Excellent job please share more details

by fblgit - opened


It is very powerful. Lets see how further it can go. Would u mind to share more about the model?

  • any data involved?
  • maybe the code :D
  • how u actually made it? at least a more detailed information.
  • whats the experts order ?
  • anything particular you would like to share in regards of the UNA models part of it?

i did some basic benchmarking and it scores very good at least on gsm, arc, tqa. I'll test what happens further if its UNAfied again and let u know.
feel free to reach on discord or x @fblgit

Thank you so much for showing interest in my model.

I remember seeing your profile when I first entered the field of LLM research.

I've been inspired by your work for a long time, and I'm really happy to be in contact with you now.

To explain the details, I have assembled the most promising models using the MOE (Mixture of Experts) approach, assigning weights to each based on their benchmark performance to calculate scores.

Initially, I calculated the expected output for four models that seemed to have the highest benchmark performance. Based on their performance, I arbitrarily wrote positive prompts and combined them using the MOE approach.

However, there were some datasets that I hadn't paid much attention to, and looking at the scores today, it seems that the performance was measured a bit poorly for those datasets I overlooked.

It looks like I need to experiment a bit more in detail.

I'm really happy to be in touch with you.

Can I please see how you create the MoE? The code you used to do it?
I am very interested in doing similar things with other models! like Phi-2 for instance.

Thanks for the kind words and happy to see such great and beautiful effect over the community. Welcome to OneManArmy :)
Keep rocking! if u please release a 2 MOE that would be nice :)

fblgit changed discussion status to closed

@fblgit Sure! I'm working on pre-training a new Korean language model. So, after it is finished I'll try. :)

@fblgit im working on a x2 moe of nous hermes 2 solar

@dillfrescott Great! It's really lit!

Could you share your results?

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