Error while importing into AWS SageMaker container

by rubastos - opened


I'm trying to import BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5 into a AWS SageMaker container, but the import fails with

ValueError: BertLMHeadModel does not support device_map='auto'. To implement support, the modelclass needs to implement the _no_split_modules attribute.

This same error seems to have already been raised in a different context, cf. Are there any updates on this, or is it still a known open issue?

If there's any additional info I may provide, please let me know.


Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence org

Sorry for the late reply. The model architecture of BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5 is BertModel, not BertLMHeadModel. It might be helpful to use BertModel to load it again (I'm also not familiar with AWS SageMaker)

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