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import torch
from torch.autograd import Function
from pointops._C import grouping_forward_cuda, grouping_backward_cuda
class Grouping(Function):
def forward(ctx, input, idx):
input: input: (n, c), idx : (m, nsample)
output: (m, nsample, c)
assert input.is_contiguous() and idx.is_contiguous()
m, nsample, n, c = idx.shape[0], idx.shape[1], input.shape[0], input.shape[1]
output = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(m, nsample, c)
grouping_forward_cuda(m, nsample, c, input, idx, output)
ctx.n = n
return output
def backward(ctx, grad_output):
input: grad_out: (m, c, nsample)
output: (n, c), None
n = ctx.n
(idx,) = ctx.saved_tensors
m, nsample, c = grad_output.shape
grad_input = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(n, c).zero_()
grouping_backward_cuda(m, nsample, c, grad_output, idx, grad_input)
return grad_input, None
def grouping(idx, feat, xyz, new_xyz=None, with_xyz=False):
if new_xyz is None:
new_xyz = xyz
assert xyz.is_contiguous() and feat.is_contiguous()
m, nsample, c = idx.shape[0], idx.shape[1], feat.shape[1]
xyz = torch.cat([xyz, torch.zeros([1, 3]).to(xyz.device)], dim=0)
feat = torch.cat([feat, torch.zeros([1, c]).to(feat.device)], dim=0)
grouped_feat = feat[idx.view(-1).long(), :].view(
m, nsample, c
) # (m, num_sample, c)
if with_xyz:
assert new_xyz.is_contiguous()
mask = torch.sign(idx + 1)
grouped_xyz = xyz[idx.view(-1).long(), :].view(
m, nsample, 3
) - new_xyz.unsqueeze(
) # (m, num_sample, 3)
grouped_xyz = torch.einsum(
"n s c, n s -> n s c", grouped_xyz, mask
) # (m, num_sample, 3)
return torch.cat((grouped_xyz, grouped_feat), -1)
return grouped_feat
grouping2 = Grouping.apply