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Model Details

Neural machine translation model for translating from unknown (deu+eng+fra+por+spa) to Indo-European languages (ine).

This model is part of the OPUS-MT project, an effort to make neural machine translation models widely available and accessible for many languages in the world. All models are originally trained using the amazing framework of Marian NMT, an efficient NMT implementation written in pure C++. The models have been converted to pyTorch using the transformers library by huggingface. Training data is taken from OPUS and training pipelines use the procedures of OPUS-MT-train. Model Description:

  • Developed by: Language Technology Research Group at the University of Helsinki
  • Model Type: Translation (transformer-big)
  • Release: 2024-05-30
  • License: Apache-2.0
  • Language(s):
    • Source Language(s): deu eng fra por spa
    • Target Language(s): acf afr aln ang anp arg asm ast awa bal bar bel ben bho bis bos bpy bre bul bzj cat cbk ces chu ckb cnr cor cos crs csb cym dan deu diq div djk drt dsb dty egl ell eng enm ext fao fas fra frm fro frp frr fry fur gbm gcf gla gle glg glk glv gos got grc gsw guj hat hbs hif hin hne hns hrv hrx hsb hwc hye hyw icr isl ita jam jdt kas kea kmr kok kri ksh kur lad lah lat lav lij lim lit lld lmo lou lrc ltz mag mai mar mfe mkd mol mwl mzn nap nds nep nld nno nob non nor npi oci ofs ori orv osp oss pal pan pap pcd pcm pdc pes pfl pih pis pli pms pnt pol por prg prs pus rhg rmy roh rom ron rop rue rup rus san scn sco sdh sgs sin skr slk slv snd spa sqi srd srm srn srp stq swe swg syl szl tcs tgk tly tpi ukr urd vec vls wae wln xcl yid zea zza
    • Valid Target Language Labels: >>acf<< >>act<< >>aee<< >>aeq<< >>afr<< >>afs<< >>aig<< >>aiq<< >>aln<< >>ang<< >>ang_Latn<< >>anp<< >>anr<< >>aoa<< >>arg<< >>ask<< >>asm<< >>ast<< >>atn<< >>avd<< >>ave<< >>awa<< >>axm<< >>bah<< >>bal<< >>bal_Latn<< >>bar<< >>bdv<< >>bel<< >>ben<< >>bfb<< >>bfy<< >>bfz<< >>bgc<< >>bgd<< >>bge<< >>bgw<< >>bha<< >>bhb<< >>bhd<< >>bhe<< >>bhh<< >>bhi<< >>bho<< >>bht<< >>bhu<< >>bis<< >>bjj<< >>bjm<< >>bjs<< >>bkk<< >>bmj<< >>bns<< >>bos_Cyrl<< >>bos_Latn<< >>bpx<< >>bpy<< >>bqi<< >>bra<< >>brc<< >>bre<< >>bsg<< >>bsh<< >>btv<< >>bul<< >>bzj<< >>bzk<< >>cat<< >>cbk<< >>cbk_Latn<< >>ccd<< >>ccp<< >>cdh<< >>cdi<< >>cdj<< >>ces<< >>chu<< >>cih<< >>cim<< >>ckb<< >>cks<< >>clh<< >>cms<< >>cnr<< >>cnr_Latn<< >>cor<< >>cos<< >>cpg<< >>cri<< >>crs<< >>csb<< >>csb_Latn<< >>ctg<< >>cym<< >>czk<< >>dan<< >>dcc<< >>dcr<< >>def<< >>deh<< >>deu<< >>dhn<< >>dho<< >>diq<< >>div<< >>djk<< >>djk_Latn<< >>dlm<< >>dmk<< >>dml<< >>doi<< >>drc<< >>drt<< >>drt_Latn<< >>dry<< >>dsb<< >>dty<< >>dub<< >>duh<< >>dum<< >>dwz<< >>egl<< >>ell<< >>emx<< >>eng<< >>enm<< >>enm_Latn<< >>esh<< >>ext<< >>fab<< >>fao<< >>fas<< >>fax<< >>fay<< >>fpe<< >>fra<< >>frc<< >>frk<< >>frm<< >>frm_Latn<< >>fro<< >>fro_Latn<< >>frp<< >>frr<< >>fry<< >>fur<< >>gas<< >>gbk<< >>gbl<< >>gbm<< >>gbz<< >>gcf<< >>gcf_Latn<< >>gcl<< >>gcr<< >>gct<< >>gdx<< >>geh<< >>ggg<< >>ghc<< >>ghr<< >>gig<< >>gjk<< >>gla<< >>gle<< >>glg<< >>glh<< >>glk<< >>glv<< >>gmh<< >>gml<< >>gmy<< >>goh<< >>gos<< >>got<< >>got_Goth<< >>goz<< >>gpe<< >>gra<< >>grc<< >>grc_Grek<< >>gsw<< >>guj<< >>gul<< >>gwc<< >>gwf<< >>gwt<< >>gyn<< >>gzi<< >>hac<< >>haj<< >>hat<< >>haz<< >>hbs<< >>hbs_Cyrl<< >>hbs_Latn<< >>hca<< >>hif<< >>hif_Latn<< >>hii<< >>hin<< >>hin_Latn<< >>hit<< >>hlb<< >>hlu<< >>hne<< >>hns<< >>hrv<< >>hrx<< >>hrx_Latn<< >>hrz<< >>hsb<< >>hwc<< >>hye<< >>hyw<< >>hyw_Armn<< >>hyw_Latn<< >>icr<< >>idb<< >>imy<< >>isk<< >>isl<< >>ist<< >>ita<