import { RUNTIME_URL, SLEEPTIME_URL, SPACE_STATUS_ERROR_MSG } from "../constants"; import { RE_SPACE_NAME } from "./api_info"; import type { SpaceStatusCallback } from "../types"; export async function check_space_status( id: string, type: "subdomain" | "space_name", status_callback: SpaceStatusCallback ): Promise { let endpoint = type === "subdomain" ? `${id}` : `${id}`; let response; let _status; try { response = await fetch(endpoint); _status = response.status; if (_status !== 200) { throw new Error(); } response = await response.json(); } catch (e) { status_callback({ status: "error", load_status: "error", message: SPACE_STATUS_ERROR_MSG, detail: "NOT_FOUND" }); return; } if (!response || _status !== 200) return; const { runtime: { stage }, id: space_name } = response; switch (stage) { case "STOPPED": case "SLEEPING": status_callback({ status: "sleeping", load_status: "pending", message: "Space is asleep. Waking it up...", detail: stage }); setTimeout(() => { check_space_status(id, type, status_callback); }, 1000); // poll for status break; case "PAUSED": status_callback({ status: "paused", load_status: "error", message: "This space has been paused by the author. If you would like to try this demo, consider duplicating the space.", detail: stage, discussions_enabled: await discussions_enabled(space_name) }); break; case "RUNNING": case "RUNNING_BUILDING": status_callback({ status: "running", load_status: "complete", message: "Space is running.", detail: stage }); break; case "BUILDING": status_callback({ status: "building", load_status: "pending", message: "Space is building...", detail: stage }); setTimeout(() => { check_space_status(id, type, status_callback); }, 1000); break; case "APP_STARTING": status_callback({ status: "starting", load_status: "pending", message: "Space is starting...", detail: stage }); setTimeout(() => { check_space_status(id, type, status_callback); }, 1000); break; default: status_callback({ status: "space_error", load_status: "error", message: "This space is experiencing an issue.", detail: stage, discussions_enabled: await discussions_enabled(space_name) }); break; } } export const check_and_wake_space = async ( space_id: string, status_callback: SpaceStatusCallback ): Promise => { let retries = 0; const max_retries = 12; const check_interval = 5000; return new Promise((resolve) => { check_space_status( space_id, RE_SPACE_NAME.test(space_id) ? "space_name" : "subdomain", (status) => { status_callback(status); if (status.status === "running") { resolve(); } else if ( status.status === "error" || status.status === "paused" || status.status === "space_error" ) { resolve(); } else if ( status.status === "sleeping" || status.status === "building" ) { if (retries < max_retries) { retries++; setTimeout(() => { check_and_wake_space(space_id, status_callback).then(resolve); }, check_interval); } else { resolve(); } } } ); }); }; const RE_DISABLED_DISCUSSION = /^(?=[^]*\b[dD]iscussions{0,1}\b)(?=[^]*\b[dD]isabled\b)[^]*$/; export async function discussions_enabled(space_id: string): Promise { try { const r = await fetch( `${space_id}/discussions`, { method: "HEAD" } ); const error = r.headers.get("x-error-message"); if (!r.ok || (error && RE_DISABLED_DISCUSSION.test(error))) return false; return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } export async function get_space_hardware( space_id: string, hf_token?: `hf_${string}` | undefined ): Promise<(typeof hardware_types)[number]> { const headers: { Authorization?: string } = {}; if (hf_token) { headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${hf_token}`; } try { const res = await fetch( `${space_id}/${RUNTIME_URL}`, { headers } ); if (res.status !== 200) throw new Error("Space hardware could not be obtained."); const { hardware } = await res.json(); return hardware.current; } catch (e: any) { throw new Error(e.message); } } export async function set_space_timeout( space_id: string, timeout: number, hf_token?: `hf_${string}` ): Promise { const headers: { Authorization?: string } = {}; if (hf_token) { headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${hf_token}`; } const body: { seconds?: number; } = { seconds: timeout }; try { const res = await fetch( `${space_id}/${SLEEPTIME_URL}`, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", ...headers }, body: JSON.stringify(body) } ); if (res.status !== 200) { throw new Error( "Could not set sleep timeout on duplicated Space. Please visit *ADD HF LINK TO SETTINGS* to set a timeout manually to reduce billing charges." ); } const response = await res.json(); return response; } catch (e: any) { throw new Error(e.message); } } export const hardware_types = [ "cpu-basic", "cpu-upgrade", "cpu-xl", "t4-small", "t4-medium", "a10g-small", "a10g-large", "a10g-largex2", "a10g-largex4", "a100-large", "zero-a10g", "h100", "h100x8" ] as const;