import { HOST_URL, INVALID_URL_MSG, QUEUE_FULL_MSG, SPACE_METADATA_ERROR_MSG } from "../constants"; import type { ApiData, ApiInfo, Config, JsApiData, EndpointInfo, Status } from "../types"; import { determine_protocol } from "./init_helpers"; export const RE_SPACE_NAME = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+$/; export const RE_SPACE_DOMAIN = /.*hf\.space\/{0,1}$/; export async function process_endpoint( app_reference: string, hf_token?: `hf_${string}` ): Promise<{ space_id: string | false; host: string; ws_protocol: "ws" | "wss"; http_protocol: "http:" | "https:"; }> { const headers: { Authorization?: string } = {}; if (hf_token) { headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${hf_token}`; } const _app_reference = app_reference.trim().replace(/\/$/, ""); if (RE_SPACE_NAME.test(_app_reference)) { // app_reference is a HF space name try { const res = await fetch( `${_app_reference}/${HOST_URL}`, { headers } ); const _host = (await res.json()).host; return { space_id: app_reference, ...determine_protocol(_host) }; } catch (e) { throw new Error(SPACE_METADATA_ERROR_MSG); } } if (RE_SPACE_DOMAIN.test(_app_reference)) { // app_reference is a direct HF space domain const { ws_protocol, http_protocol, host } = determine_protocol(_app_reference); return { space_id: host.replace("", ""), ws_protocol, http_protocol, host }; } return { space_id: false, ...determine_protocol(_app_reference) }; } export const join_urls = (...urls: string[]): string => { try { return urls.reduce((base_url: string, part: string) => { base_url = base_url.replace(/\/+$/, ""); part = part.replace(/^\/+/, ""); return new URL(part, base_url + "/").toString(); }); } catch (e) { throw new Error(INVALID_URL_MSG); } }; export function transform_api_info( api_info: ApiInfo, config: Config, api_map: Record ): ApiInfo { const transformed_info: ApiInfo = { named_endpoints: {}, unnamed_endpoints: {} }; Object.keys(api_info).forEach((category) => { if (category === "named_endpoints" || category === "unnamed_endpoints") { transformed_info[category] = {}; Object.entries(api_info[category]).forEach( ([endpoint, { parameters, returns }]) => { const dependencyIndex = config.dependencies.find( (dep) => dep.api_name === endpoint || dep.api_name === endpoint.replace("/", "") )?.id || api_map[endpoint.replace("/", "")] || -1; const dependencyTypes = dependencyIndex !== -1 ? config.dependencies.find((dep) => == dependencyIndex) ?.types : { generator: false, cancel: false }; if ( dependencyIndex !== -1 && config.dependencies.find((dep) => == dependencyIndex)?.inputs ?.length !== parameters.length ) { const components = config.dependencies .find((dep) => == dependencyIndex)! (input) => config.components.find((c) => === input)?.type ); try { components.forEach((comp, idx) => { if (comp === "state") { const new_param = { component: "state", example: null, parameter_default: null, parameter_has_default: true, parameter_name: null, hidden: true }; // @ts-ignore parameters.splice(idx, 0, new_param); } }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } const transform_type = ( data: ApiData, component: string, serializer: string, signature_type: "return" | "parameter" ): JsApiData => ({, description: get_description(data?.type, serializer), type: get_type(data?.type, component, serializer, signature_type) || "" }); transformed_info[category][endpoint] = { parameters: ApiData) => transform_type(p, p?.component, p?.serializer, "parameter") ), returns: ApiData) => transform_type(r, r?.component, r?.serializer, "return") ), type: dependencyTypes }; } ); } }); return transformed_info; } export function get_type( type: { type: any; description: string }, component: string, serializer: string, signature_type: "return" | "parameter" ): string | undefined { switch (type?.type) { case "string": return "string"; case "boolean": return "boolean"; case "number": return "number"; } if ( serializer === "JSONSerializable" || serializer === "StringSerializable" ) { return "any"; } else if (serializer === "ListStringSerializable") { return "string[]"; } else if (component === "Image") { return signature_type === "parameter" ? "Blob | File | Buffer" : "string"; } else if (serializer === "FileSerializable") { if (type?.type === "array") { return signature_type === "parameter" ? "(Blob | File | Buffer)[]" : `{ name: string; data: string; size?: number; is_file?: boolean; orig_name?: string}[]`; } return signature_type === "parameter" ? "Blob | File | Buffer" : `{ name: string; data: string; size?: number; is_file?: boolean; orig_name?: string}`; } else if (serializer === "GallerySerializable") { return signature_type === "parameter" ? "[(Blob | File | Buffer), (string | null)][]" : `[{ name: string; data: string; size?: number; is_file?: boolean; orig_name?: string}, (string | null))][]`; } } export function get_description( type: { type: any; description: string }, serializer: string ): string { if (serializer === "GallerySerializable") { return "array of [file, label] tuples"; } else if (serializer === "ListStringSerializable") { return "array of strings"; } else if (serializer === "FileSerializable") { return "array of files or single file"; } return type?.description; } /* eslint-disable complexity */ export function handle_message( data: any, last_status: Status["stage"] ): { type: | "hash" | "data" | "update" | "complete" | "generating" | "log" | "none" | "heartbeat" | "streaming" | "unexpected_error"; data?: any; status?: Status; original_msg?: string; } { const queue = true; switch (data.msg) { case "send_data": return { type: "data" }; case "send_hash": return { type: "hash" }; case "queue_full": return { type: "update", status: { queue, message: QUEUE_FULL_MSG, stage: "error", code: data.code, success: data.success } }; case "heartbeat": return { type: "heartbeat" }; case "unexpected_error": return { type: "unexpected_error", status: { queue, message: data.message, stage: "error", success: false } }; case "estimation": return { type: "update", status: { queue, stage: last_status || "pending", code: data.code, size: data.queue_size, position: data.rank, eta: data.rank_eta, success: data.success } }; case "progress": return { type: "update", status: { queue, stage: "pending", code: data.code, progress_data: data.progress_data, success: data.success } }; case "log": return { type: "log", data: data }; case "process_generating": return { type: "generating", status: { queue, message: !data.success ? data.output.error : null, stage: data.success ? "generating" : "error", code: data.code, progress_data: data.progress_data, eta: data.average_duration, changed_state_ids: data.success ? data.output.changed_state_ids : undefined }, data: data.success ? data.output : null }; case "process_streaming": return { type: "streaming", status: { queue, message: data.output.error, stage: "streaming", time_limit: data.time_limit, code: data.code, progress_data: data.progress_data, eta: data.eta }, data: data.output }; case "process_completed": if ("error" in data.output) { return { type: "update", status: { queue, message: data.output.error as string, visible: data.output.visible as boolean, duration: data.output.duration as number, stage: "error", code: data.code, success: data.success } }; } return { type: "complete", status: { queue, message: !data.success ? data.output.error : undefined, stage: data.success ? "complete" : "error", code: data.code, progress_data: data.progress_data, changed_state_ids: data.success ? data.output.changed_state_ids : undefined }, data: data.success ? data.output : null }; case "process_starts": return { type: "update", status: { queue, stage: "pending", code: data.code, size: data.rank, position: 0, success: data.success, eta: data.eta }, original_msg: "process_starts" }; } return { type: "none", status: { stage: "error", queue } }; } /* eslint-enable complexity */ /** * Maps the provided `data` to the parameters defined by the `/info` endpoint response. * This allows us to support both positional and keyword arguments passed to the client * and ensures that all parameters are either directly provided or have default values assigned. * * @param {unknown[] | Record} data - The input data for the function, * which can be either an array of values for positional arguments or an object * with key-value pairs for keyword arguments. * @param {JsApiData[]} parameters - Array of parameter descriptions retrieved from the * `/info` endpoint. * * @returns {unknown[]} - Returns an array of resolved data where each element corresponds * to the expected parameter from the API. The `parameter_default` value is used where * a value is not provided for a parameter, and optional parameters without defaults are * set to `undefined`. * * @throws {Error} - Throws an error: * - If more arguments are provided than are defined in the parameters. * * - If no parameter value is provided for a required parameter and no default value is defined. * - If an argument is provided that does not match any defined parameter. */ export const map_data_to_params = ( data: unknown[] | Record = [], endpoint_info: EndpointInfo ): unknown[] => { // Workaround for the case where the endpoint_info is undefined // See const parameters = endpoint_info ? endpoint_info.parameters : []; if (Array.isArray(data)) { if (data.length > parameters.length) { console.warn("Too many arguments provided for the endpoint."); } return data; } const resolved_data: unknown[] = []; const provided_keys = Object.keys(data); parameters.forEach((param, index) => { if (data.hasOwnProperty(param.parameter_name)) { resolved_data[index] = data[param.parameter_name]; } else if (param.parameter_has_default) { resolved_data[index] = param.parameter_default; } else { throw new Error( `No value provided for required parameter: ${param.parameter_name}` ); } }); provided_keys.forEach((key) => { if (!parameters.some((param) => param.parameter_name === key)) { throw new Error( `Parameter \`${key}\` is not a valid keyword argument. Please refer to the API for usage.` ); } }); resolved_data.forEach((value, idx) => { if (value === undefined && !parameters[idx].parameter_has_default) { throw new Error( `No value provided for required parameter: ${parameters[idx].parameter_name}` ); } }); return resolved_data; };