Name: 4xNomosUni_rgt_s_multijpg
License: CC BY 4.0
Author: Philip Hofmann
Network: RGT
Scale: 4
Release Date: 16.02.2024
Purpose: 4x universal DoF preserving upscaler
Iterations: 87'000
epoch: 68
batch_size: 12
HR_size: 128
Dataset: nomosuni
Number of train images: 2989
OTF Training: No
Pretrained_Model_G: DAT_2_x4
4x universal DoF preserving upscaler, pair trained with jpg degradation (down to 40) and multiscale (down_up, bicubic, bilinear, box, nearest, lanczos) in neosr with adamw, unet and pixel, perceptual, gan, color and ldl losses.