playing_state=playing, # audio_receiver_size=4096, queued_audio_frames_callback=queued_audio_frames_callback, queued_video_frames_callback=queued_video_frames_callback, mode=WebRtcMode.SENDRECV, rtc_configuration={"iceServers": get_ice_servers()}, async_processing=True, ) if not webrtc_ctx.state.playing: exit system_one_audio_status.write("Initializing streaming") system_one_audio_output = st.empty() system_one_video_output = st.empty() system_one_audio_history = [] system_one_audio_history_output = st.empty() sound_chunk = pydub.AudioSegment.empty() current_video_embedding = None current_video_embedding_timestamp = time.monotonic() def get_dot_similarities(video_embedding, embeddings, embeddings_labels): dot_product =, video_embedding.T) similarity_image_label = [(float("{:.4f}".format(dot_product[i][0])), embeddings_labels[i]) for i in range(len(embeddings_labels))] similarity_image_label.sort(reverse=True) return similarity_image_label def get_top_3_similarities_as_a_string(video_embedding, embeddings, embeddings_labels): similarities = get_dot_similarities(video_embedding, embeddings, embeddings_labels) top_3 = "" range_len = 3 if len(similarities) > 3 else len(similarities) for i in range(range_len): top_3 += f"{similarities[i][1]} ({similarities[i][0]}) " return top_3 while True: if webrtc_ctx.state.playing: # handle video video_frames = [] with video_frames_deque_lock: while len(video_frames_deque) > 0: frame = video_frames_deque.popleft() video_frames.append(frame) get_embeddings = False get_embeddings |= current_video_embedding is None current_time = time.monotonic() elapsed_time = current_time - current_video_embedding_timestamp get_embeddings |= elapsed_time > 1. / system_one['vision_embeddings_fps'] if get_embeddings and len(video_frames) > 0: current_video_embedding_timestamp = current_time current_video_embedding = clip_transform.image_to_embeddings(video_frames[-1].to_ndarray()) emotions_top_3 = get_top_3_similarities_as_a_string(current_video_embedding, system_one["video_detection_emotions_embeddings"], system_one["video_detection_emotions"]) engagement_top_3 = get_top_3_similarities_as_a_string(current_video_embedding, system_one["video_detection_engement_embeddings"], system_one["video_detection_engement"]) present_top_3 = get_top_3_similarities_as_a_string(current_video_embedding, system_one["video_detection_present_embeddings"], system_one["video_detection_present"]) # table_content = "**System 1 Video:**\n\n" table_content = "| System 1 Video | |\n| --- | --- |\n" table_content += f"| Present | {present_top_3} |\n" table_content += f"| Emotion | {emotions_top_3} |\n" table_content += f"| Engagement | {engagement_top_3} |\n" system_one_video_output.markdown(table_content) # system_one_video_output.markdown(f"**System 1 Video:** \n [Emotion: {emotions_top_3}], \n [Engagement: {engagement_top_3}], \n [Present: {present_top_3}] ") # for similarity, image_label in similarity_image_label: # print (f"{similarity} {image_label}") # handle audio audio_frames = [] with audio_frames_deque_lock: while len(audio_frames_deque) > 0: frame = audio_frames_deque.popleft() audio_frames.append(frame) if len(audio_frames) == 0: time.sleep(0.1) system_one_audio_status.write("No frame arrived.") continue system_one_audio_status.write("Running. Say something!") for audio_frame in audio_frames: sound = pydub.AudioSegment( data=audio_frame.to_ndarray().tobytes(), sample_width=audio_frame.format.bytes, frame_rate=audio_frame.sample_rate, channels=len(audio_frame.layout.channels), ) sound = sound.set_channels(1) sound = sound.set_frame_rate(system_one['audio_bit_rate']) sound_chunk += sound if len(sound_chunk) > 0: buffer = np.array(sound_chunk.get_array_of_samples()) text, speaker_finished = do_work(buffer.tobytes()) system_one_audio_output.markdown(f"**System 1 Audio:** {text}") if speaker_finished and len(text) > 0: system_one_audio_history.append(text) if len(system_one_audio_history) > 10: system_one_audio_history = system_one_audio_history[-10:] table_content = "| System 1 Audio History |\n| --- |\n" table_content += "\n".join([f"| {item} |" for item in reversed(system_one_audio_history)]) system_one_audio_history_output.markdown(table_content) sound_chunk = pydub.AudioSegment.empty() else: system_one_audio_status.write("Stopped.") break