import copy import random # typing from typing import List, Tuple import time import torch # TODO # from transformers import LlamaTokenizer # tokenizer=LlamaTokenizer.from_pretrained("/home/lyh/weights/hf/vicuna_v13/7B/") TOPK = 10 # topk for sparse tree from transformers.generation.logits_process import ( LogitsProcessorList, RepetitionPenaltyLogitsProcessor, TemperatureLogitsWarper, TopKLogitsWarper, TopPLogitsWarper, ) class Timer: def __init__(self,name): = name def __enter__(self): torch.cuda.synchronize() self.start = time.perf_counter() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): torch.cuda.synchronize() elapsed = time.perf_counter() - self.start print(f'{} took {elapsed} seconds') def prepare_logits_processor( temperature: float = 0.0, repetition_penalty: float = 0.0, top_p: float = 0.0, top_k: int = 0 ) -> LogitsProcessorList: processor_list = LogitsProcessorList() if temperature > 1e-5: if temperature >= 1e-5 and temperature != 1.0: processor_list.append(TemperatureLogitsWarper(temperature)) if repetition_penalty > 1.0: processor_list.append(RepetitionPenaltyLogitsProcessor(repetition_penalty)) if 1e-8 <= top_p < 1.0: processor_list.append(TopPLogitsWarper(top_p)) if top_k > 0: processor_list.append(TopKLogitsWarper(top_k)) return processor_list # test_processor = prepare_logits_processor( # 0.0, 0.0, -1, 1 # ) def pad_path(path: List[int], length: int, pad_value: int = -2) -> List[int]: """ Pad the given path list with a specific value up to a specified length. Parameters: - path (list): The original list that needs padding. - length (int): The desired length of the padded list. - pad_value (optional, default=-2): The value to use for padding. Returns: - list: A new list based on the original path but padded to the desired length. Example: >>> pad_path([1,2,3], 5) [1, 2, 3, -2, -2] Note: If the given path is already longer than the specified length, then no padding occurs, and the original path is returned. """ # Calculate the number of padding values needed by subtracting the length # of the path from the desired length. # Append the padding values to the original path and return the new list. return path + [pad_value] * (length - len(path)) def generate_tree_buffers(tree_choices, device="cuda"): def custom_sort(lst): # sort_keys=[len(list)] sort_keys = [] for i in range(len(lst)): sort_keys.append(lst[i] if lst[i] >= 0 else maxitem) return sort_keys with Timer("sort"): sorted_tree_choices = sorted(tree_choices, key=lambda x: (len(x), x)) tree_len = len(sorted_tree_choices) + 1 # Initialize depth_counts to keep track of how many choices have a particular depth depth_counts = [] prev_depth = 0 for path in sorted_tree_choices: depth = len(path) if depth != prev_depth: depth_counts.append(0) depth_counts[depth - 1] += 1 prev_depth = depth tree_attn_mask = torch.eye(tree_len, tree_len) tree_attn_mask[:, 0] = 1 start = 0 for i in range(len(depth_counts)): for j in range(depth_counts[i]): cur_tree_choice = sorted_tree_choices[start + j] # retrieve ancestor position if len(cur_tree_choice) == 1: continue ancestor_idx = [] for c in range(len(cur_tree_choice) - 1): ancestor_idx.append(sorted_tree_choices.index(cur_tree_choice[:c + 1]) + 1) tree_attn_mask[j + start + 1, ancestor_idx] = 1 start += depth_counts[i] tree_indices = torch.zeros(tree_len, dtype=torch.long) p_indices = [0 for _ in range(tree_len - 1)] b_indices = [[] for _ in range(tree_len - 1)] tree_indices[0] = 0 start = 0 bias = 0 for i in range(len(depth_counts)): inlayer_bias = 0 b = [] for j in range(depth_counts[i]): cur_tree_choice = sorted_tree_choices[start + j] cur_parent = cur_tree_choice[:-1] if j != 0: if cur_parent != parent: bias += 1 inlayer_bias += 1 parent = cur_parent b = [] else: parent = cur_parent tree_indices[start + j + 1] = cur_tree_choice[-1] + TOPK * (i + bias) + 1 p_indices[start + j] = inlayer_bias if len(b) > 0: b_indices[start + j] = copy.deepcopy(b) else: b_indices[start + j] = [] b.append(cur_tree_choice[-1] + TOPK * (i + bias) + 1) start += depth_counts[i] p_indices = [-1] + p_indices tree_position_ids = torch.zeros(tree_len, dtype=torch.long) start = 0 for i in range(len(depth_counts)): tree_position_ids[start + 1: start + depth_counts[i] + 1] = i + 1 start += depth_counts[i] retrieve_indices_nest = [] retrieve_paths = [] for i in range(len(sorted_tree_choices)): cur_tree_choice = sorted_tree_choices[-i - 1] retrieve_indice = [] if cur_tree_choice in retrieve_paths: continue else: for c in range(len(cur_tree_choice)): retrieve_indice.append(sorted_tree_choices.index(cur_tree_choice[:c + 1])) retrieve_paths.append(cur_tree_choice[:c + 1]) retrieve_indices_nest.append(retrieve_indice) max_length = max([len(x) for x in retrieve_indices_nest]) retrieve_indices = [pad_path(path, max_length) for path in retrieve_indices_nest] retrieve_indices = torch.tensor(retrieve_indices, dtype=torch.long) retrieve_indices = retrieve_indices + 1 retrieve_indices =[torch.zeros((retrieve_indices.shape[0], 1), dtype=torch.long), retrieve_indices], dim=1) maxitem = retrieve_indices.max().item() + 5 retrieve_indices = retrieve_indices.tolist() retrieve_indices = sorted(retrieve_indices, key=custom_sort) retrieve_indices = torch.tensor(retrieve_indices, dtype=torch.long) # Aggregate the generated buffers into a dictionary tree_buffers = { "tree_attn_mask": tree_attn_mask.