win10 / src /
wkplhc's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub (#1)
c56af68 verified
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -Eeuo pipefail
handle_curl_error() {
local error_code="$1"
case "$error_code" in
1) error "Unsupported protocol!" ;;
2) error "Failed to initialize curl!" ;;
3) error "The URL format is malformed!" ;;
5) error "Failed to resolve address of proxy host!" ;;
6) error "Failed to resolve Microsoft servers! Is there an Internet connection?" ;;
7) error "Failed to contact Microsoft servers! Is there an Internet connection or is the server down?" ;;
8) error "Microsoft servers returned a malformed HTTP response!" ;;
16) error "A problem was detected in the HTTP2 framing layer!" ;;
22) error "Microsoft servers returned a failing HTTP status code!" ;;
23) error "Failed at writing Windows media to disk! Out of disk space or permission error?" ;;
26) error "Failed to read Windows media from disk!" ;;
27) error "Ran out of memory during download!" ;;
28) error "Connection timed out to Microsoft server!" ;;
35) error "SSL connection error from Microsoft server!" ;;
36) error "Failed to continue earlier download!" ;;
52) error "Received no data from the Microsoft server!" ;;
63) error "Microsoft servers returned an unexpectedly large response!" ;;
# POSIX defines exit statuses 1-125 as usable by us
$((error_code <= 125)))
# Must be some other server or network error (possibly with this specific request/file)
# This is when accounting for all possible errors in the curl manual assuming a correctly formed curl command and an HTTP(S) request, using only the curl features we're using, and a sane build
error "Miscellaneous server or network error, reason: $error_code"
126 | 127 ) error "Curl command not found!" ;;
# Exit statuses are undefined by POSIX beyond this point
case "$(kill -l "$error_code")" in
# Signals defined to exist by POSIX:
INT) error "Curl was interrupted!" ;;
# There could be other signals but these are most common
SEGV | ABRT ) error "Curl crashed! Please report any core dumps to curl developers." ;;
*) error "Curl terminated due to fatal signal $error_code !" ;;
return 1
get_agent() {
local user_agent
# Determine approximate latest Firefox release
browser_version="$((124 + ($(date +%s) - 1710892800) / 2419200))"
echo "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:${browser_version}.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/${browser_version}.0"
return 0
download_windows() {
local id="$1"
local lang="$2"
local desc="$3"
local sku_id=""
local language=""
local session_id=""
local user_agent=""
local windows_version=""
local iso_download_link=""
local product_edition_id=""
local iso_download_link_html=""
local iso_download_page_html=""
local language_skuid_table_html=""
case "${id,,}" in
"win11x64" ) windows_version="11" ;;
"win10x64" ) windows_version="10" ;;
"win81x64" ) windows_version="8" ;;
* ) error "Invalid VERSION specified, value \"$id\" is not recognized!" && return 1 ;;
language=$(getLanguage "$lang" "name")
local url="$windows_version"
case "$windows_version" in
8 | 10) url+="ISO";;
# uuidgen: For MacOS (installed by default) and other systems (e.g. with no /proc) that don't have a kernel interface for generating random UUIDs
session_id=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid 2> /dev/null || uuidgen --random)
# Get product edition ID for latest release of given Windows version
# Product edition ID: This specifies both the Windows release (e.g. 22H2) and edition ("multi-edition" is default, either Home/Pro/Edu/etc., we select "Pro" in the answer files) in one number
# This is the *only* request we make that Fido doesn't. Fido manually maintains a list of all the Windows release/edition product edition IDs in its script (see: $WindowsVersions array). This is helpful for downloading older releases (e.g. Windows 10 1909, 21H1, etc.) but we always want to get the newest release which is why we get this value dynamically
# Also, keeping a "$WindowsVersions" array like Fido does would be way too much of a maintenance burden
# Remove "Accept" header that curl sends by default
[[ "$DEBUG" == [Yy1]* ]] && echo " - Parsing download page: ${url}"
iso_download_page_html=$(curl --silent --max-time 30 --user-agent "$user_agent" --header "Accept:" --max-filesize 1M --fail --proto =https --tlsv1.2 --http1.1 -- "$url") || {
handle_curl_error $?
return $?
