import sys import typer from gradio_client.cli import deploy_discord # type: ignore from rich.console import Console from .commands import custom_component, deploy, print_environment_info, reload app = typer.Typer() app.command("environment", help="Print Gradio environment information.")( print_environment_info ) app.command( "deploy", help="Deploy a Gradio app to Spaces. Must be called within the directory you would like to deploy.", )(deploy) app.command("deploy-discord", help="Deploy a Gradio app to Discord.")( deploy_discord.main ) def cli(): args = sys.argv[1:] if len(args) == 0: raise ValueError("No file specified.") if args[0] in {"deploy", "environment", "deploy-discord"}: app() elif args[0] in {"cc", "component"}: sys.argv = sys.argv[1:] custom_component() elif args[0] in {"build", "dev", "create", "show", "publish", "install"}: try: error = f"gradio {args[0]} is not a valid command. Did you mean `gradio cc {args[0]}` or `gradio component {args[0]}`?." raise ValueError(error) except ValueError: console = Console() console.print_exception() else: