# This is a combination of 22 commits.




model_path=ModelPath # 转换后模型所处文件夹路径
data_type=fp16 # 权重保存精度
memopt_mode=0 # MEMOPT模式: 0/1
quant_type="int8" # 量化精度: int4/int8

python --model-path $model_path\
                     --tokenizer-path $model_path\
                     --data-type $data_type\
                     --memopt_mode $memopt_mode\
                     --quant-type ${quant_type}\
                     --max-output-length $max_output_length\
                     --warmups $warmups\
                     --avgnums $avgnums


export LYRA_STREAM_CB_STEP=30 # 回调函数间隔步数

model_path=ModelPath # 转换后模型所处文件夹路径
data_type=fp16 # 权重保存精度
memopt_mode=0 # MEMOPT模式: 0/1
quant_type="int8" # 量化精度: int4/int8

python --model-path $model_path\
                            --tokenizer-path $model_path\
                            --data-type $data_type\
                            --memopt_mode $memopt_mode\
                            --quant-type ${quant_type}\
                            --max-output-length $max_output_length\
                            --warmups $warmups\
                            --avgnums $avgnums



model_path=ModelPath # 转换后模型所处文件夹路径
prompt_filepath=valen_prompts.json # 用于测试的不等长prompts文件,从中采样
data_type=fp16 # 权重保存精度
memopt_mode=0 # MEMOPT模式: 0/1
quant_type="int8" # 量化精度: int4/int8

python --model-path $model_path\
                            --tokenizer-path $model_path\
                            --data-type $data_type\
                            --memopt_mode $memopt_mode\
                            --quant-type ${quant_type}\
                            --prompt_filepath $prompt_filepath\
                            --max-output-length $max_output_length\
                            --warmups $warmups\
                            --avgnums $avgnums



今天天气大概 25度,有点小雨,吹着风,我想去户外散步,应该穿什么样的衣服 裤子鞋子搭配


《Bela Lugosi's Dead 》是英国后朋克乐队Bauhaus的首张单曲,于 1979 年 8 月 6 日在Small Wonder厂牌上发行。[4]它通常被认为是第一张哥特式摇滚唱片。\n1979 年 1 月 26 日,“Bela Lugosi's Dead”在威灵伯勒的贝克录音室进行了六个小时的“录音室现场”录制。这是他们在乐队成立六周后一起录制的第一首歌曲。[6]所有四位乐队成员都被认为是这首歌的作者:主唱彼得·墨菲、吉他手丹尼尔·阿什、鼓手凯文·哈斯金斯和贝斯手大卫·J (大卫·哈斯金斯)。David J 声称这首歌的歌词是他写的。[5] “Bela Lugosi's Dead”的替代版本还包括他们下一首单曲“ Dark Entries ”的早期演示录音的一部分。\n\n在同一场会议中还录制了另外四首歌曲:“Boys”;“咬我的臀部”;“Some Faces”和斯卡雷鬼曲调“Harry”,这是关于Blondie主唱Deborah Harry的。[7] [8]关于这次会议,凯文·哈斯金斯 (Kevin Haskins) 说,“那里有力量流行音乐,还有斯卡。我们试图找到我们的声音。” [9]\n\n在那次录制期间录制的歌曲中(除了“Bela Lugosi's Dead”),只有“Harry”获得了官方发行;1982年作为单曲“ Kick in the Eye ”的B面。1979 年晚些时候在 Beck Studios 录制的《Boys》版本被用作原版单曲《Bela Lugosi's Dead》的 B 面。[10]其余曲目,包括“Boys”的原始录音,一直未发行,直到 2018 年The Bela Session以黑胶唱片和CD 形式发行,并可供乐队数字下载。[11]在额外的曲目中,《经典摇滚》杂志写道:“其余的材料发现乐队正在摸索方向,甚至触及了斯卡。”\n根据上述信息,请回答用户问题:请从歌曲背景、风格与音乐性、影响与文化参考、歌手或者乐队这几个角度介绍一下Bela Lugosi's Dead这首歌。回答:




<context>/*\n * Implement the \"Falling Rocks\" game in the text console. \n * A small dwarf stays at the bottom of the screen and can \n * move left and right (by the arrows keys). A number of rocks \n * of different sizes and forms constantly fall down and you \n * need to avoid a crash.\n * Rocks are the symbols ^, @, *, &, +, %, $, #, !, ., ;, - distributed \n * with appropriate density. The dwarf is (O). \n * Ensure a constant game speed by Thread.Sleep(150).\n * Implement collision detection and scoring system.\n*/\n\nusing System;\nusing System.Threading;\nusing System.Collections.Generic;\nusing System.Threading.Tasks;\n\nclass FallingRocks\n{\n    struct Position\n    {\n        public int X, Y;\n        public string symbol;\n        public ConsoleColor color;\n\n        public Position(int x, int y, string symbol, ConsoleColor color)\n        {\n            this.X = x;\n            this.Y = y;\n            this.symbol = symbol;\n            this.color = color;\n        }\n    }\n\n    static void Main()\n    {\n        Thread oThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Mainn));\n        Thread aThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Clr));\n        \n        aThread.Start();\n        oThread.Start();\n        oThread.Join();\n        aThread.Join();\n    }\n\n    static void Clr()\n    {\n        while (true)\n        {\n            Thread.Sleep(10);\n            Console.Clear();\n        }\n    }\n    static void Mainn()\n    {\n        //Random generator for rocks color, position and symbol\n        Random randomGenerator = new Random();\n        \n        //Sleep time for the game loop\n        double sleepTime = 150;\n        //Console settings\n        Console.CursorVisible = false;\n        Console.BufferHeight = Console.WindowHeight;\n        \n        //number of rocks in the Array rocks\n        int rocksCount = 0;\n\n        //array with the symbols of the rocks\n        string[] symbols = new string[] { \"^\", \"@\", \"*\", \"&\", \"+\", \"%\", \"$\", \"#\", \"!\", \".