import os import time from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo import gradio as gr import plotly.graph_objects as go import schedule import wandb from substrateinterface import Keypair from wandb.apis.public import Run, Runs wandb_api = wandb.Api() demo = gr.Blocks(css=".typewriter {font-family: 'JMH Typewriter', sans-serif;}") SOURCE_VALIDATOR_UID = int(os.environ["SOURCE_VALIDATOR_UID"]) WANDB_RUN_PATH = os.environ["WANDB_RUN_PATH"] BASELINE = 0.0 GRAPH_HISTORY_DAYS = 30 MAX_GRAPH_ENTRIES = 5 @dataclass class LeaderboardEntry: uid: int model: str score: float hotkey: str previous_day_winner: bool rank: int @dataclass class GraphEntry: dates: list[datetime] scores: list[float] models: list[str] max_score: float def is_valid_run(run: Run): required_config_keys = ["hotkey", "uid", "contest", "signature"] for key in required_config_keys: if key not in run.config: return False uid = run.config["uid"] validator_hotkey = run.config["hotkey"] contest_name = run.config["contest"] signing_message = f"{uid}:{validator_hotkey}:{contest_name}" try: return Keypair(validator_hotkey).verify(signing_message, run.config["signature"]) except Exception: return False def get_graph_entries(runs: Runs) -> dict[int, GraphEntry]: graph_entries: dict[int, GraphEntry] = {} for run in reversed(runs[:GRAPH_HISTORY_DAYS]): if not is_valid_run(run): continue date = datetime.strptime(run.created_at, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") for key, value in run.summary.items(): if key.startswith("_"): continue uid = int(key) score = value["score"] model = value["model"] if uid not in graph_entries: graph_entries[uid] = GraphEntry([date], [score], [model], score) else: if score > graph_entries[uid].max_score: graph_entries[uid].max_score = score data = graph_entries[uid] data.dates.append(date) data.scores.append(data.max_score) data.models.append(model) return dict(sorted(graph_entries.items(), key=lambda entry: entry[1].max_score, reverse=True)[:MAX_GRAPH_ENTRIES]) def create_graph(graph_entries: dict[int, GraphEntry]): fig = go.Figure() for uid, data in graph_entries.items(): fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=data.dates, y=data.scores, customdata=data.models, mode="lines+markers", name=uid, hovertemplate=( "Date: %{x|%Y-%m-%d}
" + "Score: %{y}
" + "Model: %{customdata}
" ), )) date_range = max(graph_entries.values(), key=lambda entry: len(entry.dates)).dates fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=date_range, y=[BASELINE] * len(date_range), line=dict(color="#ff0000", width=3), mode="lines", name="Baseline", )) background_color = gr.themes.default.colors.slate.c800 fig.update_layout( title="Score Improvements", yaxis_title="Score", plot_bgcolor=background_color, paper_bgcolor=background_color, template="plotly_dark" ) gr.Plot(fig) def refresh_leaderboard(): now ="America/New_York")) print(f"Refreshing Leaderboard at {now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}") demo.clear() with demo: with gr.Accordion("Contest #1 Submission Leader: New Dream SDXL on NVIDIA RTX 4090s"): runs: Runs = wandb_api.runs( WANDB_RUN_PATH, filters={"config.type": "validator", "config.uid": SOURCE_VALIDATOR_UID}, order="-created_at", ) entries: dict[int, LeaderboardEntry] = {} for run in runs: if not is_valid_run(run): continue has_data = False for key, value in run.summary.items(): if key.startswith("_"): continue has_data = True try: uid = int(key) entries[uid] = LeaderboardEntry( uid=uid, rank=value["rank"], model=value["model"], score=value["score"], hotkey=value["hotkey"], previous_day_winner=value["multiday_winner"], ) except Exception: continue if has_data: break leaderboard: list[tuple] = [ (entry.rank + 1, entry.uid, entry.model, entry.score, entry.hotkey, entry.previous_day_winner) for entry in sorted(entries.values(), key=lambda entry: (entry.score, entry.rank), reverse=True) ] create_graph(get_graph_entries(runs)) gr.components.Dataframe( value=leaderboard, headers=["Rank", "Uid", "Model", "Score", "Hotkey", "Previous day winner"], datatype=["number", "number", "markdown", "number", "markdown", "bool"], elem_id="leaderboard-table", interactive=False, visible=True, ) def main(): refresh_leaderboard() schedule.every(30) demo.launch(prevent_thread_lock=True) while True: schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(1) main()