[[ "$DEBUG" == [Yy1]* ]] && echo -n "Getting Product edition ID: "
# tr: Filter for only numerics to prevent HTTP parameter injection
# head -c was recently added to POSIX:
product_edition_id=$(echo "$iso_download_page_html" | grep -Eo '<option value="[0-9]+">Windows' | cut -d '"' -f 2 | head -n 1 | tr -cd '0-9' | head -c 16)
[[ "$DEBUG" == [Yy1]* ]] && echo "$product_edition_id"
[[ "$DEBUG" == [Yy1]* ]] && echo "Permit Session ID: $session_id"
# Permit Session ID
# "org_id" is always the same value
curl --silent --max-time 30 --output /dev/null --user-agent "$user_agent" --header "Accept:" --max-filesize 100K --fail --proto =https --tlsv1.2 --http1.1 -- "$session_id" || {
# This should only happen if there's been some change to how this API works
handle_curl_error $?
return $?
# Extract everything after the last slash
local url_segment_parameter="${url##*/}"
[[ "$DEBUG" == [Yy1]* ]] && echo -n "Getting language SKU ID: "
# Get language -> skuID association table
# SKU ID: This specifies the language of the ISO. We always use "English (United States)", however, the SKU for this changes with each Windows release
# We must make this request so our next one will be allowed
# --data "" is required otherwise no "Content-Length" header will be sent causing HTTP response "411 Length Required"
language_skuid_table_html=$(curl --silent --max-time 30 --request POST --user-agent "$user_agent" --data "" --header "Accept:" --max-filesize 10K --fail --proto =https --tlsv1.2 --http1.1 -- ",$url_segment_parameter&query=&action=getskuinformationbyproductedition&sessionId=$session_id&productEditionId=$product_edition_id&sdVersion=2") || {
handle_curl_error $?
return $?
# tr: Filter for only alphanumerics or "-" to prevent HTTP parameter injection
sku_id=$(echo "$language_skuid_table_html" | grep -m 1 ">${language}<" | sed 's/&quot;//g' | cut -d ',' -f 1 | cut -d ':' -f 2 | tr -cd '[:alnum:]-' | head -c 16)
if [ -z "$sku_id" ]; then
language=$(getLanguage "$lang" "desc")
error "No download in the $language language available for $desc!"
return 1
[[ "$DEBUG" == [Yy1]* ]] && echo "$sku_id"
[[ "$DEBUG" == [Yy1]* ]] && echo "Getting ISO download link..."
# Get ISO download link
# If any request is going to be blocked by Microsoft it's always this last one (the previous requests always seem to succeed)
# --referer: Required by Microsoft servers to allow request
iso_download_link_html=$(curl --silent --max-time 30 --request POST --user-agent "$user_agent" --data "" --referer "$url" --header "Accept:" --max-filesize 100K --fail --proto =https --tlsv1.2 --http1.1 -- ",$url_segment_parameter&query=&action=GetProductDownloadLinksBySku&sessionId=$session_id&skuId=$sku_id&language=English&sdVersion=2")
if ! [ "$iso_download_link_html" ]; then
# This should only happen if there's been some change to how this API works
error "Microsoft servers gave us an empty response to our request for an automated download."
return 1
if echo "$iso_download_link_html" | grep -q "We are unable to complete your request at this time."; then
error "Microsoft blocked the automated download request based on your IP address."
return 1
# Filter for 64-bit ISO download URL
# sed: HTML decode "&" character
# tr: Filter for only alphanumerics or punctuation
iso_download_link=$(echo "$iso_download_link_html" | grep -o "*IsoX64" | cut -d '"' -f 1 | sed 's/&amp;/\&/g' | tr -cd '[:alnum:][:punct:]')
if ! [ "$iso_download_link" ]; then
# This should only happen if there's been some change to the download endpoint web address
error "Microsoft servers gave us no download link to our request for an automated download!"