< >>itk<< >>jam<< >>jdg<< >>jdt<< >>jdt_Cyrl<< >>jml<< >>jnd<< >>jns<< >>jpr<< >>jut<< >>jvd<< >>kas<< >>kas_Arab<< >>kas_Deva<< >>kbu<< >>kea<< >>keq<< >>key<< >>kfm<< >>kfr<< >>kfs<< >>kft<< >>kfu<< >>kfv<< >>kfx<< >>kfy<< >>kgn<< >>khn<< >>kho<< >>khw<< >>kjo<< >>kjv<< >>kls<< >>kmr<< >>kmv<< >>kok<< >>kra<< >>kri<< >>ksh<< >>ksy<< >>ktl<< >>kur<< >>kur_Arab<< >>kur_Cyrl<< >>kur_Latn<< >>kvx<< >>kww<< >>kxp<< >>kyw<< >>lad<< >>lad_Latn<< >>lah<< >>lat<< >>lat_Latn<< >>lav<< >>lbm<< >>lhl<< >>lij<< >>lim<< >>lit<< >>lki<< >>lld<< >>lld_Latn<< >>lmn<< >>lmo<< >>lng<< >>lou<< >>lou_Latn<< >>lrc<< >>lrl<< >>lsa<< >>lss<< >>ltz<< >>luv<< >>luz<< >>mag<< >>mai<< >>mar<< >>mby<< >>mcm<< >>mfe<< >>mga<< >>mhn<< >>mjl<< >>mjz<< >>mkb<< >>mkd<< >>mke<< >>mki<< >>mnj<< >>mol<< >>mvy<< >>mwl<< >>mwr<< >>mxi<< >>mzn<< >>mzs<< >>nag<< >>nap<< >>ndf<< >>nds<< >>nep<< >>nhh<< >>nld<< >>nli<< >>nlx<< >>nno<< >>nob<< >>noe<< >>noi<< >>non<< >>nor<< >>npi<< >>nrc<< >>nrf<< >>nrn<< >>ntz<< >>nyq<< >>obt<< >>oci<< >>odk<< >>odt<< >>ofs<< >>ofs_Latn<< >>okh<< >>olt<< >>omr<< >>oor<< >>oos<< >>ori<< >>ort<< >>oru<< >>orv<< >>orv_Cyrl<< >>osc<< >>osp<< >>osp_Latn<< >>oss<< >>osx<< >>ovd<< >>owl<< >>pal<< >>pan<< >>pan_Guru<< >>pap<< >>paq<< >>pcd<< >>pcl<< >>pcm<< >>pdc<< >>pdt<< >>peo<< >>pes<< >>pey<< >>pfl<< >>pgg<< >>phd<< >>phl<< >>phv<< >>pih<< >>pih_Latn<< >>pis<< >>pli<< >>plk<< >>pln<< >>plp<< >>plq<< >>pmh<< >>pms<< >>pnt<< >>pnt_Grek<< >>pol<< >>por<< >>pov<< >>pox<< >>prc<< >>pre<< >>prg<< >>prg_Latn<< >>prn<< >>pro<< >>prs<< >>psh<< >>psi<< >>psu<< >>pus<< >>pwr<< >>raj<< >>rat<< >>rcf<< >>rdb<< >>rei<< >>rgn<< >>rhg<< >>rhg_Latn<< >>rjs<< >>rkt<< >>rmg<< >>rmi<< >>rmq<< >>rmt<< >>rmy<< >>roh<< >>rom<< >>ron<< >>rop<< >>rtw<< >>rue<< >>ruo<< >>rup<< >>ruq<< >>rus<< >>san<< >>san_Deva<< >>saz<< >>sbn<< >>scf<< >>sck<< >>scl<< >>scn<< >>sco<< >>scx<< >>sdb<< >>sdf<< >>sdg<< >>sdh<< >>sdr<< >>sdt<< >>sdz<< >>sga<< >>sgh<< >>sgl<< >>sgr<< >>sgs<< >>sgy<< >>shd<< >>shm<< >>sin<< >>siy<< >>sjp<< >>skr<< >>skw<< >>sli<< >>slk<< >>slv<< >>smm<< >>smv<< >>smy<< >>snd<< >>snd_Arab<< >>sog<< >>soi<< >>soj<< >>spa<< >>spq<< >>spx<< >>sqi<< >>sqo<< >>srd<< >>srh<< >>srm<< >>srn<< >>srp_Cyrl<< >>srx<< >>srz<< >>ssi<< >>stl<< >>stq<< >>sts<< >>svc<< >>svm<< >>svx<< >>swe<< >>swg<< >>sxl<< >>sxu<< >>syl<< >>syl_Sylo<< >>szl<< >>tch<< >>tcs<< >>tdb<< >>tgh<< >>tgk<< >>tgk_Cyrl<< >>tgk_Latn<< >>the<< >>thl<< >>thq<< >>thr<< >>tkb<< >>tks<< >>tkt<< >>tly<< >>tly_Latn<< >>tmg<< >>tnv<< >>tov<< >>tpi<< >>tra<< >>trf<< >>trm<< >>trw<< >>tsd<< >>ttt<< >>tvy<< >>twd<< >>txb<< >>txh<< >>ukr<< >>uln<< >>urd<< >>ush<< >>vaa<< >>vaf<< >>vah<< >>vas<< >>vav<< >>vec<< >>ved<< >>vel<< >>vgr<< >>vic<< >>vkp<< >>vls<< >>vmf<< >>vmh<< >>wae<< >>wbk<< >>wbl<< >>wep<< >>wes<< >>wlm<< >>wln<< >>wne<< >>wsv<< >>wtm<< >>wym<< >>xbc<< >>xbm<< >>xcb<< >>xce<< >>xcg<< >>xcl<< >>xcl_Armn<< >>xcl_Latn<< >>xco<< >>xcr<< >>xcu<< >>xdc<< >>xfa<< >>xga<< >>xgl<< >>xka<< >>xkc<< >>xkj<< >>xkp<< >>xlc<< >>xld<< >>xlg<< >>xlp<< >>xls<< >>xlu<< >>xmk<< >>xpg<< >>xpi<< >>xpr<< >>xps<< >>xsc<< >>xsd<< >>xsv<< >>xtg<< >>xto<< >>xtq<< >>xum<< >>xve<< >>xvi<< >>xvn<< >>xxx<< >>xzm<< >>yah<< >>yai<< >>ydg<< >>yec<< >>yej<< >>yid<< >>zea<< >>zum<< >>zza<<
  • Original Model: opusTCv20230926max50+bt+jhubc_transformer-big_2024-05-30.zip
  • Resources for more information:

This is a multilingual translation model with multiple target languages. A sentence initial language token is required in the form of >>id<< (id = valid target language ID), e.g. >>acf<<


This model can be used for translation and text-to-text generation.

