# 3D Human Pose Estimation ## Data 1. Download the finetuned Stacked Hourglass detections and our preprocessed H3.6M data (.pkl) [here](https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvAdh0LSjEOlgSMvoapR8XVTGcVj) and put it to `data/motion3d`. > Note that the preprocessed data is only intended for reproducing our results more easily. If you want to use the dataset, please register to the [Human3.6m website](http://vision.imar.ro/human3.6m/) and download the dataset in its original format. Please refer to [LCN](https://github.com/CHUNYUWANG/lcn-pose#data) for how we prepare the H3.6M data. 2. Slice the motion clips (len=243, stride=81) ```bash python tools/convert_h36m.py ``` ## Running **Train from scratch:** ```bash python train.py \ --config configs/pose3d/MB_train_h36m.yaml \ --checkpoint checkpoint/pose3d/MB_train_h36m ``` **Finetune from pretrained MotionBERT:** ```bash python train.py \ --config configs/pose3d/MB_ft_h36m.yaml \ --pretrained checkpoint/pretrain/MB_release \ --checkpoint checkpoint/pose3d/FT_MB_release_MB_ft_h36m ``` **Evaluate:** ```bash python train.py \ --config configs/pose3d/MB_train_h36m.yaml \ --evaluate checkpoint/pose3d/MB_train_h36m/best_epoch.bin ```