return 1
return 0
download_windows_eval() {
local id="$1"
local lang="$2"
local desc="$3"
local filter=""
local culture=""
local language=""
local user_agent=""
local enterprise_type=""
local windows_version=""
case "${id,,}" in
"win11${PLATFORM,,}-enterprise-eval" )
windows_version="windows-11-enterprise" ;;
"win11${PLATFORM,,}-enterprise-iot-eval" )
windows_version="windows-11-iot-enterprise-ltsc-eval" ;;
"win11${PLATFORM,,}-enterprise-ltsc-eval" )
windows_version="windows-11-iot-enterprise-ltsc-eval" ;;
"win10${PLATFORM,,}-enterprise-eval" )
windows_version="windows-10-enterprise" ;;
"win10${PLATFORM,,}-enterprise-ltsc-eval" )
windows_version="windows-10-enterprise" ;;
"win2025-eval" )
windows_version="windows-server-2025" ;;
"win2022-eval" )
windows_version="windows-server-2022" ;;
"win2019-eval" )
windows_version="windows-server-2019" ;;
"win2016-eval" )
windows_version="windows-server-2016" ;;
"win2012r2-eval" )
windows_version="windows-server-2012-r2" ;;
* )
error "Invalid VERSION specified, value \"$id\" is not recognized!" && return 1 ;;
culture=$(getLanguage "$lang" "culture")
local country="${culture#*-}"
local iso_download_page_html=""
local url="$windows_version"
[[ "$DEBUG" == [Yy1]* ]] && echo "Parsing download page: ${url}"
iso_download_page_html=$(curl --silent --max-time 30 --user-agent "$user_agent" --location --max-filesize 1M --fail --proto =https --tlsv1.2 --http1.1 -- "$url") || {
handle_curl_error $?
return $?
if ! [ "$iso_download_page_html" ]; then
# This should only happen if there's been some change to where this download page is located
error "Windows server download page gave us an empty response"
return 1
[[ "$DEBUG" == [Yy1]* ]] && echo "Getting download link.."
if [[ "$enterprise_type" == "iot" ]]; then
iso_download_links=$(echo "$iso_download_page_html" | grep -io "$filter") || {
# This should only happen if there's been some change to the download endpoint web address
if [[ "${lang,,}" == "en" ]] || [[ "${lang,,}" == "en-"* ]]; then
error "Windows server download page gave us no download link!"
language=$(getLanguage "$lang" "desc")
error "No download in the $language language available for $desc!"
return 1
case "$enterprise_type" in
"enterprise" )
iso_download_link=$(echo "$iso_download_links" | head -n 2 | tail -n 1)
"iot" )
if [[ "${PLATFORM,,}" == "x64" ]]; then
iso_download_link=$(echo "$iso_download_links" | head -n 1)
if [[ "${PLATFORM,,}" == "arm64" ]]; then
iso_download_link=$(echo "$iso_download_links" | head -n 2 | tail -n 1)
"ltsc" )
iso_download_link=$(echo "$iso_download_links" | head -n 4 | tail -n 1)
"server" )
iso_download_link=$(echo "$iso_download_links" | head -n 1)
* )
error "Invalid type specified, value \"$enterprise_type\" is not recognized!" && return 1 ;;
[[ "$DEBUG" == [Yy1]* ]] && echo "Found download link: $iso_download_link"
# Follow redirect so proceeding log message is useful
# This is a request we make this Fido doesn't
# We don't need to set "--max-filesize" here because this is a HEAD request and the output is to /dev/null anyway
iso_download_link=$(curl --silent --max-time 30 --user-agent "$user_agent" --location --output /dev/null --silent --write-out "%{url_effective}" --head --fail --proto =https --tlsv1.2 --http1.1 -- "$iso_download_link") || {
# This should only happen if the Microsoft servers are down
handle_curl_error $?
return $?
return 0
getWindows() {
local version="$1"
local lang="$2"
local desc="$3"
local language edition
language=$(getLanguage "$lang" "desc")
edition=$(printEdition "$version" "$desc")
local msg="Requesting $desc from Microsoft server..."
info "$msg" && html "$msg"
case "${version,,}" in
"win2008r2" | "win81${PLATFORM,,}-enterprise-eval" | "win11${PLATFORM,,}-enterprise-iot-eval" )
if [[ "${lang,,}" != "en" ]] && [[ "${lang,,}" != "en-"* ]]; then
error "No download in the $language language available for $edition!"
MIDO_URL="" && return 1
fi ;;
case "${version,,}" in
"win11${PLATFORM,,}-enterprise-iot-eval" ) ;;
"win11${PLATFORM,,}-enterprise-ltsc-eval" ) ;;
* )
if [[ "${PLATFORM,,}" != "x64" ]]; then
error "No download for the ${PLATFORM^^} platform available for $edition!"