Risks, Limitations and Biases

CONTENT WARNING: Readers should be aware that the model is trained on various public data sets that may contain content that is disturbing, offensive, and can propagate historical and current stereotypes.

Significant research has explored bias and fairness issues with language models (see, e.g., Sheng et al. (2021) and Bender et al. (2021)).

How to Get Started With the Model

A short example code:

from transformers import MarianMTModel, MarianTokenizer

src_text = [
    ">>acf<< Replace this with text in an accepted source language.",
    ">>zza<< This is the second sentence."

model_name = "pytorch-models/opus-mt-tc-bible-big-deu_eng_fra_por_spa-ine"
tokenizer = MarianTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
model = MarianMTModel.from_pretrained(model_name)
translated = model.generate(**tokenizer(src_text, return_tensors="pt", padding=True))

for t in translated:
    print( tokenizer.decode(t, skip_special_tokens=True) )

You can also use OPUS-MT models with the transformers pipelines, for example:

from transformers import pipeline
pipe = pipeline("translation", model="Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-tc-bible-big-deu_eng_fra_por_spa-ine")
print(pipe(">>acf<< Replace this with text in an accepted source language."))



langpair testset chr-F BLEU #sent #words
deu-afr tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.69843 53.9 1583 9507
deu-bel tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.55105 27.8 551 3601
deu-bul tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.64736 45.3 314 2036
deu-cat tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.60706 39.7 723 5539
deu-ces tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.60622 38.3 3490 22864
deu-dan tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.71239 54.3 9998 74644
deu-deu tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.59800 36.4 2500 20806
deu-dsb tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.40343 14.6 640 3975
deu-ell tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.62906 42.3 2500 15517
deu-eng tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.63986 45.8 17565 149462
deu-fas tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.44275 18.6 3185 24941
deu-fra tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.65864 47.4 12418 102721
deu-hrv tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.64086 42.0 782 4933
deu-hsb tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.43068 19.3 666 4195
deu-isl tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.58857 37.7 969 5951
deu-ita tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.66819 44.9 10094 75504
deu-lat tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.41791 15.1 2016 10538
deu-lit tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.61083 32.6 1115 7091
deu-ltz tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.57811 37.5 347 2206
deu-nds tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.44188 18.2 9999 76137
deu-nld tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.69440 51.6 10218 75235
deu-nob tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.69018 48.9 3525 31978
deu-nor tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.68845 48.7 3651 32928
deu-pol tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.62153 38.4 5000 31726
deu-por tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.62059 40.8 10000 81482
deu-ron tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.62094 39.7 1141 7432
deu-rus tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.62731 40.3 12800 87296
deu-spa tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.66256 46.5 10521 82570
deu-swe tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.69697 54.0 3410 22701
deu-ukr tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.60825 37.3 10319 56287
eng-afr tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.70651 55.3 1374 10317
eng-bel tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.50356 23.5 2500 16237
eng-ben tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.44552 13.6 2500 11654
eng-bos_Latn tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.64765 43.2 301 1650
eng-bul tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.64094 45.0 10000 69504
eng-cat tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.65036 45.3 1631 12344
eng-ces tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.60779 39.9 13824 91332
eng-cym tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.58768 33.7 818 6020
eng-dan tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.71901 56.7 10795 79385
eng-deu tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.60900 38.8 17565 151568
eng-ell tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.68844 47.7 10899 66884
eng-eng tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.83261 69.2 12062 115106
eng-fao tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.44702 23.3 294 1933
eng-fas tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.42166 17.8 3762 31110
eng-fra tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.66478 48.0 12681 106378
eng-fry tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.44477 21.9 220 1600
eng-gla tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.45225 22.1 955 7333
eng-gle tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.58293 38.3 1913 12142
eng-glg tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.61841 41.4 1015 7881
eng-got tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 1.138 0.3 202 913
eng-hin tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.50692 26.6 5000 32904
eng-hrv tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.66340 44.9 1480 9396
eng-isl tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.54222 31.9 2503 19023
eng-ita tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.70559 51.1 17320 116336
