# Model Serving `MMOCR` provides some utilities that facilitate the model serving process. Here is a quick walkthrough of necessary steps that let the models to serve through an API. ## Install TorchServe You can follow the steps on the [official website](https://github.com/pytorch/serve#install-torchserve-and-torch-model-archiver) to install `TorchServe` and `torch-model-archiver`. ## Convert model from MMOCR to TorchServe We provide a handy tool to convert any `.pth` model into `.mar` model for TorchServe. ```shell python tools/deployment/mmocr2torchserve.py ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} \ --output-folder ${MODEL_STORE} \ --model-name ${MODEL_NAME} ``` :::{note} ${MODEL_STORE} needs to be an absolute path to a folder. ::: For example: ```shell python tools/deployment/mmocr2torchserve.py \ configs/textdet/dbnet/dbnet_r18_fpnc_1200e_icdar2015.py \ checkpoints/dbnet_r18_fpnc_1200e_icdar2015.pth \ --output-folder ./checkpoints \ --model-name dbnet ``` ## Start Serving ### From your Local Machine Getting your models prepared, the next step is to start the service with a one-line command: ```bash # To load all the models in ./checkpoints torchserve --start --model-store ./checkpoints --models all # Or, if you only want one model to serve, say dbnet torchserve --start --model-store ./checkpoints --models dbnet=dbnet.mar ``` Then you can access inference, management and metrics services through TorchServe's REST API. You can find their usages in [TorchServe REST API](https://github.com/pytorch/serve/blob/master/docs/rest_api.md). | Service | Address | | ------------------- | ----------------------- | | Inference | `` | | Management | `` | | Metrics | `` | :::{note} By default, TorchServe binds port number `8080`, `8081` and `8082` to its services. You can change such behavior by modifying and saving the contents below to `config.properties`, and running TorchServe with option `--ts-config config.preperties`. ```bash inference_address= management_address= metrics_address= number_of_netty_threads=32 job_queue_size=1000 model_store=/home/model-server/model-store ``` ::: ### From Docker A better alternative to serve your models is through Docker. We provide a Dockerfile that frees you from those tedious and error-prone environmental setup steps. #### Build `mmocr-serve` Docker image ```shell docker build -t mmocr-serve:latest docker/serve/ ``` #### Run `mmocr-serve` with Docker In order to run Docker in GPU, you need to install [nvidia-docker](https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/cloud-native/container-toolkit/install-guide.html); or you can omit the `--gpus` argument for a CPU-only session. The command below will run `mmocr-serve` with a gpu, bind the ports of `8080` (inference), `8081` (management) and `8082` (metrics) from container to ``, and mount the checkpoint folder `./checkpoints` from the host machine to `/home/model-server/model-store` of the container. For more information, please check the official docs for [running TorchServe with docker](https://github.com/pytorch/serve/blob/master/docker/README.md#running-torchserve-in-a-production-docker-environment). ```shell docker run --rm \ --cpus 8 \ --gpus device=0 \ -p8080:8080 -p8081:8081 -p8082:8082 \ --mount type=bind,source=`realpath ./checkpoints`,target=/home/model-server/model-store \ mmocr-serve:latest ``` :::{note} `realpath ./checkpoints` points to the absolute path of "./checkpoints", and you can replace it with the absolute path where you store torchserve models. ::: Upon running the docker, you can access inference, management and metrics services through TorchServe's REST API. You can find their usages in [TorchServe REST API](https://github.com/pytorch/serve/blob/master/docs/rest_api.md). | Service | Address | | ------------------- | ----------------------- | | Inference | `` | | Management | `` | | Metrics | `` | ## 4. Test deployment Inference API allows user to post an image to a model and returns the prediction result. ```shell curl${MODEL_NAME} -T demo/demo_text_det.jpg ``` For example, ```shell curl -T demo/demo_text_det.jpg ``` For detection models, you should obtain a json with an object named `boundary_result`. Each array inside has float numbers representing x, y coordinates of boundary vertices in clockwise order, and the last float number as the confidence score. ```json { "boundary_result": [ [ 221.18990004062653, 226.875, 221.18990004062653, 212.625, 244.05868631601334, 212.625, 244.05868631601334, 226.875, 0.80883354575186 ] ] } ``` For recognition models, the response should look like: ```json { "text": "sier", "score": 0.5247521847486496 } ``` And you can use `test_torchserve.py` to compare result of TorchServe and PyTorch by visualizing them. ```shell python tools/deployment/test_torchserve.py ${IMAGE_FILE} ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} ${MODEL_NAME} [--inference-addr ${INFERENCE_ADDR}] [--device ${DEVICE}] ``` Example: ```shell python tools/deployment/test_torchserve.py \ demo/demo_text_det.jpg \ configs/textdet/dbnet/dbnet_r18_fpnc_1200e_icdar2015.py \ checkpoints/dbnet_r18_fpnc_1200e_icdar2015.pth \ dbnet ```