MIDO_URL="" && return 1
fi ;;
case "${version,,}" in
"win81${PLATFORM,,}" | "win10${PLATFORM,,}" | "win11${PLATFORM,,}" )
download_windows "$version" "$lang" "$edition" && return 0
"win11${PLATFORM,,}-enterprise"* | "win10${PLATFORM,,}-enterprise"* )
download_windows_eval "$version" "$lang" "$edition" && return 0
"win2025-eval" | "win2022-eval" | "win2019-eval" | "win2016-eval" | "win2012r2-eval" )
download_windows_eval "$version" "$lang" "$edition" && return 0
"win81${PLATFORM,,}-enterprise-eval" )
MIDO_URL="" && return 0
"win2008r2" )
MIDO_URL="" && return 0
* ) error "Invalid VERSION specified, value \"$version\" is not recognized!" ;;
return 1
getCatalog() {
local id="$1"
local ret="$2"
local url=""
local name=""
local edition=""
case "${id,,}" in
"win11${PLATFORM,,}" )
name="Windows 11 Pro"
url="" ;;
"win10${PLATFORM,,}" )
name="Windows 10 Pro"
url="" ;;
"win11${PLATFORM,,}-enterprise" | "win11${PLATFORM,,}-enterprise-eval")
name="Windows 11 Enterprise"
url="" ;;
"win10${PLATFORM,,}-enterprise" | "win10${PLATFORM,,}-enterprise-eval" )
name="Windows 10 Enterprise"
url="" ;;
case "${ret,,}" in
"url" ) echo "$url" ;;
"name" ) echo "$name" ;;
"edition" ) echo "$edition" ;;
*) echo "";;
return 0
getESD() {
local dir="$1"
local version="$2"
local lang="$3"
local desc="$4"
local culture
local language
local editionName
local winCatalog size
culture=$(getLanguage "$lang" "culture")
winCatalog=$(getCatalog "$version" "url")
editionName=$(getCatalog "$version" "edition")
if [ -z "$winCatalog" ] || [ -z "$editionName" ]; then
error "Invalid VERSION specified, value \"$version\" is not recognized!" && return 1
local msg="Downloading product information from Microsoft server..."
info "$msg" && html "$msg"
rm -rf "$dir"
mkdir -p "$dir"
local wFile=""
local xFile="products.xml"
local eFile="esd_edition.xml"
local fFile="products_filter.xml"
{ wget "$winCatalog" -O "$dir/$wFile" -q --timeout=30; rc=$?; } || :
msg="Failed to download $winCatalog"
(( rc == 3 )) && error "$msg , cannot write file (disk full?)" && return 1
(( rc == 4 )) && error "$msg , network failure!" && return 1
(( rc == 8 )) && error "$msg , server issued an error response!" && return 1
(( rc != 0 )) && error "$msg , reason: $rc" && return 1
cd "$dir"
if ! cabextract "$wFile" > /dev/null; then
cd /run
error "Failed to extract $wFile!" && return 1
cd /run
if [ ! -s "$dir/$xFile" ]; then
error "Failed to find $xFile in $wFile!" && return 1
local edQuery='//File[Architecture="'${PLATFORM}'"][Edition="'${editionName}'"]'
echo -e '<Catalog>' > "$dir/$fFile"
xmllint --nonet --xpath "${edQuery}" "$dir/$xFile" >> "$dir/$fFile" 2>/dev/null
echo -e '</Catalog>'>> "$dir/$fFile"
xmllint --nonet --xpath "//File[LanguageCode=\"${culture,,}\"]" "$dir/$fFile" >"$dir/$eFile"
size=$(stat -c%s "$dir/$eFile")
if ((size<20)); then
desc=$(printEdition "$version" "$desc")
language=$(getLanguage "$lang" "desc")
error "No download in the $language language available for $desc!" && return 1
local tag="FilePath"
ESD=$(xmllint --nonet --xpath "//$tag" "$dir/$eFile" | sed -E -e "s/<[\/]?$tag>//g")
if [ -z "$ESD" ]; then
error "Failed to find ESD URL in $eFile!" && return 1
ESD_SUM=$(xmllint --nonet --xpath "//$tag" "$dir/$eFile" | sed -E -e "s/<[\/]?$tag>//g")
ESD_SIZE=$(xmllint --nonet --xpath "//$tag" "$dir/$eFile" | sed -E -e "s/<[\/]?$tag>//g")
rm -rf "$dir"
return 0
verifyFile() {
local iso="$1"
local size="$2"
local total="$3"
local check="$4"
if [ -n "$size" ] && [[ "$total" != "$size" ]] && [[ "$size" != "0" ]]; then
warn "The downloaded file has an unexpected size: $total bytes, while expected value was: $size bytes. Please report this at $SUPPORT/issues"
local hash=""
local algo="SHA256"
[ -z "$check" ] && return 0
[[ "$VERIFY" != [Yy1]* ]] && return 0
[[ "${#check}" == "40" ]] && algo="SHA1"
local msg="Verifying downloaded ISO..."
