Calin Rada
Python 3.8 fixes
ce8daa8 unverified
import logging.config
import re
from typing import List
import psutil
from langdetect import LangDetectException, detect
from mappingservice.constants import ENGLISH_KEYWORDS, SPANISH_KEYWORDS
from mappingservice.models import BedData, BedType
level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def log_memory_usage():
process = psutil.Process()
memory_info = process.memory_info()"Memory usage: RSS={memory_info.rss}, VMS={memory_info.vms}")
def safe_round(value, decimals=0):
if isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float):
return round(value, decimals)
return 0
def process_predictions(predictions, score_key="score", label_key="label"):
return [
{"label": pred.get(label_key, "No data"), "score": round(pred.get(score_key, 0), 3)} # noqa: E501
for pred in predictions if isinstance(pred, dict) and pred.get(score_key, 0) > 0
] or None
def parse_model_output(predictions):
bed_data_list = []
threshold = 0.5
if not isinstance(predictions, list) or not all(
isinstance(pred, dict) for pred in predictions
return bed_data_list
for prediction in predictions:
type = prediction.get("type")
count = prediction.get("count", 0)
score = prediction.get("score", 0)
if score > threshold and count > 0:
if type in BedType._member_names_:
bed_data = BedData(type=BedType[type], count=count)
logger.debug(f"Unsupported bed type: {type}")
return bed_data_list
def get_bed_predictions(description: str):
logger.debug(f"Extracting bed predictions from description: {description}")
description = description.lower()
bed_pattern = re.compile(
r"cama\s*bunk|cama\s*sofa|cama\s*rollaway|cama\s*futon)\b\s*(beds?|camas?)", re.IGNORECASE) # noqa: E501
or_pattern = re.compile(
r"\b(king|queen|double|single|twin)\s+or\s+(king|queen|double|single|twin)\b", re.IGNORECASE) # noqa: E501
# default_bed_type_pattern = re.compile(
# r"\b(double|twin|king|queen|single|doble|individual|gemela|matrimonial)\b\s+"
# r"\b(room|apartment|suite|habitacion|apartamento)\b", re.IGNORECASE)
matches = bed_pattern.findall(description)
or_matches = or_pattern.findall(description)
# default_matches = default_bed_type_pattern.findall(description)
bed_data_list = []
bed_type_counts = {}
for match in matches:
count = int(match[0]) if match[0] else 1
bed_type_name = match[1]
normalized_bed_type = bed_type_name.strip().lower()
bed_type = BedType[normalized_bed_type] if normalized_bed_type in BedType._member_names_ else None # noqa: E501
if bed_type:
bed_type_counts[bed_type] = count
for match in or_matches:
for bed_type_name in match:
normalized_bed_type = bed_type_name.strip().lower()
bed_type = BedType[normalized_bed_type] if normalized_bed_type in BedType._member_names_ else None # noqa: E501
if bed_type:
bed_type_counts[bed_type] = bed_type_counts.get(bed_type, 0) + 1
for bed_type, count in bed_type_counts.items():
bed_data_list.append(BedData(type=bed_type, count=count))
if not bed_data_list:
logger.warning("No valid bed data found from extracted information.")
return bed_data_list
def extract_bed_numbers(description: str):
bed_number_pattern = re.compile(
r"(\d+|\bone\b|\btwo\b|\bthree\b)\s*bed", re.IGNORECASE
numbers = []
word_to_number = {"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3}
matches = bed_number_pattern.findall(description)
for match in matches:
number = word_to_number.get(match.lower(), match)
return numbers
def validate_bed_data(beds: List[BedData]) -> List[BedData]:
valid_beds = [bed for bed in beds if bed.type and bed.count > 0]
if not valid_beds:"No valid beds found in {beds}")
return valid_beds
def is_list_of_lists(variable):
if not isinstance(variable, list):
return False
return all(isinstance(item, list) for item in variable)
def predict_language(text):
text_lower = text.lower()
for keyword in SPANISH_KEYWORDS:
if keyword in text_lower:
return "es"
for keyword in ENGLISH_KEYWORDS:
if keyword in text_lower:
return "en"
language = detect(text)
if language in {"en", "es"}:
return language
except LangDetectException:
return None