{{$notificationUnreadCount := 0}} |
{{if and .IsSigned .NotificationUnreadCount}} |
{{$notificationUnreadCount = call .NotificationUnreadCount}} |
{{end}} |
--- |
list:1-12345 |
grass:2.xxx |
--- |
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{{else if .IsSigned}} |
{{if EnableTimetracking}} |
<div class="active-stopwatch-popup item tippy-target gt-p-3"> |
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<a class="stopwatch-link gt-df gt-ac" href="{{.ActiveStopwatch.IssueLink}}"> |
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{{AppSubUrl}} |
{{svg "octicon-organization"}}{{ctx.Locale.Tr "new_org"}} |
{{end}} |
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{{AppSubUrl}} |
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{{svg "octicon-star"}} |
{{ctx.Locale.Tr "your_starred"}} |
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{{if .SignedUser.CanCreateOrganization}} |
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{{svg "octicon-organization"}} {{ctx.Locale.Tr "new_org"}} |
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{{ctx.Locale.Tr "your_profile"}} |
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{{ctx.Locale.Tr "your_starred"}} |
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{{if .ShowRegistrationButton}} |
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