from typing import List, Tuple, Union import numpy as np from config import ModelType from numpy import ndarray def softmax(x: ndarray, axis: int = -1) -> ndarray: e_x = np.exp(x - np.max(x, axis=axis, keepdims=True)) y = e_x / e_x.sum(axis=axis, keepdims=True) return y def sigmoid(x: ndarray) -> ndarray: return 1. / (1. + np.exp(-x)) class Decoder: def __init__(self, model_type: ModelType, model_only: bool = False): self.model_type = model_type self.model_only = model_only self.boxes_pro = [] self.scores_pro = [] self.labels_pro = [] self.is_logging = False def __call__(self, feats: Union[List, Tuple], conf_thres: float, num_labels: int = 80, **kwargs) -> Tuple: if not self.is_logging: print('Only support decode in batch==1') self.is_logging = True self.boxes_pro.clear() self.scores_pro.clear() self.labels_pro.clear() if self.model_only: # transpose channel to last dim for easy decoding feats = [ np.ascontiguousarray(feat[0].transpose(1, 2, 0)) for feat in feats ] else: # ax620a horizonX3 transpose channel to last dim by default feats = [np.ascontiguousarray(feat) for feat in feats] if self.model_type == ModelType.YOLOV5: self.__yolov5_decode(feats, conf_thres, num_labels, **kwargs) elif self.model_type == ModelType.YOLOX: self.__yolox_decode(feats, conf_thres, num_labels, **kwargs) elif self.model_type in (ModelType.PPYOLOE, ModelType.PPYOLOEP): self.__ppyoloe_decode(feats, conf_thres, num_labels, **kwargs) elif self.model_type == ModelType.YOLOV6: self.__yolov6_decode(feats, conf_thres, num_labels, **kwargs) elif self.model_type == ModelType.YOLOV7: self.__yolov7_decode(feats, conf_thres, num_labels, **kwargs) elif self.model_type == ModelType.RTMDET: self.__rtmdet_decode(feats, conf_thres, num_labels, **kwargs) elif self.model_type == ModelType.YOLOV8: self.__yolov8_decode(feats, conf_thres, num_labels, **kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError return self.boxes_pro, self.scores_pro, self.labels_pro def __yolov5_decode(self, feats: List[ndarray], conf_thres: float, num_labels: int = 80, **kwargs): anchors: Union[List, Tuple] = kwargs.get( 'anchors', [[(10, 13), (16, 30), (33, 23)], [(30, 61), (62, 45), (59, 119)], [(116, 90), (156, 198), (373, 326)]]) for i, feat in enumerate(feats): stride = 8 << i feat_h, feat_w, _ = feat.shape anchor = anchors[i] feat = sigmoid(feat) feat = feat.reshape((feat_h, feat_w, len(anchor), -1)) box_feat, conf_feat, score_feat = np.split(feat, [4, 5], -1) hIdx, wIdx, aIdx, _ = np.where(conf_feat > conf_thres) num_proposal = hIdx.size if not num_proposal: continue score_feat = score_feat[hIdx, wIdx, aIdx] * conf_feat[hIdx, wIdx, aIdx] boxes = box_feat[hIdx, wIdx, aIdx] labels = score_feat.argmax(-1) scores = score_feat.max(-1) indices = np.where(scores > conf_thres)[0] if len(indices) == 0: continue for idx in indices: a_w, a_h = anchor[aIdx[idx]] x, y, w, h = boxes[idx] x = (x * 2.0 - 0.5 + wIdx[idx]) * stride y = (y * 2.0 - 0.5 + hIdx[idx]) * stride w = (w * 2.0)**2 * a_w h = (h * 2.0)**2 * a_h x0 = x - w / 2 y0 = y - h / 2 self.scores_pro.append(float(scores[idx])) self.boxes_pro.append( np.array([x0, y0, w, h], dtype=np.float32)) self.labels_pro.append(int(labels[idx])) def __yolox_decode(self, feats: List[ndarray], conf_thres: float, num_labels: int = 80, **kwargs): for i, feat in enumerate(feats): stride = 8 << i score_feat, box_feat, conf_feat = np.split( feat, [num_labels, num_labels + 4], -1) conf_feat = sigmoid(conf_feat) hIdx, wIdx, _ = np.where(conf_feat > conf_thres) num_proposal = hIdx.size if not num_proposal: continue score_feat = sigmoid(score_feat[hIdx, wIdx]) * conf_feat[hIdx, wIdx] boxes = box_feat[hIdx, wIdx] labels = score_feat.argmax(-1) scores = score_feat.max(-1) indices = np.where(scores > conf_thres)[0] if len(indices) == 0: continue for idx in indices: score = scores[idx] label = labels[idx] x, y, w, h = boxes[idx] x = (x + wIdx[idx]) * stride y = (y + hIdx[idx]) * stride w = np.exp(w) * stride h = np.exp(h) * stride x0 = x - w / 2 y0 = y - h / 2 self.scores_pro.append(float(score)) self.boxes_pro.append( np.array([x0, y0, w, h], dtype=np.float32)) self.labels_pro.append(int(label)) def __ppyoloe_decode(self, feats: List[ndarray], conf_thres: float, num_labels: int = 80, **kwargs): reg_max: int = kwargs.get('reg_max', 17) dfl = np.arange(0, reg_max, dtype=np.float32) for i, feat in enumerate(feats): stride = 8 << i score_feat, box_feat = np.split(feat, [ num_labels, ], -1) score_feat = sigmoid(score_feat) _argmax = score_feat.argmax(-1) _max = score_feat.max(-1) indices = np.where(_max > conf_thres) hIdx, wIdx = indices num_proposal = hIdx.size if not num_proposal: continue scores = _max[hIdx, wIdx] boxes = box_feat[hIdx, wIdx].reshape(num_proposal, 4, reg_max) boxes = softmax(boxes, -1) @ dfl labels = _argmax[hIdx, wIdx] for k in range(num_proposal): score = scores[k] label = labels[k] x0, y0, x1, y1 = boxes[k] x0 = (wIdx[k] + 0.5 - x0) * stride y0 = (hIdx[k] + 0.5 - y0) * stride x1 = (wIdx[k] + 0.5 + x1) * stride y1 = (hIdx[k] + 0.5 + y1) * stride w = x1 - x0 h = y1 - y0 self.scores_pro.append(float(score)) self.boxes_pro.append( np.array([x0, y0, w, h], dtype=np.float32)) self.labels_pro.append(int(label)) def __yolov6_decode(self, feats: List[ndarray], conf_thres: float, num_labels: int = 80, **kwargs): for i, feat in enumerate(feats): stride = 8 << i score_feat, box_feat = np.split(feat, [ num_labels, ], -1) score_feat = sigmoid(score_feat) _argmax = score_feat.argmax(-1) _max = score_feat.max(-1) indices = np.where(_max > conf_thres) hIdx, wIdx = indices num_proposal = hIdx.size if not num_proposal: continue scores = _max[hIdx, wIdx] boxes = box_feat[hIdx, wIdx] labels = _argmax[hIdx, wIdx] for k in range(num_proposal): score = scores[k] label = labels[k] x0, y0, x1, y1 = boxes[k] x0 = (wIdx[k] + 0.5 - x0) * stride y0 = (hIdx[k] + 0.5 - y0) * stride x1 = (wIdx[k] + 0.5 + x1) * stride y1 = (hIdx[k] + 0.5 + y1) * stride w = x1 - x0 h = y1 - y0 self.scores_pro.append(float(score)) self.boxes_pro.append( np.array([x0, y0, w, h], dtype=np.float32)) self.labels_pro.append(int(label)) def __yolov7_decode(self, feats: List[ndarray], conf_thres: float, num_labels: int = 80, **kwargs): anchors: Union[List, Tuple] = kwargs.get( 'anchors', [[(12, 16), (19, 36), (40, 28)], [(36, 75), (76, 55), (72, 146)], [(142, 110), (192, 243), (459, 401)]]) self.__yolov5_decode(feats, conf_thres, num_labels, anchors=anchors) def __rtmdet_decode(self, feats: List[ndarray], conf_thres: float, num_labels: int = 80, **kwargs): for i, feat in enumerate(feats): stride = 8 << i score_feat, box_feat = np.split(feat, [ num_labels, ], -1) score_feat = sigmoid(score_feat) _argmax = score_feat.argmax(-1) _max = score_feat.max(-1) indices = np.where(_max > conf_thres) hIdx, wIdx = indices num_proposal = hIdx.size if not num_proposal: continue scores = _max[hIdx, wIdx] boxes = box_feat[hIdx, wIdx] labels = _argmax[hIdx, wIdx] for k in range(num_proposal): score = scores[k] label = labels[k] x0, y0, x1, y1 = boxes[k] x0 = (wIdx[k] - x0) * stride y0 = (hIdx[k] - y0) * stride x1 = (wIdx[k] + x1) * stride y1 = (hIdx[k] + y1) * stride w = x1 - x0 h = y1 - y0 self.scores_pro.append(float(score)) self.boxes_pro.append( np.array([x0, y0, w, h], dtype=np.float32)) self.labels_pro.append(int(label)) def __yolov8_decode(self, feats: List[ndarray], conf_thres: float, num_labels: int = 80, **kwargs): reg_max: int = kwargs.get('reg_max', 16) self.__ppyoloe_decode(feats, conf_thres, num_labels, reg_max=reg_max)