Arguments available in StableDiffusionPipeline

by tensonmaster - opened

I am afraid this is a very basic question.

image = pipe(prompt, guidance_scale = 7.5, num_inference_steps = steps, generator = generator)["sample"][0].

I have seen examples like this where I can use interesting arguments such as guidance_scale and num_inference_steps, but what other arguments are available? If you have a page with a list, I would like to know.

Thank you in advance.

As a general hint: Install ipython for REPL with tab completion. It also allows for every function to get its signature and when available its source code using function? (with question mark) for signature and docstring and function?? for the full source. The other option is to read the source code.

Not giving the concrete signature here, as it seems that the code is under heavy development and can and will change.

Same question here

StableDiffusionPipeline(prompt: Union[str, List[str]],
height: Optional[int]=512, width:
Optional[int]=50, guidance_scale:
Optional[float]=7.5, eta:
Optional[float]=0.0, generator:
output_type: Optional[str]="pil",

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