eng-lad tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.40057 19.4 768 4105
eng-lad_Latn tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.46409 22.0 672 3580
eng-lat tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.42128 15.2 10298 76510
eng-lav tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.63154 39.3 1631 9932
eng-lit tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.64557 34.7 2528 14942
eng-ltz tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.58309 39.5 293 1828
eng-mar tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.49010 19.9 10396 61140
eng-mkd tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.58369 34.7 10010 62029
eng-nds tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.44492 19.7 2500 18264
eng-nld tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.69106 51.6 12696 91796
eng-nno tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.60123 38.7 460 3428
eng-nob tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.69979 53.8 4539 36119
eng-nor tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.69136 52.5 5000 39552
eng-pes tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.42287 17.9 3757 31044
eng-pol tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.63041 40.6 10099 65592
eng-por tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.70207 50.6 13222 105265
eng-ron tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.65546 44.2 5508 40367
eng-rus tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.60525 38.2 19425 134296
eng-spa tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.70563 52.4 16583 134710
eng-sqi tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.65412 41.7 1109 8281
eng-srp_Cyrl tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.59271 38.0 1580 9152
eng-swe tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.70223 55.4 10362 68067
eng-ukr tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.57326 34.0 13127 80998
eng-urd tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.43242 16.0 1663 12155
fra-bel tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.54792 30.6 283 1703
fra-bul tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.64862 44.1 446 3286
fra-cat tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.65001 42.9 700 5342
fra-ces tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.63896 41.1 438 2699
fra-dan tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.75807 62.0 1731 11312
fra-deu tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.66141 46.4 12418 100545
fra-ell tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.68793 49.0 1506 8975
fra-eng tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.70406 54.8 12681 101754
fra-fas tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.41169 16.7 376 3217
fra-fra tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.63417 44.2 1000 7757
fra-gcf tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 6.252 0.1 1164 6118
fra-hbs tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.55307 25.6 474 2882
fra-hrv tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.60246 34.6 258 1629
fra-ita tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.72081 52.7 10091 62060
fra-nds tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.40878 16.1 857 5760
fra-nld tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.64926 45.7 11548 82164
fra-nob tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.72336 55.8 323 2175
fra-nor tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.71320 55.0 477 3097
fra-pcd tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 7.211 0.1 266 1569
fra-pol tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.60675 36.6 3087 19954
fra-por tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.69533 50.1 10518 77650
fra-ron tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.64390 43.0 1925 12252
fra-rus tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.61704 39.8 11490 70123
fra-spa tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.70601 52.3 10294 78406
fra-swe tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.73948 59.1 1407 9170
fra-ukr tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.59329 36.6 10035 54372
por-cat tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.70201 50.7 747 6149
por-dan tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.78231 64.8 873 5258
por-deu tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.66060 45.8 10000 81246
por-ell tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.70353 49.6 885 4946
por-eng tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.74714 60.7 13222 105351
por-fra tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.74205 58.4 10518 80459
por-glg tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.73178 56.6 433 3016
por-ita tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.75942 57.2 3066 24897
por-nds tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.44477 19.6 207 1292
por-nld tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.68084 49.8 2500 17816
por-nor tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.72109 55.4 481 4030
por-pol tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.64745 40.5 705 4296
por-por tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.74601 55.2 2500 19220
por-ron tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.68212 46.2 681 4521
por-rus tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.63001 40.7 10000 65326
por-spa tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.78404 63.1 10947 87335
por-swe tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.73715 57.6 320 1938
por-ukr tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.62358 39.6 3372 18933
spa-afr tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.74092 59.3 448 3044
spa-bel tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.56796 28.1 205 1259
