import os import sys import shutil import pprint from pathlib import Path from datetime import datetime import yaml import torch from easydict import EasyDict as edict from .log import logger, add_logging from .distributed import synchronize, get_world_size def init_experiment(args, model_name): model_path = Path(args.model_path) ftree = get_model_family_tree(model_path, model_name=model_name) if ftree is None: print('Models can only be located in the "models" directory in the root of the repository') sys.exit(1) cfg = load_config(model_path) update_config(cfg, args) cfg.distributed = args.distributed cfg.local_rank = args.local_rank if cfg.distributed: torch.distributed.init_process_group(backend='nccl', init_method='env://') if args.workers > 0: torch.multiprocessing.set_start_method('forkserver', force=True) experiments_path = Path(cfg.EXPS_PATH) exp_parent_path = experiments_path / '/'.join(ftree) exp_parent_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if cfg.resume_exp: exp_path = find_resume_exp(exp_parent_path, cfg.resume_exp) else: last_exp_indx = find_last_exp_indx(exp_parent_path) exp_name = f'{last_exp_indx:03d}' if cfg.exp_name: exp_name += '_' + cfg.exp_name exp_path = exp_parent_path / exp_name synchronize() if cfg.local_rank == 0: exp_path.mkdir(parents=True) cfg.EXP_PATH = exp_path cfg.CHECKPOINTS_PATH = exp_path / 'checkpoints' cfg.VIS_PATH = exp_path / 'vis' cfg.LOGS_PATH = exp_path / 'logs' if cfg.local_rank == 0: cfg.LOGS_PATH.mkdir(exist_ok=True) cfg.CHECKPOINTS_PATH.mkdir(exist_ok=True) cfg.VIS_PATH.mkdir(exist_ok=True) dst_script_path = exp_path / (model_path.stem + datetime.strftime(, '')) if args.temp_model_path: shutil.copy(args.temp_model_path, dst_script_path) os.remove(args.temp_model_path) else: shutil.copy(model_path, dst_script_path) synchronize() if cfg.gpus != '': gpu_ids = [int(id) for id in cfg.gpus.split(',')] else: gpu_ids = list(range(max(cfg.ngpus, get_world_size()))) cfg.gpus = ','.join([str(id) for id in gpu_ids]) cfg.gpu_ids = gpu_ids cfg.ngpus = len(gpu_ids) cfg.multi_gpu = cfg.ngpus > 1 if cfg.distributed: cfg.device = torch.device('cuda') cfg.gpu_ids = [cfg.gpu_ids[cfg.local_rank]] torch.cuda.set_device(cfg.gpu_ids[0]) else: if cfg.multi_gpu: os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = cfg.gpus ngpus = torch.cuda.device_count() assert ngpus >= cfg.ngpus cfg.device = torch.device(f'cuda:{cfg.gpu_ids[0]}') if cfg.local_rank == 0: add_logging(cfg.LOGS_PATH, prefix='train_')'Number of GPUs: {cfg.ngpus}') if cfg.distributed:'Multi-Process Multi-GPU Distributed Training')'Run experiment with config:'), indent=4)) return cfg def get_model_family_tree(model_path, terminate_name='models', model_name=None): if model_name is None: model_name = model_path.stem family_tree = [model_name] for x in model_path.parents: if x.stem == terminate_name: break family_tree.append(x.stem) else: return None return family_tree[::-1] def find_last_exp_indx(exp_parent_path): indx = 0 for x in exp_parent_path.iterdir(): if not x.is_dir(): continue exp_name = x.stem if exp_name[:3].isnumeric(): indx = max(indx, int(exp_name[:3]) + 1) return indx def find_resume_exp(exp_parent_path, exp_pattern): candidates = sorted(exp_parent_path.glob(f'{exp_pattern}*')) if len(candidates) == 0: print(f'No experiments could be found that satisfies the pattern = "*{exp_pattern}"') sys.exit(1) elif len(candidates) > 1: print('More than one experiment found:') for x in candidates: print(x) sys.exit(1) else: exp_path = candidates[0] print(f'Continue with experiment "{exp_path}"') return exp_path def update_config(cfg, args): for param_name, value in vars(args).items(): if param_name.lower() in cfg or param_name.upper() in cfg: continue cfg[param_name] = value def load_config(model_path): model_name = model_path.stem config_path = model_path.parent / (model_name + '.yml') if config_path.exists(): cfg = load_config_file(config_path) else: cfg = dict() cwd = Path.cwd() config_parent = config_path.parent.absolute() while len(config_parent.parents) > 0: config_path = config_parent / 'config.yml' if config_path.exists(): local_config = load_config_file(config_path, model_name=model_name) cfg.update({k: v for k, v in local_config.items() if k not in cfg}) if config_parent.absolute() == cwd: break config_parent = config_parent.parent return edict(cfg) def load_config_file(config_path, model_name=None, return_edict=False): with open(config_path, 'r') as f: cfg = yaml.safe_load(f) if 'SUBCONFIGS' in cfg: if model_name is not None and model_name in cfg['SUBCONFIGS']: cfg.update(cfg['SUBCONFIGS'][model_name]) del cfg['SUBCONFIGS'] return edict(cfg) if return_edict else cfg