Questions about Naive Dynamic Resolution and the vision mask

by YaYaGeGe - opened

Hi Qwen team,
Great work and appreciate opensourcing it!
According to the code implementation in huggingface transformers, the image tokens firstly get reshaped into a token sequence and then being applied with conv3d which raises some disparities against to the paper. I shared the same question with this

  • PatchEmbed doesn't count more than 2 frames in time dimension by that Conv3d Layer, given the sequence input; thus it doesn't involve the information over two-frames time domain at conv step, and multi frames will increase the conv computation times linearly.
  • I think it makes more sense that applying Conv3D on 4D image tensor first, then reshaping / flattening
  • Although, no matter flattening the tokens first or patchifying (conv) first, the sequence length will increase with more frames, as seq_len = grid_t * grid_h * grid_w.

Besides, when applying the vision masks to the vision attention weights by addition, can elaborate the rationality a bit? Is it an approach to emphasize the attention inside one frame pairs but mitigate the relationship between other frames?

    attention_mask = torch.zeros([1, seq_length, seq_length], device=q.device, dtype=torch.bool)
        for i in range(1, len(cu_seqlens)):
    attention_mask[..., cu_seqlens[i - 1] : cu_seqlens[i], cu_seqlens[i - 1] : cu_seqlens[i]] = True
    attn_weights = attn_weights + attention_mask

it seems the code has been updated at the main branch, by adding -inf to 'intersection region' and zero at 'self mask' region, the mask when grid_t = 2 shows like
| 0 | 0 | -inf | -inf |
| 0 | 0 | -inf | -inf |
| -inf | -inf | 0 | 0 |
| -inf | -inf | 0 | 0 |
which mask out the attention between time grids. Does the mask setting help for video understanding? It is kind of anti-intuitive or too arbitrary since frames in a video clip share the same or semantically continuous contents.

        attention_mask = torch.full(
            [1, seq_length, seq_length], torch.finfo(q.dtype).min, device=q.device, dtype=q.dtype
        attn_weights = attn_weights + attention_mask

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