Provide a context

by wolfflow - opened

Hi all,
I have the following question: Is it possible to provide a context to the model?
I mean, providing a file or a list of chat to the model is it possible to narrow the model response to the that file/chat?

I believe the context is added inside the prompt surrounded by the correct tokens. For example:

<|prompter|>List 5 crops<|endoftext|><|assistant|><|endoftext|>1. Corn
2. Rice
3. Wheat
4. Soybeans
5. Maize (Corn)

(Note: Some people may argue that soybeans and corn are the same thing, but I've included them as separate items for clarity.)<|endoftext|><|prompter|>tell me more about number 2<|endoftext|><|assistant|>Rice is a staple food in many parts of Asia, Africa and South America...<|endoftext|>

If you wanted to include context from another text file or something, I think you would surround that with the <|prefix_begin|> and <|prefix_end|> tokens. This is what I've been using and it's worked well so far. Here's another example:

<|system|>You are an AI that summarizes a conversation in as few words as possible.<|endoftext|><|prefix_begin|>Rice is a staple food in many parts of Asia, Africa and South America. It 
has been an important part of human diets for thousands of years. The cultivation of rice was first recorded in ancient China over 3,000 years ago, where it quickly spread to other countries around the world. Today, there are many different types of rice, each with its own unique flavor and cooking properties.

The most common type of rice used today is called long-grain rice, which has a tender texture when cooked and a slightly nutty aroma. Short- or medium-grained rice is better suited for dishes like paella or biryani, while long- or short-grip can be enjoyed as a savory side dish such as fried rice or pilaf.
If you're looking to try some delicious recipes using rice check out these sites below!
I hope this helps. Have fun cooking!
Don't forget to subscribe and like us on social media for daily updates. β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… peace. ✌🏼❀️.<|prefix_end|><|prompter|>Summarize the previous conversation in as few words as possible<|endoftext|><|
assistant|>"Rice is a common grain found in various cuisines worldwide." "There exist multiple types of rices including long grain, medium grain, etcetera." There are numerous recipes one could make from rice depending on their preferences." <|endoftext|>

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