import gradio as gr import json, time, torch from transformers import BartTokenizer, BartForConditionalGeneration, AutoModel, AutoTokenizer from webshop_lite import dict_to_fake_html from predict_help import ( Page, convert_dict_to_actions, convert_html_to_text, parse_results_amz, parse_item_page_amz, parse_results_ws, parse_item_page_ws, parse_results_ebay, parse_item_page_ebay, WEBSHOP_URL, WEBSHOP_SESSION ) ENVIRONMENTS = ['amazon', 'webshop', 'ebay'] # IL+RL: 'webshop/il-rl-choice-bert-image_1' # IL: 'webshop/il-choice-bert-image_0' BERT_MODEL_PATH = 'webshop/il-choice-bert-image_0' # load IL models bart_tokenizer = BartTokenizer.from_pretrained('facebook/bart-large') bart_model = BartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained('webshop/il_search_bart') bert_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased', truncation_side='left') bert_tokenizer.add_tokens(['[button]', '[button_]', '[clicked button]', '[clicked button_]'], special_tokens=True) bert_model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(BERT_MODEL_PATH, trust_remote_code=True) def process_str(s): s = s.lower().replace('"', '').replace("'", "").strip() s = s.replace('[sep]', '[SEP]') return s def process_goal(state): state = state.lower().replace('"', '').replace("'", "") state = state.replace('amazon shopping game\ninstruction:', '').replace('\n[button] search [button_]', '').strip() if ', and price lower than' in state: state = state.split(', and price lower than')[0] return state def data_collator(batch): state_input_ids, state_attention_mask, action_input_ids, action_attention_mask, sizes, labels, images = [], [], [], [], [], [], [] for sample in batch: state_input_ids.append(sample['state_input_ids']) state_attention_mask.append(sample['state_attention_mask']) action_input_ids.extend(sample['action_input_ids']) action_attention_mask.extend(sample['action_attention_mask']) sizes.append(sample['sizes']) labels.append(sample['labels']) images.append(sample['images']) max_state_len = max(sum(x) for x in state_attention_mask) max_action_len = max(sum(x) for x in action_attention_mask) return { 'state_input_ids': torch.tensor(state_input_ids)[:, :max_state_len], 'state_attention_mask': torch.tensor(state_attention_mask)[:, :max_state_len], 'action_input_ids': torch.tensor(action_input_ids)[:, :max_action_len], 'action_attention_mask': torch.tensor(action_attention_mask)[:, :max_action_len], 'sizes': torch.tensor(sizes), 'images': torch.tensor(images), 'labels': torch.tensor(labels), } def bart_predict(input): input_ids = bart_tokenizer(input)['input_ids'] input_ids = torch.tensor(input_ids).unsqueeze(0) output = bart_model.generate(input_ids, max_length=512, num_return_sequences=5, num_beams=5) return bart_tokenizer.batch_decode(output.tolist(), skip_special_tokens=True)[0] def bert_predict(obs, info, softmax=True): valid_acts = info['valid'] assert valid_acts[0].startswith('click[') state_encodings = bert_tokenizer(process_str(obs), max_length=512, truncation=True, padding='max_length') action_encodings = bert_tokenizer(list(map(process_str, valid_acts)), max_length=512, truncation=True, padding='max_length') batch = { 'state_input_ids': state_encodings['input_ids'], 'state_attention_mask': state_encodings['attention_mask'], 'action_input_ids': action_encodings['input_ids'], 'action_attention_mask': action_encodings['attention_mask'], 'sizes': len(valid_acts), 'images': info['image_feat'].tolist(), 'labels': 0 } batch = data_collator([batch]) outputs = bert_model(**batch) if softmax: idx = torch.multinomial(torch.nn.functional.softmax(outputs.logits[0], dim=0), 1)[0].item() else: idx = outputs.logits[0].argmax(0).item() return valid_acts[idx] def get_return_value(env, asin, options, search_terms, page_num, product): asin_url = None # Determine product URL + options based on environment if env == 'webshop': query_str = "+".join(search_terms.split()) options_str = json.dumps(options) asin_url = ( f'{WEBSHOP_URL}/item_page/{WEBSHOP_SESSION}/' f'{asin}/{query_str}/{page_num}/{options_str}' ) else: asin_url = f"{asin}" if env == 'ebay' else \ f"{asin}" # Extract relevant fields for product product_reduced = {k: v for k, v in product.items() if k in ["asin", "Title", "Description", "BulletPoints"]} product_reduced["Description"] = product_reduced["Description"][:100] + "..." product_reduced["Features"] = product_reduced.pop("BulletPoints") product_reduced["Features"] = product_reduced["Features"][:100] + "..." # Create HTML to show link to product html = """Chosen Product""" html += f"""Product Image:
""" if len(product["MainImage"]) > 0 else "" html += f"""Link to Product: {asin_url} """ return product_reduced, options if len(options) > 0 else "None Selected", html def predict(obs, info): """ Given WebShop environment observation and info, predict an action. """ valid_acts = info['valid'] if valid_acts[0].startswith('click['): return bert_predict(obs, info) else: return "search[" + bart_predict(process_goal(obs)) + "]" def run_episode(goal, env, verbose=True): """ Interact with amazon to find a product given input goal. Input: text goal Output: a url of found item on amazon. """ env = env.lower() if env not in ENVIRONMENTS: print(f"[ERROR] Environment {env} not recognized") obs = "Amazon Shopping Game\nInstruction:" + goal + "\n[button] search [button]" info = {'valid': ['search[stuff]'], 'image_feat': torch.zeros(512)} product_map = {} title_to_asin_map = {} search_results_cache = {} visited_asins, clicked_options = set(), set() sub_page_type, page_type, page_num = None, None, None search_terms, prod_title, asin = None, None, None