import numpy as np import os import random import torch import copy import torch.nn as nn from import read_pkl from lib.utils.utils_data import flip_data, crop_scale_3d class Augmenter2D(object): """ Make 2D augmentations on the fly. PyTorch batch-processing GPU version. """ def __init__(self, args): self.d2c_params = read_pkl(args.d2c_params_path) self.noise = torch.load(args.noise_path) self.mask_ratio = args.mask_ratio self.mask_T_ratio = args.mask_T_ratio self.num_Kframes = 27 self.noise_std = 0.002 def dis2conf(self, dis, a, b, m, s): f = a/(dis+a)+b*dis shift = torch.randn(*dis.shape)*s + m # if torch.cuda.is_available(): shift = return f + shift def add_noise(self, motion_2d): a, b, m, s = self.d2c_params["a"], self.d2c_params["b"], self.d2c_params["m"], self.d2c_params["s"] if "uniform_range" in self.noise.keys(): uniform_range = self.noise["uniform_range"] else: uniform_range = 0.06 motion_2d = motion_2d[:,:,:,:2] batch_size = motion_2d.shape[0] num_frames = motion_2d.shape[1] num_joints = motion_2d.shape[2] mean = self.noise['mean'].float() std = self.noise['std'].float() weight = self.noise['weight'][:,None].float() sel = torch.rand((batch_size, self.num_Kframes, num_joints, 1)) gaussian_sample = (torch.randn(batch_size, self.num_Kframes, num_joints, 2) * std + mean) uniform_sample = (torch.rand((batch_size, self.num_Kframes, num_joints, 2))-0.5) * uniform_range noise_mean = 0 delta_noise = torch.randn(num_frames, num_joints, 2) * self.noise_std + noise_mean # if torch.cuda.is_available(): mean = std = weight = gaussian_sample = uniform_sample = sel = delta_noise = delta = gaussian_sample*(sel=weight) delta_expand = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(delta.unsqueeze(1), [num_frames, num_joints, 2], mode='trilinear', align_corners=True)[:,0] delta_final = delta_expand + delta_noise motion_2d = motion_2d + delta_final dx = delta_final[:,:,:,0] dy = delta_final[:,:,:,1] dis2 = dx*dx+dy*dy dis = torch.sqrt(dis2) conf = self.dis2conf(dis, a, b, m, s).clip(0,1).reshape([batch_size, num_frames, num_joints, -1]) return, conf), dim=3) def add_mask(self, x): ''' motion_2d: (N,T,17,3) ''' N,T,J,C = x.shape mask = torch.rand(N,T,J,1, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device) > self.mask_ratio mask_T = torch.rand(1,T,1,1, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device) > self.mask_T_ratio x = x * mask * mask_T return x def augment2D(self, motion_2d, mask=False, noise=False): if noise: motion_2d = self.add_noise(motion_2d) if mask: motion_2d = self.add_mask(motion_2d) return motion_2d class Augmenter3D(object): """ Make 3D augmentations when dataloaders get items. NumPy single motion version. """ def __init__(self, args): self.flip = args.flip if hasattr(args, "scale_range_pretrain"): self.scale_range_pretrain = args.scale_range_pretrain else: self.scale_range_pretrain = None def augment3D(self, motion_3d): if self.scale_range_pretrain: motion_3d = crop_scale_3d(motion_3d, self.scale_range_pretrain) if self.flip and random.random()>0.5: motion_3d = flip_data(motion_3d) return motion_3d