import sys import getopt import math import numpy import random import logging import numpy as np from skimage.color import rgb2yuv, yuv2rgb from PIL import Image import os from shutil import copyfile class YUV_Read(): def __init__(self, filepath, h, w, format='yuv420', toRGB=True): self.h = h self.w = w self.fp = open(filepath, 'rb') if format == 'yuv420': self.frame_length = int(1.5 * h * w) self.Y_length = h * w self.Uv_length = int(0.25 * h * w) else: pass self.toRGB = toRGB def read(self, offset_frame=None): if not offset_frame == None: * self.frame_length, 0) Y = np.fromfile(self.fp, np.uint8, count=self.Y_length) U = np.fromfile(self.fp, np.uint8, count=self.Uv_length) V = np.fromfile(self.fp, np.uint8, count=self.Uv_length) if Y.size < self.Y_length or \ U.size < self.Uv_length or \ V.size < self.Uv_length: return None, False Y = np.reshape(Y, [self.w, self.h], order='F') Y = np.transpose(Y) U = np.reshape(U, [int(self.w / 2), int(self.h / 2)], order='F') U = np.transpose(U) V = np.reshape(V, [int(self.w / 2), int(self.h / 2)], order='F') V = np.transpose(V) U = np.array(Image.fromarray(U).resize([self.w, self.h])) V = np.array(Image.fromarray(V).resize([self.w, self.h])) if self.toRGB: Y = Y / 255.0 U = U / 255.0 - 0.5 V = V / 255.0 - 0.5 self.YUV = np.stack((Y, U, V), axis=-1) self.RGB = (255.0 * np.clip(yuv2rgb(self.YUV), 0.0, 1.0)).astype('uint8') self.YUV = None return self.RGB, True else: self.YUV = np.stack((Y, U, V), axis=-1) return self.YUV, True def close(self): self.fp.close() class YUV_Write(): def __init__(self, filepath, fromRGB=True): if os.path.exists(filepath): print(filepath) self.fp = open(filepath, 'wb') self.fromRGB = fromRGB def write(self, Frame): self.h = Frame.shape[0] self.w = Frame.shape[1] c = Frame.shape[2] assert c == 3 if format == 'yuv420': self.frame_length = int(1.5 * self.h * self.w) self.Y_length = self.h * self.w self.Uv_length = int(0.25 * self.h * self.w) else: pass if self.fromRGB: Frame = Frame / 255.0 YUV = rgb2yuv(Frame) Y, U, V = np.dsplit(YUV, 3) Y = Y[:, :, 0] U = U[:, :, 0] V = V[:, :, 0] U = np.clip(U + 0.5, 0.0, 1.0) V = np.clip(V + 0.5, 0.0, 1.0) U = U[::2, ::2] # imresize(U,[int(self.h/2),int(self.w/2)],interp = 'nearest') V = V[::2, ::2] # imresize(V ,[int(self.h/2),int(self.w/2)],interp = 'nearest') Y = (255.0 * Y).astype('uint8') U = (255.0 * U).astype('uint8') V = (255.0 * V).astype('uint8') else: YUV = Frame Y = YUV[:, :, 0] U = YUV[::2, ::2, 1] V = YUV[::2, ::2, 2] Y = Y.flatten() # the first order is 0-dimension so don't need to transpose before flatten U = U.flatten() V = V.flatten() Y.tofile(self.fp) U.tofile(self.fp) V.tofile(self.fp) return True def close(self): self.fp.close()