import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error, logging from openbabel import openbabel import chemaxon import numpy as np from thermodynamic_constants import R, debye_huckel from scipy.special import logsumexp MIN_PH = 0.0 MAX_PH = 14.0 class Compound(object): def __init__(self, database, compound_id, inchi, atom_bag, pKas, smiles_pH7, majorMSpH7, nHs, zs): self.database = database self.compound_id = compound_id self.inchi = inchi self.atom_bag = atom_bag self.pKas = pKas self.smiles_pH7 = smiles_pH7 self.majorMSpH7 = majorMSpH7 self.nHs = nHs self.zs = zs @staticmethod def from_kegg(compound_id): return Compound.from_inchi('KEGG', compound_id, Compound.get_inchi(compound_id)) @staticmethod def from_inchi(database, compound_id, inchi): if compound_id == 'C00080': # We add an exception for H+ (and put nH = 0) in order to eliminate # its effect of the Legendre transform return Compound(database, compound_id, inchi, {'H' : 1}, [], None, 0, [0], [0]) elif compound_id == 'C00087': # ChemAxon gets confused with the structure of sulfur # (returns a protonated form, [SH-], at pH 7). # So we implement it manually here. return Compound(database, compound_id, inchi, {'S' : 1, 'e-': 16}, [], 'S', 0, [0], [0]) elif compound_id == 'C00237': # ChemAxon gets confused with the structure of carbon monoxide # (returns a protonated form, [CH]#[O+], at pH 7). # So we implement it manually here. return Compound(database, compound_id, inchi, {'C' : 1, 'O': 1, 'e-': 14}, [], '[C-]#[O+]', 0, [0], [0]) elif compound_id == 'C00282': # ChemAxon gets confused with the structure of hydrogen # So we implement it manually here. return Compound(database, compound_id, inchi, {'H' : 2, 'e-': 2}, [], None, 0, [2], [0]) elif compound_id == 'C01353': # When given the structure of carbonic acid, ChemAxon returns the # pKas for CO2(tot), i.e. it assumes the non-hydrated CO2 species is # one of the pseudoisomers, and the lower pKa value is 6.05 instead of # 3.78. Here, we introduce a new "KEGG" compound that will represent # pure bicarbonate (without CO2(sp)) and therefore plug in the pKa # values from Alberty's book. return Compound(database, compound_id, inchi, {'C': 1, 'H': 1, 'O': 3, 'e-': 32}, [10.33, 3.43], 'OC(=O)[O-]', 1, [0, 1, 2], [-2, -1, 0]) # Metal Cations get multiple pKa values from ChemAxon, which is # obviously a bug. We override the important ones here: elif compound_id == 'C00076': # Ca2+ return Compound(database, compound_id, inchi, {'Ca' : 1, 'e-': 18}, [], '[Ca++]', 0, [0], [2]) elif compound_id == 'C00238': # K+ return Compound(database, compound_id, inchi, {'K' : 1, 'e-': 18}, [], '[K+]', 0, [0], [1]) elif compound_id == 'C00305': # Mg2+ return Compound(database, compound_id, inchi, {'Mg' : 1, 'e-': 10}, [], '[Mg++]', 0, [0], [2]) elif compound_id == 'C14818': # Fe2+ return Compound(database, compound_id, inchi, {'Fe' : 1, 'e-': 24}, [], '[Fe++]', 0, [0], [2]) elif compound_id == 'C14819': # Fe3+ return Compound(database, compound_id, inchi, {'Fe' : 1, 'e-': 23}, [], '[Fe+++]', 0, [0], [3]) elif compound_id == 'C00138': # ferredoxin(red) return Compound(database, compound_id, inchi, {'Fe' : 1, 'e-': 26}, [], None, 0, [0], [0]) elif compound_id == 'C00139': # ferredoxin(ox) return Compound(database, compound_id, inchi, {'Fe' : 1, 'e-': 25}, [], None, 0, [0], [1]) elif inchi is None: # If the compound has no explicit structure, we assume that it has # no proton dissociations in the relevant pH range return Compound(database, compound_id, inchi, {}, [], None, 0, [0], [0]) # Otherwise, we