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0), "tree_indices": tree_indices, "tree_position_ids": tree_position_ids, "retrieve_indices": retrieve_indices, } # Move the tensors in the dictionary to the specified device tree_buffers = { k: v.clone().to(device) if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor) else torch.tensor(v, device=device) for k, v in tree_buffers.items() } return tree_buffers def initialize_tree0(input_ids, model, past_key_values, logits_processor): draft_tokens, retrieve_indices,tree_mask,tree_position_ids, outputs, logits, hidden_state, sample_token = model( input_ids, past_key_values=past_key_values, output_orig=True, logits_processor=logits_processor ) # if logits_processor is not None: # logits = orig[:, -1] # logits = logits_processor(None, logits) # probabilities = torch.nn.functional.softmax(logits, dim=1) # token = torch.multinomial(probabilities, 1) # else: # token = torch.argmax(orig[:, -1]) # token = token[None, None] # input_ids =,, dim=1) # # Clone the output hidden states # # draft_tokens, retrieve_indices,tree_mask,tree_position_ids = self.ea_layer.topK_genrate(hidden_states, input_ids, self.base_model.lm_head) # if output_orig: # return draft_tokens, retrieve_indices,tree_mask,tree_position_ids, outputs, orig, hidden_states, token # return draft_tokens, retrieve_indices,tree_mask,tree_position_ids, hidden_states, token return draft_tokens, retrieve_indices,tree_mask,tree_position_ids, logits, hidden_state, sample_token def initialize_tree(input_ids, model, past_key_values, logits_processor): outputs, orig, hidden_states = model( input_ids, past_key_values=past_key_values, output_orig=True ) if logits_processor is not None: logits = orig[:, -1] logits = logits_processor(None, logits) probabilities = torch.nn.functional.softmax(logits, dim=1) token = torch.multinomial(probabilities, 1) else: token = torch.argmax(orig[:, -1]) token = token[None, None] input_ids =,, dim=1) # Clone the output hidden states draft_tokens, retrieve_indices,tree_mask,tree_position_ids = model.ea_layer.topK_genrate(hidden_states, input_ids, model.base_model.lm_head,logits_processor) return draft_tokens, retrieve_indices,tree_mask,tree_position_ids, orig, hidden_states, token def reset_tree_mode( model, ): model.base_model.model.tree_mask = None model.base_model.model.tree_mode = None def reset_past_key_values(passed_key_values: List[torch.Tensor]) -> List[torch.Tensor]: """ Resets the current lengths in the passed key-values to zero. This function is designed to be used during the evaluation of a baseline model. It iterates through each layer's key-values and sets their current lengths to zero, effectively resetting their state. Args: - passed_key_values (list of torch.Tensor): Contains past hidden states and past attention values for each layer. Returns: - passed_key_values (list of torch.Tensor): Updated past hidden states and past attention values with reset lengths. """ for i in range(len(passed_key_values)): for j in range(2): passed_key_values[i][j].current_length.fill_(0) return passed_key_values def generate_candidates(tree_logits, tree_indices, retrieve_indices, sample_token, logits_processor): sample_token = candidates_logit = sample_token[0] candidates_tree_logits = tree_logits candidates =[candidates_logit, candidates_tree_logits.view(-1)], dim=-1) tree_candidates = candidates[tree_indices] tree_candidates_ext = [tree_candidates, torch.zeros((1), dtype=torch.long, device=tree_candidates.device) - 1], dim=0) cart_candidates = tree_candidates_ext[retrieve_indices] # Unsqueeze the tree candidates for dimension consistency. tree_candidates = tree_candidates.unsqueeze(0) return cart_candidates, tree_candidates def tree_decoding( model, tree_candidates, past_key_values, tree_position_ids, input_ids, retrieve_indices, ): position_ids = tree_position_ids + input_ids.shape[1] outputs, tree_logits, hidden_state = model( tree_candidates, output_orig=True, past_key_values=past_key_values, position_ids=position_ids, ) logits = tree_logits[0, retrieve_indices] return logits, hidden_state, outputs def evaluate_posterior( logits: torch.Tensor, candidates: torch.Tensor, logits_processor, ): """ Evaluate the posterior probabilities of the candidates based on the provided logits and choose the best candidate. Depending on the temperature value, the function either uses greedy decoding or evaluates posterior probabilities to select the best candidate. Args: - logits (torch.Tensor): Predicted logits of shape (batch_size, sequence_length, vocab_size). - candidates (torch.Tensor): Candidate token sequences. - temperature (float): Softmax temperature for probability scaling. A value of 0 indicates greedy decoding. - posterior_threshold (float): Threshold for posterior probability. - posterior_alpha (float): Scaling factor for the threshold. Returns: - best_candidate (torch.Tensor): Index of the chosen best candidate. - accept_length (int): Length of the accepted candidate sequence. """ # Greedy decoding based on temperature value if logits_processor is None: # Find the tokens that match the maximum logits for each position in the sequence posterior_mask = ( candidates[:, 1:].to(logits.device) == torch.argmax(logits[:, :-1], dim=-1) ).int() candidates_accept_length = (torch.cumprod(posterior_mask, dim=1)).sum(dim=1) accept_length = candidates_accept_length.max() # Choose the best candidate if accept_length == 0: # Default to the first candidate if none are accepted best_candidate = torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.long, device=candidates.device) else: best_candidate = torch.argmax(candidates_accept_length).to(torch.long) return best_candidate, accept_length, logits[best_candidate, accept_length] else: accept_length = 1 accept_cand = candidates[0][:1] best_candidate = 0 for i in range(1, candidates.shape[1]): if i != accept_length: break adjustflag = False is_eq = (candidates[:, :accept_length] == accept_cand).all(dim=1) fi = torch.nonzero(is_eq, as_tuple=True)[0][0] gt_logits = logits[fi, i - 1][None] gt_logits = logits_processor(None, gt_logits)[0] gtp = torch.softmax(gt_logits, dim=0) candidates_set = [] for j in range(candidates.shape[0]): if is_eq[j]: x = candidates[j, i] xi = x.item() if xi in candidates_set or xi == -1: continue candidates_set.append(xi) r = random.random() px = gtp[xi] qx = 1.0 acp = px / qx if r <= acp: accept_cand =, x[None]), dim=0) accept_length += 1 best_candidate = j break else: gtp[xi] = 0 gtp = gtp / gtp.sum() adjustflag = True if adjustflag and accept_length != candidates.shape[1]: sample_p = gtp else: gt_logits = logits[best_candidate, accept_length - 1] sample_p = torch.softmax(gt_logits, dim=0) return torch.tensor(best_candidate), accept_length - 1, sample_p @torch.no_grad() def update_inference_inputs( input_ids, candidates, best_candidate, accept_length, retrieve_indices, logits_processor, new_token, past_key_values_data_list, current_length_data, model, hidden_state_new, sample_p ): prev_input_len = input_ids.shape[1] # Map the best candidate indices to the original indices in the sequence select_indices = ( retrieve_indices[best_candidate, : accept_length + 1] + prev_input_len ) # Append the tokens from the best candidate to the input sequence input_ids = [input_ids, candidates[None, best_candidate, : accept_length + 1].to(input_ids.device)], dim=-1 ) # Update the past key values based on the selected tokens # Source tensor that contains relevant past information based on the selected candidate for past_key_values_data in past_key_values_data_list: tgt = past_key_values_data[...,, :] # Destination tensor where the relevant past information will be stored dst = past_key_values_data[..., prev_input_len: prev_input_len + tgt.shape[-2], :] # Copy relevant past information from the source to the destination dst.copy_(tgt, non_blocking=True) # Update the current length tensor (currently only support batch size is 1) current_length_data.fill_(prev_input_len + tgt.shape[-2]) retrieve_hidden_state_new = hidden_state_new[:, retrieve_indices] accept_hidden_state_new = retrieve_hidden_state_new[:, best_candidate, : accept_length + 1] # token=model.base_model.lm_head(accept_hidden_state_new[:,-1]).argmax() # token=token[None,None] prob = sample_p if logits_processor is not None: token = torch.multinomial(prob, 1) token = token[None] else: token = torch.argmax(prob) token = token[None, None] # hidden_state =, accept_hidden_state_new), dim=1) draft_tokens, retrieve_indices,tree_mask,tree_position_ids = model.ea_layer.topK_genrate(accept_hidden_state_new,,, dim=1), head=model.base_model.lm_head,logits_processor=logits_processor) new_token += accept_length + 1 return input_ids, draft_tokens, retrieve_indices,tree_mask,tree_position_ids, new_token, None, token if __name__ == "__main__": logits = torch.randn(1, 5) tp = prepare_logits_processor(0.9, 0, 0.9, 0) l = tp(None, logits) if tp is None: print(tp)