Update README.md
Browse files
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## Model description
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ranking the opportunities.
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## Intended uses
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You can use the raw model for either masked language modeling or next sentence prediction, but it's mostly intended to
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## Model description
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The surprise library provides 11 classifier models that try to predict the classification of training data based on several different collaborative-filtering techniques.
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The models provided with a brief explanation in English are mentioned below, for more information please refer to the package [documentation](https://surprise.readthedocs.io/en/stable/prediction_algorithms_package.html).
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random_pred.NormalPredictor: Algorithm predicting a random rating based on the distribution of the training set, which is assumed to be normal.
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baseline_only.BaselineOnly: Algorithm predicting the baseline estimate for given user and item.
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knns.KNNBasic: A basic collaborative filtering algorithm.
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knns.KNNWithMeans: A basic collaborative filtering algorithm, taking into account the mean ratings of each user.
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knns.KNNWithZScore: A basic collaborative filtering algorithm, taking into account the z-score normalization of each user.
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knns.KNNBaseline: A basic collaborative filtering algorithm taking into account a baseline rating.
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matrix_factorization.SVD: The famous SVD algorithm, as popularized by Simon Funk during the Netflix Prize.
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matrix_factorization.SVDpp: The SVD++ algorithm, an extension of SVD taking into account implicit ratings.
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matrix_factorization.NMF: A collaborative filtering algorithm based on Non-negative Matrix Factorization.
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slope_one.SlopeOne: A simple yet accurate collaborative filtering algorithm.
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co_clustering.CoClustering: A collaborative filtering algorithm based on co-clustering.
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Every model was used and evaluated. When faced with each other different methods presented different error estimatives.
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## Intended uses
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You can use the raw model for either masked language modeling or next sentence prediction, but it's mostly intended to