info "$msg" && html "$msg"
if [[ "${algo,,}" != "sha256" ]]; then
hash=$(sha1sum "$iso" | cut -f1 -d' ')
hash=$(sha256sum "$iso" | cut -f1 -d' ')
if [[ "$hash" == "$check" ]]; then
info "Succesfully verified ISO!" && return 0
error "The downloaded file has an invalid $algo checksum: $hash , while expected value was: $check. Please report this at $SUPPORT/issues"
return 1
downloadFile() {
local iso="$1"
local url="$2"
local sum="$3"
local size="$4"
local lang="$5"
local desc="$6"
local rc total progress domain dots space folder
rm -f "$iso"
if [ -n "$size" ] && [[ "$size" != "0" ]]; then
folder=$(dirname -- "$iso")
space=$(df --output=avail -B 1 "$folder" | tail -n 1)
(( size > space )) && error "Not enough free space left to download file!" && return 1
# Check if running with interactive TTY or redirected to docker log
if [ -t 1 ]; then
local msg="Downloading $desc"
html "$msg..."
domain=$(echo "$url" | awk -F/ '{print $3}')
dots=$(echo "$domain" | tr -cd '.' | wc -c)
(( dots > 1 )) && domain=$(expr "$domain" : '.*\.\(.*\..*\)')
if [ -n "$domain" ] && [[ "${domain,,}" != *"" ]]; then
msg="Downloading $desc from $domain"
info "$msg..."
/run/ "$iso" "$size" "$msg ([P])..." &
{ wget "$url" -O "$iso" -q --timeout=30 --show-progress "$progress"; rc=$?; } || :
fKill ""
if (( rc == 0 )) && [ -f "$iso" ]; then
total=$(stat -c%s "$iso")
if [ "$total" -lt 100000000 ]; then
error "Invalid download link: $url (is only $total bytes?). Please report this at $SUPPORT/issues." && return 1
! verifyFile "$iso" "$size" "$total" "$sum" && return 1
html "Download finished successfully..." && return 0
msg="Failed to download $url"
(( rc == 3 )) && error "$msg , cannot write file (disk full?)" && return 1
(( rc == 4 )) && error "$msg , network failure!" && return 1
(( rc == 8 )) && error "$msg , server issued an error response!" && return 1
error "$msg , reason: $rc"
return 1
downloadImage() {
local iso="$1"
local version="$2"
local lang="$3"
local tried="n"
local url sum size base desc language
if [[ "${version,,}" == "http"* ]]; then
base=$(basename "$iso")
desc=$(fromFile "$base")
downloadFile "$iso" "$version" "" "" "" "$desc" && return 0
rm -f "$iso"
return 1
if ! validVersion "$version" "en"; then
error "Invalid VERSION specified, value \"$version\" is not recognized!" && return 1
desc=$(printVersion "$version" "")
if [[ "${lang,,}" != "en" ]] && [[ "${lang,,}" != "en-"* ]]; then
language=$(getLanguage "$lang" "desc")
if ! validVersion "$version" "$lang"; then
desc=$(printEdition "$version" "$desc")
error "The $language language version of $desc is not available, please switch to English." && return 1
desc+=" in $language"
if isMido "$version" "$lang"; then
if getWindows "$version" "$lang" "$desc"; then
size=$(getMido "$version" "$lang" "size" )
sum=$(getMido "$version" "$lang" "sum")
downloadFile "$iso" "$MIDO_URL" "$sum" "$size" "$lang" "$desc" && return 0
rm -f "$iso"
switchEdition "$version"
if isESD "$version" "$lang"; then
if [[ "$tried" != "n" ]]; then
info "Failed to download $desc, will try a diferent method now..."
if getESD "$TMP/esd" "$version" "$lang" "$desc"; then
downloadFile "$ISO" "$ESD" "$ESD_SUM" "$ESD_SIZE" "$lang" "$desc" && return 0
rm -f "$ISO"
for ((i=1;i<=MIRRORS;i++)); do
url=$(getLink "$i" "$version" "$lang")
if [ -n "$url" ]; then
if [[ "$tried" != "n" ]]; then
info "Failed to download $desc, will try another mirror now..."
size=$(getSize "$i" "$version" "$lang")
sum=$(getHash "$i" "$version" "$lang")
downloadFile "$iso" "$url" "$sum" "$size" "$lang" "$desc" && return 0
rm -f "$iso"
return 1
return 0