spa-bul tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.62299 43.9 286 1707
spa-cat tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.80208 63.8 1534 12343
spa-ces tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.62203 40.2 1807 11295
spa-dan tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.71414 55.1 5000 35937
spa-deu tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.65649 45.6 10521 86430
spa-ell tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.62981 41.9 1829 10464
spa-eng tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.72410 57.2 16583 138123
spa-fra tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.71593 55.0 10294 83501
spa-gla tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.46704 22.8 289 2014
spa-glg tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.73880 57.9 2121 16581
spa-hbs tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.48593 26.1 607 3513
spa-hrv tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.66819 49.1 254 1533
spa-isl tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.53084 25.4 238 1220
spa-ita tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.75756 58.1 5000 34515
spa-lad tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.41031 20.7 276 1464
spa-lad_Latn tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.48389 24.0 239 1254
spa-lat tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.41591 13.9 3129 27685
spa-lit tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.64868 39.1 454 2352
spa-mkd tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.65406 40.8 217 1073
spa-nds tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.42437 17.3 923 5941
spa-nld tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.66981 48.2 10113 79162
spa-nob tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.74315 58.0 885 6762
spa-nor tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.73699 57.1 960 7217
spa-pol tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.63650 41.1 2544 15967
spa-por tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.76008 59.2 10947 87610
spa-ron tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.67038 45.2 1959 12503
spa-rus tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.63866 42.5 10506 69242
spa-spa tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.68295 51.5 2500 21469
spa-swe tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.70919 56.2 1351 8357
spa-ukr tatoeba-test-v2021-08-07 0.60403 37.5 10115 54544
deu-afr flores101-devtest 0.55623 24.1 1012 25740
deu-ast flores101-devtest 0.49967 18.1 1012 24572
deu-ces flores101-devtest 0.51256 22.6 1012 22101
deu-dan flores101-devtest 0.59669 31.5 1012 24638
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fra-eng newstest2009 0.55614 28.6 2525 65399
fra-ita newstest2009 0.59145 30.2 2525 63466
fra-spa newstest2009 0.58146 31.5 2525 68111
spa-ces newstest2009 0.48619 19.9 2525 55533
spa-deu newstest2009 0.51369 20.8 2525 62816
spa-eng newstest2009 0.55967 28.8 2525 65399
spa-fra newstest2009 0.58258 30.8 2525 69263
spa-ita newstest2009 0.60212 32.2 2525 63466
deu-ces newstest2010 0.50679 22.0 2489 52955
deu-eng newstest2010 0.57070 29.1 2489 61711
deu-fra newstest2010 0.56316 27.6 2489 66022
deu-spa newstest2010 0.58086 31.1 2489 65480
eng-ces newstest2010 0.49895 21.0 2489 52955
eng-deu newstest2010 0.53499 23.7 2489 61503
eng-fra newstest2010 0.58290 30.7 2489 66022
eng-spa newstest2010 0.61355 36.1 2489 65480
fra-ces newstest2010 0.48847 20.2 2489 52955
fra-deu newstest2010 0.52472 22.1 2489 61503
fra-eng newstest2010 0.57996 31.3 2489 61711
fra-spa newstest2010 0.61617 36.8 2489 65480
spa-ces newstest2010 0.50675 22.3 2489 52955
spa-deu newstest2010 0.53790 24.2 2489 61503
spa-eng newstest2010 0.60183 33.9 2489 61711
spa-fra newstest2010 0.60950 34.4 2489 66022
deu-ces newstest2011 0.48143 19.8 3003 65653
deu-eng newstest2011 0.54135 25.6 3003 74681
deu-fra newstest2011 0.54455 25.4 3003 80626
deu-spa newstest2011 0.55696 29.2 3003 79476
eng-ces newstest2011 0.49872 21.4 3003 65653
eng-deu newstest2011 0.51663 21.5 3003 72981
eng-fra newstest2011 0.59757 32.3 3003 80626
eng-spa newstest2011 0.61259 37.2 3003 79476
fra-ces newstest2011 0.49079 20.9 3003 65653
fra-deu newstest2011 0.51558 21.6 3003 72981
fra-eng newstest2011 0.58573 31.5 3003 74681
fra-spa newstest2011 0.62198 38.7 3003 79476
spa-ces newstest2011 0.48837 20.9 3003 65653
spa-deu newstest2011 0.51765 22.3 3003 72981
spa-eng newstest2011 0.58478 32.0 3003 74681
spa-fra newstest2011 0.60332 33.6 3003 80626
deu-ces newstest2012 0.47349 19.3 3003 65456
deu-eng newstest2012 0.54991 27.0 3003 72812
deu-fra newstest2012 0.54838 26.2 3003 78011
deu-rus newstest2012 0.47331 17.8 3003 64790
deu-spa newstest2012 0.56115 29.7 3003 79006
eng-ces newstest2012 0.47312 19.2 3003 65456
eng-deu newstest2012 0.51588 22.0 3003 72886
eng-fra newstest2012 0.58096 30.1 3003 78011
eng-rus newstest2012 0.58916 30.8 3003 64790
eng-spa newstest2012 0.61457 37.2 3003 79006
fra-ces newstest2012 0.47412 19.8 3003 65456
fra-deu newstest2012 0.51511 22.3 3003 72886
fra-eng newstest2012 0.58053 31.4 3003 72812
fra-rus newstest2012 0.49149 20.1 3003 64790
fra-spa newstest2012 0.61788 37.9 3003 79006
spa-ces newstest2012 0.47397 19.8 3003 65456
spa-deu newstest2012 0.52060 22.7 3003 72886
spa-eng newstest2012 0.60936 35.9 3003 72812
spa-fra newstest2012 0.60277 33.5 3003 78011
spa-rus newstest2012 0.50113 21.2 3003 64790
deu-ces newstest2013 0.49584 22.1 3000 57250
deu-eng newstest2013 0.56741 30.2 3000 64505
deu-fra newstest2013 0.54857 27.6 3000 70037
deu-rus newstest2013 0.49961 21.3 3000 58560
deu-spa newstest2013 0.55886 30.1 3000 70528
eng-ces newstest2013 0.50582 23.3 3000 57250
eng-deu newstest2013 0.54401 25.8 3000 63737
eng-fra newstest2013 0.57648 31.4 3000 70037
eng-rus newstest2013 0.51291 22.7 3000 58560
eng-spa newstest2013 0.58821 33.7 3000 70528