use ChemAxon's software to get the pKas and the # properties of all microspecies try: pKas, major_ms_smiles = chemaxon.GetDissociationConstants(inchi) major_ms_smiles = Compound.smiles2smiles(major_ms_smiles) pKas = sorted([pka for pka in pKas if pka > MIN_PH and pka < MAX_PH], reverse=True) except chemaxon.ChemAxonError: logging.warning('chemaxon failed to find pKas for this molecule: ' + inchi) # use the original InChI to get the parameters (i.e. assume it # represents the major microspecies at pH 7) major_ms_smiles = Compound.inchi2smiles(inchi) pKas = [] if major_ms_smiles: atom_bag, major_ms_charge = chemaxon.GetAtomBagAndCharge(major_ms_smiles) major_ms_nH = atom_bag.get('H', 0) else: atom_bag = {} major_ms_charge = 0 major_ms_nH = 0 n_species = len(pKas) + 1 if pKas == []: majorMSpH7 = 0 else: majorMSpH7 = len([1 for pka in pKas if pka > 7]) nHs = [] zs = [] for i in range(n_species): zs.append((i - majorMSpH7) + major_ms_charge) nHs.append((i - majorMSpH7) + major_ms_nH) return Compound(database, compound_id, inchi, atom_bag, pKas, major_ms_smiles, majorMSpH7, nHs, zs) def to_json_dict(self): return {'database' : self.database, 'compound_id' : self.compound_id, 'inchi' : self.inchi, 'atom_bag' : self.atom_bag, 'pKas' : self.pKas, 'smiles_pH7' : self.smiles_pH7, 'majorMSpH7' : self.majorMSpH7, 'nHs' : self.nHs, 'zs' : self.zs} @staticmethod def from_json_dict(d): return Compound(d['database'], d['compound_id'], d['inchi'], d['atom_bag'], d['pKas'], d['smiles_pH7'], d['majorMSpH7'], d['nHs'], d['zs']) @staticmethod def get_inchi(compound_id): s_mol = urllib.request.urlopen('' % compound_id).read() return Compound.mol2inchi(s_mol) @staticmethod def mol2inchi(s): openbabel.obErrorLog.SetOutputLevel(-1) conv = openbabel.OBConversion() conv.SetInAndOutFormats('mol', 'inchi') conv.AddOption("F", conv.OUTOPTIONS) conv.AddOption("T", conv.OUTOPTIONS) conv.AddOption("x", conv.OUTOPTIONS, "noiso") conv.AddOption("w", conv.OUTOPTIONS) obmol = openbabel.OBMol() if not conv.ReadString(obmol, str(s)): return None inchi = conv.WriteString(obmol, True) # second argument is trimWhitespace if inchi == '': return None else: return inchi @staticmethod def inchi2smiles(inchi): openbabel.obErrorLog.SetOutputLevel(-1) conv = openbabel.OBConversion() conv.SetInAndOutFormats('inchi', 'smiles') #conv.AddOption("F", conv.OUTOPTIONS) #conv.AddOption("T", conv.OUTOPTIONS) #conv.AddOption("x", conv.OUTOPTIONS, "noiso") #conv.AddOption("w", conv.OUTOPTIONS) obmol = openbabel.OBMol() conv.ReadString(obmol, str(inchi)) smiles = conv.WriteString(obmol, True) # second argument is trimWhitespace if smiles == '': return None else: return smiles @staticmethod def smiles2smiles(smiles_in): openbabel.obErrorLog.SetOutputLevel(-1) conv = openbabel.OBConversion() conv.SetInAndOutFormats('smiles', 'smiles') #conv.AddOption("F", conv.OUTOPTIONS) #conv.AddOption("T", conv.OUTOPTIONS) #conv.AddOption("x", conv.OUTOPTIONS, "noiso") #conv.AddOption("w", conv.OUTOPTIONS) obmol = openbabel.OBMol() conv.ReadString(obmol, str(smiles_in)) smiles_out = conv.WriteString(obmol, True) # second argument is trimWhitespace if smiles_out == '': return None else: return smiles_out @staticmethod def smiles2inchi(smiles): openbabel.obErrorLog.SetOutputLevel(-1) conv = openbabel.OBConversion() conv.SetInAndOutFormats('smiles', 'inchi') conv.AddOption("F", conv.OUTOPTIONS) conv.AddOption("T", conv.OUTOPTIONS) conv.AddOption("x", conv.OUTOPTIONS, "noiso") conv.AddOption("w", conv.OUTOPTIONS) obmol = openbabel.OBMol() conv.ReadString(obmol, str(smiles)) inchi = conv.WriteString(obmol, True) # second argument is trimWhitespace if inchi == '': return None else: return inchi def __str__(self): return "%s\nInChI: %s\npKas: %s\nmajor MS: nH = %d, charge = %d" % \ (self.compound_id, self.inchi, ', '.join(['%.2f' % p for p in self.pKas]), self.nHs[self.majorMSpH7], self.zs[self.majorMSpH7]) def _dG0_prime_vector(self, pH, I, T): """ Calculates the difference in kJ/mol between dG'0 and the dG0 of the MS with the least hydrogens (dG0[0]) Returns: dG'0 - dG0[0] """ if self.inchi is None: return 0 elif self.pKas == []: dG0s = np.zeros((1, 1)) else: dG0s = -np.cumsum([0] + self.pKas) * R * T * np.log(10) dG0s = dG0s DH = debye_huckel((I, T)) # dG0' = dG0 + nH * (R T ln(10) pH + DH) - charge^2 * DH pseudoisomers = np.vstack([dG0s, np.array(self.nHs), np.array(self.zs)]).T dG0_prime_vector = pseudoisomers[:, 0] + \ pseudoisomers[:, 1] * (R * T * np.log(10) * pH + DH) - \ pseudoisomers[:, 2]**2 * DH return dG0_prime_vector def _transform(self, pH, I, T): return -R * T * logsumexp(self._dG0_prime_vector(pH, I, T) / (-R * T)) def _ddG(self, i_from, i_to, T): """ Calculates the difference in kJ/mol between two MSs. Returns: dG0[i_to] - dG0[i_from] """ if not (0 <= i_from <= len(self.pKas)): raise ValueError('MS index is out of bounds: 0 <= %d <= %d' % (i_from, len(self.pKas))) if not (0 <= i_to <= len(self.pKas)): raise ValueError('MS index is out of bounds: 0 <= %d <= %d' % (i_to, len(self.pKas))) if i_from == i_to: return 0 elif i_from < i_to: return sum(self.pKas[i_from:i_to]) * R * T * np.log(10) else: return -sum(self.pKas[i_to:i_from]) * R * T * np.log(10) def transform(self, i, pH, I, T): """ Returns the difference in kJ/mol between dG'0 and the dG0 of the MS with index 'i'. Returns: (dG'0 - dG0[0]) + (dG0[0] - dG0[i]) = dG'0 - dG0[i] """ return self._transform(pH, I, T) + self._ddG(0, i, T) def transform_pH7(self, pH, I, T): """ Returns the transform for the major MS in pH 7 """ return self.transform(self.majorMSpH7, pH, I, T) def transform_neutral(self, pH, I, T): """ Returns the transform for the MS with no charge """ try: return self.transform(pH, I, T, self.zs.index(0)) except ValueError: raise ValueError("The compound (%s) does not have a microspecies with 0 charge" % self.compound_id) def get_species(self, major_ms_dG0_f, T): """ Given the chemical formation energy of the major microspecies, uses the pKa values to calculate the chemical formation energies of all other species, and returns a list of dictionaries with all the relevant data: dG0_f, nH, nMg, z (charge) """ for i, (nH, z) in enumerate(zip(self.nHs, self.zs)): dG0_f = major_ms_dG0_f + self._ddG(i, self.majorMSpH7, T) d = {'phase': 'aqueous', 'dG0_f': np.round(dG0_f, 2), 'nH': nH, 'z': z, 'nMg': 0} yield d if __name__ == '__main__': import sys, json logger = logging.getLogger('') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) from compound_cacher import CompoundCacher, CompoundEncoder from molecule import Molecule, OpenBabelError ccache = CompoundCacher(cache_fname=None) for compound_id in ['C00087', 'C00282', 'C00237']: comp = Compound.from_kegg(compound_id) try: mol = Molecule.FromInChI(str(comp.inchi)) sys.stderr.write('%s : formula = %s, nE = %s' % (str(comp.inchi), mol.GetFormula(), mol.GetNumElectrons())) except OpenBabelError: pass ccache.add(comp) sys.stderr.write('\ncompound id = %s, nH = %s, z = %s, pKa = %s, bag = %s\n\n\n' % (compound_id, str(comp.nHs), str(comp.zs), str(comp.pKas), str(comp.atom_bag))) ccache.dump()