\", \";\" };\n        \n        //array with colors for the rocks\n        ConsoleColor[] colors = new ConsoleColor[] {ConsoleColor.Yellow, ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.Gray};\n        \n        //array with rocks\n        Position[] rocks = new Position[200];\n        \n        //position for the dwarf\n        Position dwarf = new Position(10, Console.WindowHeight  - 1,\"(0)\",ConsoleColor.Red);\n        \n        //bool variable to say when the game loop to be over\n        bool gameLoop = true;\n\n        //variable keeping the score\n        ulong score = 0;\n\n        //the game loop\n        while (gameLoop)\n        {\n            //score is growing as the cycle runs\n            score++;\n\n            //setting the Y component for all the rocks in the array to grow with 2\n            for (int i = 0; i <= rocks.Length - 1; i++)\n            {\n                rocks[i].Y = rocks[i].Y + 2;\n            }\n\n            //generating rocks\n            for (int x = 0; x <= randomGenerator.Next(2, 4); x++)\n            {\n                rocks[rocksCount] = new Position(randomGenerator.Next(x * 15, x * 15 + 20), 0\n                    , symbols[randomGenerator.Next(0, symbols.Length - 1)]\n                    , colors[randomGenerator.Next(0, colors.Length - 1)]);\n                if (rocksCount >= 199) rocksCount = 0;\n                rocksCount++;\n            }\n\n            //printing the rocks and other stuff\n            foreach (var item in rocks)\n            {\n                foreach (var rock in rocks)\n                {\n                    //checking for colision\n                    if ((rock.X >= dwarf.X) && (rock.X <= (dwarf.X + 2)) && (rock.Y == dwarf.Y))\n                    {\n                        gameLoop = false;\n                        break;\n                    }\n                } \n\n                //printing the rocks\n                if (item.Y < Console.WindowHeight)\n                {                    \n                    Console.SetCursorPosition(item.X, item.Y);\n                    Console.ForegroundColor = item.color;\n                    Console.Write(item.symbol);\n                }\n\n                //checking for key pressed\n                if (Console.KeyAvailable)\n                {\n                    ConsoleKeyInfo pressedKey = Console.ReadKey();\n                    if (pressedKey.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow)\n                    {\n                        if(dwarf.X < Console.WindowWidth - 20)\n                        {\n                            //removing the old positions of the dwarf and increasing his X value\n                            Console.SetCursorPosition(dwarf.X, dwarf.Y);\n                            Console.Write(\"   \");\n                            dwarf.X++;\n                        }\n                    }\n                    if (pressedKey.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow)                       \n                    {\n                        if(dwarf.X >= 1)\n                        {\n                            //removing the old positions of the dwarf and decreasing his X value\n                            Console.SetCursorPosition(dwarf.X, dwarf.Y);\n                            Console.Write(\"   \");\n                            dwarf.X--;\n                        }\n                    }\n                }\n            }\n          \n            //printing the dwarf\n            Console.SetCursorPosition(dwarf.X, dwarf.Y);\n            Console.ForegroundColor = dwarf.color;\n            Console.Write(dwarf.symbol);            \n            \n            //sleeping the loop for sometime\n            //Thread.Sleep((int)sleepTime);\n\n            //reducing the sleep time of the loop\n            sleepTime -= 0.5;\n\n            \n            //removing the rocks \n            //foreach (var item in rocks)\n            //{\n            //    if (item.Y < Console.WindowHeight)\n            //    {\n            //        Console.SetCursorPosition(item.X, item.Y);\n            //        Console.Write(\" \");\n            //    }\n            //}                        \n        }\n        //Printing the score after the game is over\n        Console.Clear();\n        Console.WriteLine(\"Game over! Your score is: \" + score);\n\n    }\n}\n</context>\n\n这个\"Falling Rocks\"游戏是如何工作的呢?可以详细解释一下代码的运作机制吗? \n\n\n\n


<context># -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n# This code is part of Amoco\n# Copyright (C) 2021 Axel Tillequin ([email protected])\n# published under GPLv2 license\nfrom amoco.arch.tricore import env\nfrom amoco.arch.core import *\n# -------------------------------------------------------\n# from TriCore TC1.6.2 core architecture manual V1.2.2\n# (32-bit Unified Processor Core), 2020-01-15\n# define all except FPU instructions\n# -------------------------------------------------------\nISPECS = []\n@ispec("32<[ disp1(16) disp2(8) {6d} ]", mnemonic="CALL")\n@ispec("32<[ disp1(16) disp2(8) {61} ]", mnemonic="FCALL")\n@ispec("32<[ disp1(16) disp2(8) {1d} ]", mnemonic="J")\n@ispec("32<[ disp1(16) disp2(8) {5d} ]", mnemonic="JL")\ndef tricore_branch(obj, disp1, disp2):\n    v = env.cst(((disp2<<16)+disp1)<<1,24)\n    obj.operands = [disp.signextend(32)]\n    obj.type = type_control_flow\n@ispec("32<[ disp1(16) disp2(8) {ed} ]", mnemonic="CALLA")\n@ispec("32<[ disp1(16) disp2(8) {e1} ]", mnemonic="FCALLA")\n@ispec("32<[ disp1(16) disp2(8) {9d} ]", mnemonic="JA")\n@ispec("32<[ disp1(16) disp2(8) {dd} ]", mnemonic="JLA")\ndef tricore_branch(obj, disp1, disp2):\n    v = env.cst((disp2<<16)+disp1,24)\n    addr = composer([env.bit0,v[0:20],env.cst(0,7),v[20:24]])\n    obj.operands = [addr]\n    obj.type = type_control_flow\n@ispec("32<[ ---- {00} ---- ---- a(4) {2d} ]", mnemonic="CALLI")\n@ispec("32<[ ---- {01} ---- ---- a(4) {2d} ]", mnemonic="FCALLI")\n@ispec("32<[ ---- {03} ---- ---- a(4) {2d} ]", mnemonic="JI")\n@ispec("32<[ ---- {02} ---- ---- a(4) {2d} ]", mnemonic="JLI")\ndef tricore_branchI(obj, a):\n    src = env.A[a]\n    obj.operands = [src]\n    obj.type = type_control_flow\n@ispec("16<[ disp(8) {5c} ]", mnemonic="CALL")\n@ispec("16<[ disp(8) {3c} ]", mnemonic="J")\n@ispec("16<[ disp(8) {ee} ]", mnemonic="JNZ")\n@ispec("16<[ disp(8) {6e} ]", mnemonic="JZ")\ndef tricore_branch(obj, disp):\n    disp = env.cst(disp<<1,8)\n    obj.operands = [disp.signextend(32)]\n    obj.type = type_control_flow\n@ispec("32<[ ---- 0000000 const9(9) ---- {ad} ]", mnemonic="BISR")\n@ispec("32<[ ---- 0000100 const9(9) ---- {ad} ]", mnemonic="SYSCALL")\ndef tricore_system(obj, const9):\n    obj.operands = [env.cst(const9,9)]\n    obj.type = type_system\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {1c} ---- b(4) ---- {0b} ]", mnemonic="ABS")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {5c} ---- b(4) ---- {0b} ]", mnemonic="ABS_B")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {7c} ---- b(4) ---- {0b} ]", mnemonic="ABS_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {1d} ---- b(4) ---- {0b} ]", mnemonic="ABSS")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {7d} ---- b(4) ---- {0b} ]", mnemonic="ABSS_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {1f} ---- b(4) ---- {0b} ]", mnemonic="MOV")\ndef tricore_dd_arithmetic(obj, c, b):\n    src = env.D[b]\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {80} ---- b(4) ---- {0b} ]", mnemonic="MOV")\ndef tricore_dd_arithmetic(obj, c, b):\n    src = env.D[b]\n    dst = env.E[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src.signextend(64)]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {81} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="MOV")\ndef tricore_dd_arithmetic(obj, c, b, a):\n    src2 = env.D[b]\n    dst = env.E[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, composer([src2,src1])]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {0e} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="ABSDIF")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {4e} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="ABSDIF_B")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {6e} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="ABSDIF_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {0f} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="ABSDIFS")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {6f} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="ABSDIFS_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {00} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="ADD")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {40} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="ADD_B")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {60} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="ADD_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {05} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="ADDC")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {02} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="ADDS")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {62} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="ADDS_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {63} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="ADDS_HU")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {03} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="ADDS_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {04} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="ADDX")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {08} ---- b(4) a(4) {0f} ]", mnemonic="AND")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {20} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="AND_EQ")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {24} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="AND_GE")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {25} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="AND_GE_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {22} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="AND_LT")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {23} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="AND_LT_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {21} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="AND_NE")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {0e} ---- b(4) a(4) {0f} ]", mnemonic="ANDN")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {10} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="EQ")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {50} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="EQ_B")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {70} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="EQ_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {90} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="EQ_W")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {56} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="EQANY_B")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {76} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="EQANY_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {14} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="GE")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {15} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="GE_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {12} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="LT")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {13} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="LT_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {52} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="LT_B")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {53} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="LT_BU")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {72} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="LT_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {73} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="LT_HU")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {92} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="LT_W")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {93} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="LT_WU")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {1a} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="MAX")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {1b} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="MAX_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {5a} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="MAX_B")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {5b} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="MAX_BU")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {7a} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="MAX_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {7b} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="MAX_HU")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {18} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="MIN")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {19} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="MIN_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {58} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="MIN_B")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {59} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="MIN_BU")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {78} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="MIN_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {79} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="MIN_HU")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {09} ---- b(4) a(4) {0f} ]", mnemonic="NAND")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {11} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="NE")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {0b} ---- b(4) a(4) {0f} ]", mnemonic="NOR")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {0a} ---- b(4) a(4) {0f} ]", mnemonic="OR")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {27} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="OR_EQ")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {2b} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="OR_GE")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {2c} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="OR_GE_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {29} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="OR_LT")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {2a} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="OR_LT_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {28} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="OR_NE")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {0f} ---- b(4) a(4) {0f} ]", mnemonic="ORN")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {00} ---- b(4) a(4) {0f} ]", mnemonic="SH")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {37} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="SH_EQ")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {3b} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="SH_GE")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {3c} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="SH_GE_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {40} ---- b(4) a(4) {0f} ]", mnemonic="SH_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {39} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="SH_LT")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {3a} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="SH_LT_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {38} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="SH_NE")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {01} ---- b(4) a(4) {0f} ]", mnemonic="SHA")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {41} ---- b(4) a(4) {0f} ]", mnemonic="SHA_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {02} ---- b(4) a(4) {0f} ]", mnemonic="SHAS")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {08} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="SUB")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {48} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="SUB_B")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {68} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="SUB_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {0d} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="SUBC")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {0a} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="SUBS")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {0b} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="SUBS_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {6a} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="SUBS_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {6b} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="SUBS_HU")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {0c} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="SUBX")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {0d} ---- b(4) a(4) {0f} ]", mnemonic="XNOR")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {0c} ---- b(4) a(4) {0f} ]", mnemonic="XOR")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {2f} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="XOR_EQ")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {30} ---- b(4) a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="XOR_NE")\ndef tricore_ddd_arithmetic(obj, c, b, a):\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.D[b]\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {40} ---- b(4) a(4) {01} ]", mnemonic="EQ_A")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {43} ---- b(4) a(4) {01} ]", mnemonic="GE_A")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {42} ---- b(4) a(4) {01} ]", mnemonic="LT_A")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {41} ---- b(4) a(4) {01} ]", mnemonic="NE_A")\ndef tricore_daa_arithmetic(obj, c, b, a):\n    src1 = env.A[a]\n    src2 = env.A[b]\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {63} ---- b(4) ---- {01} ]", mnemonic="MOV_A",  _dst=env.A, _src=env.D)\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {00} ---- b(4) ---- {01} ]", mnemonic="MOV_AA", _dst=env.A, _src=env.A)\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {4c} ---- b(4) ---- {01} ]", mnemonic="MOV_D",  _dst=env.D, _src=env.A)\ndef tricore_daa_arithmetic(obj, c, b, _dst, _src):\n    dst = _dst[c]\n    src = _src[b]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {48} ---- ---- a(4) {01} ]", mnemonic="EQZ_A")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {49} ---- ---- a(4) {01} ]", mnemonic="NEZ_A")\ndef tricore_da_arithmetic(obj, c, a):\n    src1 = env.A[a]\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {01} --00 b(4) a(4) {4b} ]", mnemonic="BMERGE")\ndef tricore_ddd_arithmetic(obj, c, b, a):\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.D[b]\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {06} --00 b(4) a(4) {4b} ]", mnemonic="CRC32_B")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {03} --00 b(4) a(4) {4b} ]", mnemonic="CRC32B_W")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {03} --00 b(4) a(4) {4b} ]", mnemonic="CRC32L_W")\ndef tricore_crc32(obj, c, b, a):\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.D[b]\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src2, src1]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {20} --01 b(4) a(4) {4b} ]", mnemonic="DIV")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {21} --01 b(4) a(4) {4b} ]", mnemonic="DIV_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {5a} --00 b(4) a(4) {4b} ]", mnemonic="DVINIT_B")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {4a} --00 b(4) a(4) {4b} ]", mnemonic="DVINIT_BU")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {3a} --00 b(4) a(4) {4b} ]", mnemonic="DVINIT_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {2a} --00 b(4) a(4) {4b} ]", mnemonic="DVINIT_HU")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {1a} --00 b(4) a(4) {4b} ]", mnemonic="DVINIT")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {0a} --00 b(4) a(4) {4b} ]", mnemonic="DVINIT_U")\ndef tricore_edd_arithmetic(obj, c, b, a):\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.D[b]\n    if c%2:\n        raise InstructionError(obj)\n    dst = env.E[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 100 ----- b(4) a(4) {17} ]", mnemonic="DEXTR")\ndef tricore_dddc(obj, c, d, b, a):\n    shift = env.D[d]\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.D[b]\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2, shift]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 010 ----- ---- a(4) {17} ]", mnemonic="EXTR")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011 ----- ---- a(4) {17} ]", mnemonic="EXTR_U")\ndef tricore_extr(obj, c, d, a):\n    if d%2:\n        raise InstructionError(obj)\n    width = env.E[d][32:37]\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, width]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 000 0--00 ---- a(4) {6b} ]", mnemonic="PACK")\ndef tricore_extr(obj, c, d, a):\n    if d%2:\n        raise InstructionError(obj)\n    src1 = env.E[d]\n    src2 = env.D[a]\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {08} -- 00 ---- a(4) {4b} ]", mnemonic="UNPACK")\ndef tricore_extr(obj, c, d, a):\n    src = env.D[a]\n    dst = env.E[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {02} -- 00 ---- a(4) {4b} ]", mnemonic="PARITY")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {22} -- 00 ---- a(4) {4b} ]", mnemonic="POPCNT_W")\ndef tricore_extr(obj, c, d, a):\n    src = env.D[a]\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos(5) 00 ----- b(4) a(4) {77} ]", mnemonic="DEXTR")\ndef tricore_dextr(obj, c, pos, b, a):\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.D[b]\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2, env.cst(pos,5)]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos(5) 10 width(5) ---- a(4) {37} ]", mnemonic="EXTR")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos(5) 11 width(5) ---- a(4) {37} ]", mnemonic="EXTR_U")\ndef tricore_extr(obj, c, pos, width, a):\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, env.cst(pos,5), env.cst(width,5)]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos(5) 01 width(5) const(4) ---- {b7} ]", mnemonic="IMASK")\ndef tricore_imask(obj, c, pos, width, const):\n    if c%2:\n        raise InstructionError(obj)\n    dst = env.E[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, env.cst(const,4), env.cst(pos,5), env.cst(width,5)]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 001 width(5) const(4) ---- {d7} ]", mnemonic="IMASK")\ndef tricore_imask(obj, c, d, width, const):\n    src2 = env.D[d]\n    if c%2:\n        raise InstructionError(obj)\n    dst = env.E[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, env.cst(const,4), src2, env.cst(width,5)]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos(5) 01 width(5) b(4) ---- {37} ]", mnemonic="IMASK")\ndef tricore_imask(obj, c, pos, width, b):\n    src1 = env.D[b]\n    if c%2:\n        raise InstructionError(obj)\n    dst = env.E[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, env.cst(pos,5), env.cst(width,5)]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 001 width(5) b(4) ---- {57} ]", mnemonic="IMASK")\ndef tricore_imask(obj, c, d, width, b):\n    src1 = env.D[b]\n    src2 = env.D[d]\n    if c%2:\n        raise InstructionError(obj)\n    dst = env.E[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2, env.cst(width,5)]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos(5) 00 width(5) const(4) a(4) {b7} ]", mnemonic="INSERT")\ndef tricore_imask(obj, c, pos, width, const, a):\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, env.cst(const,4), env.cst(pos,5), env.cst(width,5)]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 000 ----- const(4) a(4) {97} ]", mnemonic="INSERT")\ndef tricore_imask(obj, c, d, const, a):\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    if d%2:\n        raise InstructionError(obj)\n    src3 = env.E[d]\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, env.cst(const,4), src3]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 000 width(5) const(4) a(4) {d7} ]", mnemonic="INSERT")\ndef tricore_imask(obj, c, d, width, const, a):\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src3 = env.D[d]\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, env.cst(const,4), src3]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos(5) 00 width(5) b(4) a(4) {37} ]", mnemonic="INSERT")\ndef tricore_imask(obj, c, pos, width, b, a):\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.D[b]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2, env.cst(pos,5), env.cst(width,5)]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 000 ----- b(4) a(4) {17} ]", mnemonic="INSERT")\ndef tricore_imask(obj, c, d, b, a):\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.D[b]\n    if d%2:\n        raise InstructionError(obj)\n    src3 = env.E[d]\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2, src3]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 000 width(5) b(4) a(4) {57} ]", mnemonic="INSERT")\ndef tricore_imask(obj, c, d, width, b, a):\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.D[b]\n    src3 = env.D[d]\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2, src3, env.cst(width,5)]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 010 width(5) ---- a(4) {57} ]", mnemonic="EXTR")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011 width(5) ---- a(4) {57} ]", mnemonic="EXTR_U")\ndef tricore_extr(obj, c, d, width, a):\n    src2 = env.D[d]\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2, env.cst(width,5)]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {09} --00 ---- a(4) {4b} ]", mnemonic="BSPLIT")\ndef tricore_edd_arithmetic(obj, c, a):\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    dst = env.E[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0001110 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="ABSDIF")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0001111 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="ABSDIFS")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0000000 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="ADD")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0000101 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="ADDC")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0000010 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="ADDS")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0000011 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="ADDS_U")  #const9 is signed\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0000100 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="ADDX")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0100000 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="AND_EQ")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0100100 