fra-ces newstest2013 0.48374 21.2 3000 57250
fra-deu newstest2013 0.52935 24.2 3000 63737
fra-eng newstest2013 0.58033 32.7 3000 64505
fra-rus newstest2013 0.50016 21.5 3000 58560
fra-spa newstest2013 0.58532 33.6 3000 70528
spa-ces newstest2013 0.49954 22.8 3000 57250
spa-deu newstest2013 0.53643 24.7 3000 63737
spa-eng newstest2013 0.59270 33.2 3000 64505
spa-fra newstest2013 0.58979 33.0 3000 70037
spa-rus newstest2013 0.51659 23.3 3000 58560
deu-eng newstest2014 0.57690 30.3 3003 67337
eng-ces newstest2014 0.54124 25.2 3003 59902
eng-deu newstest2014 0.56967 25.8 3003 62688
eng-fra newstest2014 0.63245 37.3 3003 77306
eng-hin newstest2014 0.48263 20.4 2507 60872
eng-rus newstest2014 0.61540 33.8 3003 61603
fra-eng newstest2014 0.61729 35.4 3003 70708
deu-eng newstest2015 0.58051 31.5 2169 46443
eng-ces newstest2015 0.50901 22.1 2656 45858
eng-deu newstest2015 0.58038 29.6 2169 44260
eng-rus newstest2015 0.56909 28.0 2818 55920
deu-eng newstest2016 0.62651 37.1 2999 64119
eng-ces newstest2016 0.53138 25.4 2999 56998
eng-deu newstest2016 0.62052 35.2 2999 62669
eng-ron newstest2016 0.57801 30.1 1999 48945
eng-rus newstest2016 0.55239 26.3 2998 62014
deu-eng newstest2017 0.59034 32.9 3004 64399
eng-ces newstest2017 0.49009 20.9 3005 54361
eng-deu newstest2017 0.57301 28.3 3004 61287
eng-lav newstest2017 0.49647 17.3 2001 39392
eng-rus newstest2017 0.57889 29.5 3001 60253
deu-eng newstest2018 0.64488 39.9 2998 67012
eng-ces newstest2018 0.49105 20.2 2983 54652
eng-deu newstest2018 0.66353 41.7 2998 64276
eng-rus newstest2018 0.55568 25.6 3000 61907
deu-ces newstest2019 0.48893 20.5 1997 43113
deu-eng newstest2019 0.61048 35.6 2000 39227
deu-fra newstest2019 0.61083 33.4 1701 42509
eng-ces newstest2019 0.50528 22.0 1997 43113
eng-deu newstest2019 0.63438 37.7 1997 48746
eng-guj newstest2019 0.46302 15.3 998 21924
eng-lit newstest2019 0.48848 16.0 998 19711
eng-rus newstest2019 0.53243 25.9 1997 48147
fra-deu newstest2019 0.58722 26.9 1701 36446
deu-eng newstest2020 0.57511 30.8 785 38220
deu-fra newstest2020 0.58907 30.9 1619 36890
eng-deu newstest2020 0.56905 28.2 1418 52383
eng-pol newstest2020 0.51806 21.6 1000 23855
eng-rus newstest2020 0.49190 20.9 2002 47083
fra-deu newstest2020 0.58687 25.9 1619 30265
deu-eng newstest2021 0.58074 29.6 1000 20180
deu-fra newstest2021 0.57642 29.9 1000 23757
eng-ces newstest2021 0.45921 15.9 1002 25589
eng-deu newstest2021 0.54593 23.8 1002 27970
eng-isl newstest2021 0.46926 18.6 1000 25233
eng-rus newstest2021 0.50587 22.1 1002 26095
fra-deu newstest2021 0.62883 36.0 1026 26077
deu-eng newstestALL2020 0.57511 30.8 785 38220
eng-deu newstestALL2020 0.56905 28.2 1418 52383
deu-eng newstestB2020 0.57270 30.4 785 37696
eng-deu newstestB2020 0.55895 27.8 1418 53092
deu-afr ntrex128 0.55112 25.2 1997 50050
deu-bel ntrex128 0.43275 14.7 1997 43951
deu-ben ntrex128 0.40104 6.3 1997 40095
deu-bul ntrex128 0.50482 22.6 1997 48832
deu-cat ntrex128 0.53145 25.8 1997 53438
deu-ces ntrex128 0.49340 20.9 1997 43356
deu-cym ntrex128 0.46757 16.9 1997 51768
deu-dan ntrex128 0.54629 27.2 1997 47643
deu-div ntrex128 9.726 0.0 1997 37802
deu-ell ntrex128 0.47825 21.0 1997 52028
deu-eng ntrex128 0.60047 31.8 1997 47673
deu-fas ntrex128 0.40193 12.7 1997 50525
deu-fra ntrex128 0.54175 26.6 1997 53481
deu-gle ntrex128 0.42902 13.7 1997 55846
deu-glg ntrex128 0.53430 25.5 1997 50432
deu-hin ntrex128 0.41309 15.0 1997 55219
deu-hrv ntrex128 0.51998 22.0 1997 44449
deu-isl ntrex128 0.44649 16.0 1997 46643
deu-ita ntrex128 0.54145 24.8 1997 50759
deu-lav ntrex128 0.45243 14.0 1997 44709
deu-lit ntrex128 0.47694 15.1 1997 41189
deu-ltz ntrex128 0.45326 13.1 1997 49763
deu-mkd ntrex128 0.52189 21.8 1997 47552
deu-nld ntrex128 0.55518 26.0 1997 51884
deu-nno ntrex128 0.49799 20.2 1997 46512
deu-nob ntrex128 0.54700 25.7 1997 45501
deu-pol ntrex128 0.47430 18.1 1997 44700
deu-por ntrex128 0.53262 24.6 1997 51631
deu-ron ntrex128 0.51091 24.2 1997 53498
deu-rus ntrex128 0.47374 20.0 1997 45714
deu-slk ntrex128 0.47850 19.9 1997 44242
deu-slv ntrex128 0.50797 21.7 1997 46072
deu-snd_Arab ntrex128 0.646 0.1 1997 49866
deu-spa ntrex128 0.55580 28.9 1997 54107
deu-sqi ntrex128 0.50383 21.4 1997 54563
deu-swe ntrex128 0.56144 26.9 1997 44889
deu-ukr ntrex128 0.45481 16.5 1997 45346
eng-afr ntrex128 0.66106 40.7 1997 50050
eng-bel ntrex128 0.47642 19.3 1997 43951
eng-ben ntrex128 0.44938 10.2 1997 40095
eng-bul ntrex128 0.55238 28.3 1997 48832
eng-cat ntrex128 0.59563 33.8 1997 53438
eng-ces ntrex128 0.54586 26.4 1997 43356
eng-cym ntrex128 0.54759 26.0 1997 51768
eng-dan ntrex128 0.60350 35.6 1997 47643
eng-deu ntrex128 0.57027 27.9 1997 48761
eng-div ntrex128 9.103 0.0 1997 37802
eng-ell ntrex128 0.53745 28.5 1997 52028
eng-fas ntrex128 0.44487 17.0 1997 50525
eng-fra ntrex128 0.59630 32.9 1997 53481
eng-gle ntrex128 0.48192 19.0 1997 55846
eng-glg ntrex128 0.60389 34.3 1997 50432
eng-guj ntrex128 0.40892 10.6 1997 45335
eng-hin ntrex128 0.48575 22.9 1997 55219
eng-hrv ntrex128 0.58236 30.0 1997 44449
eng-isl ntrex128 0.48066 20.3 1997 46643
eng-ita ntrex128 0.60485 33.7 1997 50759
eng-lav ntrex128 0.49041 17.5 1997 44709
eng-lit ntrex128 0.51230 18.3 1997 41189
eng-ltz ntrex128 0.46754 15.0 1997 49763
eng-mkd ntrex128 0.59421 30.5 1997 47552
eng-nld ntrex128 0.59539 31.7 1997 51884
eng-nno ntrex128 0.58757 30.9 1997 46512
eng-nob ntrex128 0.61045 35.2 1997 45501
eng-pol ntrex128 0.50306 21.5 1997 44700
eng-por ntrex128 0.59064 32.3 1997 51631
eng-prs ntrex128 0.40486 13.7 1997 52316
eng-ron ntrex128 0.56071 30.3 1997 53498
eng-rus ntrex128 0.52359 26.5 1997 45714
eng-slk ntrex128 0.54391 26.5 1997 44242
eng-slv ntrex128 0.54372 25.9 1997 46072
eng-snd_Arab ntrex128 0.659 0.1 1997 49866
eng-spa ntrex128 0.62654 38.1 1997 54107
eng-sqi ntrex128 0.56845 30.7 1997 54563
eng-srp_Cyrl ntrex128 0.43244 18.5 1997 45487
eng-swe ntrex128 0.64175 38.8 1997 44889
eng-ukr ntrex128 0.49480 21.0 1997 45346
eng-urd ntrex128 0.44382 17.8 1997 54259
