import streamlit as st import imdb import requests import logging import socket # Configure logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # --- API Configuration --- API_BASE_URL = "" PROXY_URL = "" # --- 1. Setup --- ia = imdb.IMDb() # --- 2. Helper Functions --- def test_proxy_connection(): try: # First, try to resolve the hostname ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(PROXY_URL.split("//")[1])"Resolved IP address: {ip_address}") # If resolution succeeds, try to connect response = requests.get(PROXY_URL, timeout=5)"Proxy connection test result: {response.status_code}") return True, f"Connected successfully. Status code: {response.status_code}" except socket.gaierror as e: logger.error(f"DNS resolution failed: {e}") return False, f"Failed to resolve hostname: {e}" except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: logger.error(f"Proxy connection test failed: {e}") return False, f"Connection failed: {e}" # ... (keep the rest of the helper functions as they were) ... # --- 3. Streamlit App --- st.title("Movie & TV Show Streamer") # Test proxy connection at startup proxy_status, proxy_message = test_proxy_connection() if not proxy_status: st.error(f"Unable to connect to the proxy. Error: {proxy_message}")"Debugging Information:") st.code(f""" Proxy URL: {PROXY_URL} API Base URL: {API_BASE_URL} Try to ping the proxy server: ping {PROXY_URL.split("//")[1]} Try to curl the proxy server: curl -v {PROXY_URL} """) else: st.success(f"Connected to proxy successfully. {proxy_message}") search_query = st.text_input("Enter a movie or TV show title:") # --- 4. Search & Display Results --- if search_query: with st.spinner('Searching for titles...'): results = search_titles(search_query) if results: for result in results[:5]: try: movie = ia.get_movie(result.movieID) title = movie['title'] year = movie.get('year') poster_url = get_poster_url(movie) col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 4]) with col1: st.image(poster_url, width=150) with col2: st.subheader(title) if year: st.caption(f"({year})") if st.button(f"Watch {title}", key=f"watch_{result.movieID}"): st.session_state.selected_imdb_id = result.movieID except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error processing result: {e}") st.error("An error occurred while processing this result.") else:"No results found. Please try another search.") # --- 5. Handle Movie/Show Selection & Video Playback --- if 'selected_imdb_id' in st.session_state: imdb_id = st.session_state.selected_imdb_id with st.spinner('Fetching video stream...'): video_url = get_video_url(imdb_id) if video_url: else: st.warning("Video stream not found for this title.") # --- 6. Footer --- st.markdown("---") st.caption("Powered by IMDb and vidsrc. For educational purposes only.")