dGPredictor / CC /chemaxon.py
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Update CC/chemaxon.py
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import logging
import csv
import re
import platform
import io
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
#from openbabel import openbabel
import pdb
from rdkit.Chem import rdchem
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
CXCALC_BIN = 'C:\\Users\\vuu10\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\ChemAxon\\MarvinSuite\\bin\\cxcalc.exe'
#CXCALC_BIN = 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ChemAxon\\MarvinBeans\\bin\\cxcalc.bat'
use_shell_for_echo = True
CXCALC_BIN = 'cxcalc'
use_shell_for_echo = False
MID_PH = 7.0
N_PKAS = 20
class ChemAxonError(Exception):
def RunCxcalc(molstring, args):
# pdb.set_trace()
# with open(platform.DEV_NULL, 'w') as dev_null:
logging.debug("INPUT: echo %s | %s" %
(molstring, ' '.join([CXCALC_BIN] + args)))
p1 = Popen(["echo", molstring], stdout=PIPE,
# p2 = Popen([CXCALC_BIN] + args, stdin=p1.stdout,
# executable=CXCALC_BIN, stdout=PIPE, stderr=dev_null, shell=False)
p2 = Popen([CXCALC_BIN] + args, stdin=p1.stdout,
executable=CXCALC_BIN, stdout=PIPE, shell=False)
# p.wait()
# os.remove(temp_fname)
res = p2.communicate()[0]
if p2.returncode != 0:
raise ChemAxonError(str(args))
logging.debug("OUTPUT: %s" % res)
res = res.decode('utf-8')
return res
except OSError:
raise Exception(
"Marvin (by ChemAxon) must be installed to calculate pKa data.")
def ParsePkaOutput(s, n_acidic, n_basic):
A dictionary that maps the atom index to a list of pKas
that are assigned to that atom.
# s = s.decode('utf-8')
atom2pKa = {}
pkaline = s.split('\n')[1]
splitline = pkaline.split('\t')
if n_acidic + n_basic > 0:
if len(splitline) != (n_acidic + n_basic + 2):
raise ChemAxonError('ChemAxon failed to find any pKas')
pKa_list = []
acid_or_base_list = []
for i in range(n_acidic + n_basic):
x = splitline.pop(0)
if x == '':
if i < n_acidic:
atom_list = splitline.pop(0)
if atom_list: # a comma separated list of the deprotonated atoms
atom_numbers = [int(y)-1 for y in atom_list.split(',')]
for i, j in enumerate(atom_numbers):
atom2pKa.setdefault(j, [])
atom2pKa[j].append((pKa_list[i], acid_or_base_list[i]))
smiles_list = splitline
return atom2pKa, smiles_list
def GetDissociationConstants_val(molstring, n_acidic=N_PKAS, n_basic=N_PKAS,
A pair of (pKa list, major pseudoisomer)
- the pKa list is of the pKa values in ascending order.
- the major pseudoisomer is a SMILES string of the major species
at the given pH.
args = []
if n_acidic + n_basic > 0:
args += ['pka', '-a', str(n_acidic), '-b', str(n_basic),
'majorms', '-M', 'true', '--pH', str(pH)]
output = RunCxcalc(molstring, args)
atom2pKa, smiles_list = ParsePkaOutput(output, n_acidic, n_basic)
all_pKas = []
for pKa_list in list(atom2pKa.values()):
all_pKas += [pKa for pKa, _ in pKa_list]
return sorted(all_pKas), smiles_list
def GetDissociationConstants(molstring, n_acidic=N_PKAS, n_basic=N_PKAS,
molstring - a text description of the molecule (SMILES or InChI)
n_acidic - the max no. of acidic pKas to calculate
n_basic - the max no. of basic pKas to calculate
pH - the pH for which the major pseudoisomer is calculated
Returns a pair:
(all_pKas, major_ms)
- all_pKas is a list of floats (pKa values)
- major_ms is a SMILES string of the major pseudoisomer at pH_mid
all_pKas, smiles_list = GetDissociationConstants_val(molstring, n_acidic,
n_basic, pH)
major_ms = smiles_list[0]
return all_pKas, major_ms
def GetFormulaAndCharge(molstring):
molstring - a text description of the molecule (SMILES or InChI)
chemical formula of the molecule
args = ['formula', 'formalcharge']
output = RunCxcalc(molstring, args)
# the output is a tab separated table whose columns are:
# id, Formula, Formal charge
f = io.StringIO(output)
tsv_output = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
headers = next(tsv_output)
if headers != ['id', 'Formula', 'Formal charge']:
raise ChemAxonError(
'cannot get the formula and charge for: ' + molstring)
_, formula, formal_charge = next(tsv_output)
formal_charge = int(formal_charge)
except ValueError:
formal_charge = 0
return formula, formal_charge
def GetAtomBagAndCharge(molstring):
formula, formal_charge = GetFormulaAndCharge(molstring)
periodic_table = rdchem.GetPeriodicTable()
atom_bag = {}
for mol_formula_times in formula.split('.'):
for times, mol_formula in re.findall('^(\d+)?(\w+)', mol_formula_times):
if not times:
times = 1
times = int(times)
for atom, count in re.findall("([A-Z][a-z]*)([0-9]*)", mol_formula):
if count == '':
count = 1
count = int(count)
atom_bag[atom] = atom_bag.get(atom, 0) + count * times
n_protons = sum([c * periodic_table.GetAtomicNumber(str(elem))
for (elem, c) in atom_bag.items()])
atom_bag['e-'] = n_protons - formal_charge
return atom_bag, formal_charge
if __name__ == "__main__":
from molecule import Molecule
compound_list = [
('D-Erythrulose', 'InChI=1S/C4H8O4/c5-1-3(7)4(8)2-6/h3,5-7H,1-2H2/t3-/m1/s1')]
for name, inchi in compound_list:
print("Formula: %s\nCharge: %d" % GetFormulaAndCharge(inchi))
diss_table, major_ms = GetDissociationConstants(inchi)
m = Molecule.FromSmiles(major_ms)
print("Name: %s\nInChI: %s\npKas: %s" %
(name, m.ToInChI(), str(diss_table)))