fra-afr ntrex128 0.53285 23.8 1997 50050
fra-bel ntrex128 0.42933 14.5 1997 43951
fra-bul ntrex128 0.50188 22.6 1997 48832
fra-cat ntrex128 0.54019 26.5 1997 53438
fra-ces ntrex128 0.47876 19.4 1997 43356
fra-cym ntrex128 0.47101 18.2 1997 51768
fra-dan ntrex128 0.52518 25.5 1997 47643
fra-deu ntrex128 0.51567 21.8 1997 48761
fra-div ntrex128 9.433 0.0 1997 37802
fra-ell ntrex128 0.47986 21.3 1997 52028
fra-eng ntrex128 0.59200 31.6 1997 47673
fra-gle ntrex128 0.42837 13.5 1997 55846
fra-glg ntrex128 0.54310 26.4 1997 50432
fra-hin ntrex128 0.41234 15.4 1997 55219
fra-hrv ntrex128 0.51276 21.4 1997 44449
fra-isl ntrex128 0.44117 16.4 1997 46643
fra-ita ntrex128 0.55460 26.5 1997 50759
fra-lav ntrex128 0.44057 13.3 1997 44709
fra-lit ntrex128 0.46745 13.9 1997 41189
fra-ltz ntrex128 0.42060 11.2 1997 49763
fra-mkd ntrex128 0.51077 20.7 1997 47552
fra-nld ntrex128 0.53226 23.6 1997 51884
fra-nno ntrex128 0.48806 19.5 1997 46512
fra-nob ntrex128 0.52610 24.2 1997 45501
fra-pol ntrex128 0.46942 17.9 1997 44700
fra-por ntrex128 0.53724 25.2 1997 51631
fra-ron ntrex128 0.51064 23.7 1997 53498
fra-rus ntrex128 0.47588 20.7 1997 45714
fra-slk ntrex128 0.46230 18.1 1997 44242
fra-slv ntrex128 0.49389 20.4 1997 46072
fra-snd_Arab ntrex128 0.494 0.1 1997 49866
fra-spa ntrex128 0.56432 30.0 1997 54107
fra-sqi ntrex128 0.50181 21.7 1997 54563
fra-swe ntrex128 0.54462 25.8 1997 44889
fra-ukr ntrex128 0.44589 15.8 1997 45346
por-afr ntrex128 0.56124 26.6 1997 50050
por-bel ntrex128 0.44346 15.4 1997 43951
por-bul ntrex128 0.51578 24.1 1997 48832
por-cat ntrex128 0.57052 30.4 1997 53438
por-ces ntrex128 0.49385 21.0 1997 43356
por-cym ntrex128 0.47606 18.0 1997 51768
por-dan ntrex128 0.54564 27.9 1997 47643
por-deu ntrex128 0.53023 22.6 1997 48761
por-div ntrex128 8.442 0.0 1997 37802
por-ell ntrex128 0.50229 24.0 1997 52028
por-eng ntrex128 0.62761 36.2 1997 47673
por-fas ntrex128 0.40704 13.2 1997 50525
por-fra ntrex128 0.55864 27.9 1997 53481
por-gle ntrex128 0.43855 14.4 1997 55846
por-glg ntrex128 0.56576 28.9 1997 50432
por-hin ntrex128 0.41906 16.1 1997 55219
por-hrv ntrex128 0.52756 22.9 1997 44449
por-isl ntrex128 0.44649 16.4 1997 46643
por-ita ntrex128 0.57836 29.5 1997 50759
por-lav ntrex128 0.45519 14.3 1997 44709
por-lit ntrex128 0.48342 15.2 1997 41189
por-mkd ntrex128 0.53728 23.3 1997 47552
por-nld ntrex128 0.54708 25.9 1997 51884
por-nno ntrex128 0.50133 20.9 1997 46512
por-nob ntrex128 0.54357 25.6 1997 45501
por-pol ntrex128 0.47970 18.5 1997 44700
por-ron ntrex128 0.53061 26.3 1997 53498
por-rus ntrex128 0.48075 21.3 1997 45714
por-slk ntrex128 0.47540 19.2 1997 44242
por-slv ntrex128 0.50780 21.9 1997 46072
por-snd_Arab ntrex128 0.565 0.1 1997 49866
por-spa ntrex128 0.58969 33.3 1997 54107
por-sqi ntrex128 0.52446 25.0 1997 54563
por-srp_Cyrl ntrex128 0.40145 14.6 1997 45487
por-swe ntrex128 0.55721 26.9 1997 44889
por-ukr ntrex128 0.46398 17.9 1997 45346
spa-afr ntrex128 0.55892 25.5 1997 50050
spa-bel ntrex128 0.44316 15.1 1997 43951
spa-ben ntrex128 0.40604 6.6 1997 40095
spa-bul ntrex128 0.51341 23.6 1997 48832
spa-cat ntrex128 0.60359 33.7 1997 53438
spa-ces ntrex128 0.49078 20.2 1997 43356
spa-cym ntrex128 0.48640 19.0 1997 51768
spa-dan ntrex128 0.54368 26.6 1997 47643
spa-deu ntrex128 0.52793 22.0 1997 48761
spa-div ntrex128 8.405 0.0 1997 37802
spa-ell ntrex128 0.49688 23.5 1997 52028
spa-eng ntrex128 0.62576 34.6 1997 47673
spa-fas ntrex128 0.41004 13.0 1997 50525
spa-fra ntrex128 0.56440 28.5 1997 53481
spa-gle ntrex128 0.44229 14.7 1997 55846
spa-glg ntrex128 0.60955 33.9 1997 50432
spa-hin ntrex128 0.42185 16.1 1997 55219
spa-hrv ntrex128 0.53061 22.8 1997 44449
spa-isl ntrex128 0.45185 17.1 1997 46643
spa-ita ntrex128 0.56945 27.9 1997 50759
spa-lav ntrex128 0.45424 14.2 1997 44709
spa-lit ntrex128 0.48405 15.5 1997 41189
spa-mkd ntrex128 0.53653 22.9 1997 47552
spa-nld ntrex128 0.54795 25.6 1997 51884
spa-nno ntrex128 0.50373 20.9 1997 46512
spa-nob ntrex128 0.54331 25.4 1997 45501
spa-pol ntrex128 0.47592 18.3 1997 44700
spa-por ntrex128 0.56627 28.8 1997 51631
spa-ron ntrex128 0.53162 26.5 1997 53498
spa-rus ntrex128 0.48366 21.3 1997 45714
spa-slk ntrex128 0.47742 19.5 1997 44242
spa-slv ntrex128 0.50955 21.5 1997 46072
spa-snd_Arab ntrex128 0.611 0.1 1997 49866
spa-sqi ntrex128 0.52450 24.1 1997 54563
spa-srp_Cyrl ntrex128 0.40529 14.8 1997 45487
spa-swe ntrex128 0.55918 26.5 1997 44889
spa-ukr ntrex128 0.46554 18.0 1997 45346
eng-ben tico19-test 0.43061 12.1 2100 51695
eng-fas tico19-test 0.49470 21.5 2100 59779
eng-fra tico19-test 0.60842 37.1 2100 64661
eng-hin tico19-test 0.56535 33.7 2100 62680
eng-nep tico19-test 0.43865 10.6 2100 48363
eng-por tico19-test 0.70681 46.5 2100 62729
eng-prs tico19-test 0.42390 16.0 2100 62972
eng-rus tico19-test 0.54724 27.3 2100 55843
eng-spa tico19-test 0.70628 47.9 2100 66563
eng-urd tico19-test 0.44071 16.9 2100 65312
fra-eng tico19-test 0.60880 37.3 2100 56323
fra-fas tico19-test 0.41606 15.7 2100 59779
fra-hin tico19-test 0.45682 22.6 2100 62680
fra-por tico19-test 0.57865 33.3 2100 62729
fra-rus tico19-test 0.47330 21.3 2100 55843
fra-spa tico19-test 0.58605 35.3 2100 66563
por-eng tico19-test 0.72407 49.2 2100 56315
por-fas tico19-test 0.46862 18.3 2100 59779
por-fra tico19-test 0.58796 33.5 2100 64661
por-hin tico19-test 0.52110 27.5 2100 62680
por-nep tico19-test 0.41083 7.9 2100 48363
por-rus tico19-test 0.52261 24.0 2100 55843
por-spa tico19-test 0.67491 43.7 2100 66563
por-urd tico19-test 0.41511 14.4 2100 65312
spa-ben tico19-test 0.40476 9.3 2100 51695
spa-eng tico19-test 0.70962 47.1 2100 56315
spa-fas tico19-test 0.46948 18.4 2100 59779
spa-fra tico19-test 0.59250 34.3 2100 64661
spa-hin tico19-test 0.51847 27.4 2100 62680
spa-nep tico19-test 0.40390 7.3 2100 48363
spa-por tico19-test 0.66969 41.5 2100 62729
spa-prs tico19-test 0.40661 13.3 2100 62972
spa-rus tico19-test 0.53338 25.0 2100 55843
spa-urd tico19-test 0.41128 13.9 2100 65312

