--- title: Multi-Modal for Emotion and Sentiment Analysis (MMESA) emoji: 😀😲😐😥🥴😱😡 colorFrom: blue colorTo: pink sdk: gradio sdk_version: 4.24.0 app_file: app.py pinned: false license: mit short_description: A tool to detect Stress, Anxiety and Depression --- ## Technologies This project utilizes various Python scripts for different aspects of analysis and recognition: - `blink_detection.py`: Detects and analyzes blinking patterns. - `body_movement_analysis.py`: Analyzes body movements. - `emotion_analysis.py`: Analyzes emotional states. - `face_expressions.py`: Recognizes facial expressions. - `FACS_analysis_sad.py`: Performs Facial Action Coding System analysis for sadness. - `gaze_estimation.py`: Estimates gaze direction. - `head_posture_detection.py`: Detects head posture. - `heart_rate_variability.py`: Analyzes heart rate variability. - `posture_analysis.py`: Analyzes posture. - `roberta_chatbot.py`: Chatbot using the RoBERTa model. - `sentiment_analysis.py`: Performs sentiment analysis. - `skin_analysis.py`: Analyzes skin conditions. - `sleep_quality.py`: Evaluates sleep quality. - `speech_emotion_recognition.py`: Recognizes emotions from speech. - `speech_stress_analysis.py`: Analyzes stress levels from speech. These scripts combine to provide comprehensive analysis capabilities for various aspects of human behavior and physiology. ## Upload Trick to HG git lfs track "_.dat" && git lfs track "_.pt" && git add .gitattributes && git add assets/models/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat && git add assets/models/FER_dinamic_LSTM_IEMOCAP.pt && git add assets/models/FER_static_ResNet50_AffectNet.pt && git commit -m 'bigfiles' && git push origin main --force git add . && git commit -m 'pre-launch' && git push