options = {} for i in range(100): # Run prediction action = predict(obs, info) if verbose: print("====") print(action) # Previous Page Type, Action -> Next Page Type action_content = action[action.find("[")+1:action.find("]")] prev_page_type = page_type if action.startswith('search['): page_type = Page.RESULTS search_terms = action_content page_num = 1 elif action.startswith('click['): if action.startswith('click[item -'): prod_title = action_content[len("item -"):].strip() found = False for key in title_to_asin_map: if prod_title == key: asin = title_to_asin_map[key] page_type = Page.ITEM_PAGE visited_asins.add(asin) found = True break if not found: raise Exception("Product to click not found") elif any(x.value in action for x in [Page.DESC, Page.FEATURES, Page.REVIEWS]): page_type = Page.SUB_PAGE sub_page_type = Page(action_content.lower()) elif action == 'click[< prev]': if sub_page_type is not None: page_type, sub_page_type = Page.ITEM_PAGE, None elif prev_page_type == Page.ITEM_PAGE: page_type = Page.RESULTS options, clicked_options = {}, set() elif prev_page_type == Page.RESULTS and page_num > 1: page_type = Page.RESULTS page_num -= 1 elif action == 'click[next >]': page_type = Page.RESULTS page_num += 1 elif action.lower() == 'click[back to search]': page_type = Page.SEARCH elif action == 'click[buy now]': return get_return_value(env, asin, options, search_terms, page_num, product_map[asin]) elif prev_page_type == Page.ITEM_PAGE: found = False for opt_name, opt_values in product_map[asin]["options"].items(): if action_content in opt_values: options[opt_name] = action_content page_type = Page.ITEM_PAGE clicked_options.add(action_content) found = True break if not found: raise Exception("Unrecognized action: " + action) else: raise Exception("Unrecognized action:" + action) if verbose: print(f"Parsing {page_type.value} page...") # URL -> Real HTML -> Dict of Info if page_type == Page.RESULTS: if search_terms in search_results_cache: data = search_results_cache[search_terms] if verbose: print(f"Loading cached results page for \"{search_terms}\"") else: begin = time.time() if env == 'amazon': data = parse_results_amz(search_terms, page_num, verbose) if env == 'webshop': data = parse_results_ws(search_terms, page_num, verbose) if env == 'ebay': data = parse_results_ebay(search_terms, page_num, verbose) end = time.time() if verbose: print(f"Parsing search results took {end-begin} seconds") search_results_cache[search_terms] = data for d in data: title_to_asin_map[d['Title']] = d['asin'] elif page_type == Page.ITEM_PAGE or page_type == Page.SUB_PAGE: if asin in product_map: if verbose: print("Loading cached item page for", asin) data = product_map[asin] else: begin = time.time() if env == 'amazon': data = parse_item_page_amz(asin, verbose) if env == 'webshop': data = parse_item_page_ws(asin, search_terms, page_num, options, verbose) if env == 'ebay': data = parse_item_page_ebay(asin, verbose) end = time.time() if verbose: print("Parsing item page took", end-begin, "seconds") product_map[asin] = data elif page_type == Page.SEARCH: if verbose: print("Executing search") obs = "Amazon Shopping Game\nInstruction:" + goal + "\n[button] search [button]" info = {'valid': ['search[stuff]'], 'image_feat': torch.zeros(512)} continue else: raise Exception("Page of type `", page_type, "` not found") # Dict of Info -> Fake HTML -> Text Observation begin = time.time() html_str = dict_to_fake_html(data, page_type, asin, sub_page_type, options, product_map, goal) obs = convert_html_to_text(html_str, simple=False, clicked_options=clicked_options, visited_asins=visited_asins) end = time.time() if verbose: print("[Page Info -> WebShop HTML -> Observation] took", end-begin, "seconds") # Dict of Info -> Valid Action State (Info) begin = time.time() prod_arg = product_map if page_type == Page.ITEM_PAGE else data info = convert_dict_to_actions(page_type, prod_arg, asin, page_num) end = time.time() if verbose: print("Extracting available actions took", end-begin, "seconds") if i == 50: return get_return_value(env, asin, options, search_terms, page_num, product_map[asin]) gr.Interface( fn=run_episode, inputs=[ gr.inputs.Textbox(lines=7, label="Input Text"), gr.inputs.Radio(['Amazon', 'eBay'], type="value", default="Amazon", label='Environment') ], outputs=[ gr.outputs.JSON(label="Selected Product"), gr.outputs.JSON(label="Selected Options"), gr.outputs.HTML() ], examples=[ ["I want to find a gold floor lamp with a glass shade and a nickel finish that i can use for my living room, and price lower than 270.00 dollars", "Amazon"], ["I need some cute heart-shaped glittery cupcake picks as a gift to bring to a baby shower", "Amazon"], ["I want to buy ballet shoes which have rubber sole in grey suede color and a size of 6", "Amazon"], ["I would like a 7 piece king comforter set decorated with flowers and is machine washable", "Amazon"], ["I'm trying to find white bluetooth speakers that are not only water resistant but also come with stereo sound", "eBay"], ["find me the soy free 3.5 ounce 4-pack of dang thai rice chips, and make sure they are the aged cheddar flavor. i also need the ones in the resealable bags", "eBay"], ["I am looking for a milk chocolate of 1 pound size in a single pack for valentine day", "eBay"], ["I'm looking for a mini pc intel core desktop computer which supports with windows 11", "eBay"] ], title="WebShop", article="

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", description="

Sim-to-real transfer of agent trained on WebShop to search a desired product on Amazon from any natural language query!

", ).launch(inline=False)