Citation Information

  title={Democratizing neural machine translation with {OPUS-MT}},
  author={Tiedemann, J{\"o}rg and Aulamo, Mikko and Bakshandaeva, Daria and Boggia, Michele and Gr{\"o}nroos, Stig-Arne and Nieminen, Tommi and Raganato, Alessandro and Scherrer, Yves and Vazquez, Raul and Virpioja, Sami},
  journal={Language Resources and Evaluation},
  publisher={Springer Nature},

    title = "{OPUS}-{MT} {--} Building open translation services for the World",
    author = {Tiedemann, J{\"o}rg  and Thottingal, Santhosh},
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation",
    month = nov,
    year = "2020",
    address = "Lisboa, Portugal",
    publisher = "European Association for Machine Translation",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2020.eamt-1.61",
    pages = "479--480",

    title = "The Tatoeba Translation Challenge {--} Realistic Data Sets for Low Resource and Multilingual {MT}",
    author = {Tiedemann, J{\"o}rg},
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Machine Translation",
    month = nov,
    year = "2020",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2020.wmt-1.139",
    pages = "1174--1182",


The work is supported by the HPLT project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101070350. We are also grateful for the generous computational resources and IT infrastructure provided by CSC -- IT Center for Science, Finland, and the EuroHPC supercomputer LUMI.

Model conversion info

  • transformers version: 4.45.1
  • OPUS-MT git hash: 0882077
  • port time: Tue Oct 8 10:12:36 EEST 2024
  • port machine: LM0-400-22516.local
Downloads last month
Model size
231M params
Tensor type
Inference Examples
This model does not have enough activity to be deployed to Inference API (serverless) yet. Increase its social visibility and check back later, or deploy to Inference Endpoints (dedicated) instead.

Collection including Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-tc-bible-big-deu_eng_fra_por_spa-ine

Evaluation results