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="AND_GE")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0100010 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="AND_LT")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0100001 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="AND_NE")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0010000 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="EQ")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 1010110 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="EQANY_B")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 1110110 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="EQANY_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0010100 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="GE")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0010010 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="LT")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0011010 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="MAX")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0010001 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="NE")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0100111 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="OR_EQ")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0101011 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="OR_GE")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0101001 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="OR_LT")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0001000 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="RSUB")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0001001 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="RSUBS")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0001011 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="RSUBS_U") #const9 is signed\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0000000 ~const9(9) a(4) {8f} ]", mnemonic="SH")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 1000000 ~const9(9) a(4) {8f} ]", mnemonic="SH_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0110111 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="SH_EQ")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0111011 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="SH_GE")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0111001 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="SH_LT")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0111000 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="SH_NE")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0000001 ~const9(9) a(4) {8f} ]", mnemonic="SHA")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 1000001 ~const9(9) a(4) {8f} ]", mnemonic="SHA_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0000010 ~const9(9) a(4) {8f} ]", mnemonic="SHAS")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0101111 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="XOR_EQ")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0110011 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="XOR_GE")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0110001 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="XOR_LT")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0110000 ~const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="XOR_NE")\ndef tricore_ddc_arithmetic(obj, c, const9, a):\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    if obj.mnemonic in ("SH","SHA","SHAS"):\n        const9 = const9[0:6]\n    elif obj.mnemonic in ("SH_H","SHA_H"):\n        const9 = const9[0:5]\n    src2 = env.cst(,32)\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 00 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {47} ]", mnemonic="AND_AND_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 11 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {47} ]", mnemonic="AND_ANDN_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 10 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {47} ]", mnemonic="AND_NOR_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 01 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {47} ]", mnemonic="AND_OR_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 00 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {87} ]", mnemonic="AND_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 11 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {87} ]", mnemonic="ANDN_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 00 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {67} ]", mnemonic="INS_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 01 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {67} ]", mnemonic="INSN_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 00 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {07} ]", mnemonic="NAND_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 10 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {87} ]", mnemonic="NOR_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 00 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {c7} ]", mnemonic="OR_AND_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 11 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {c7} ]", mnemonic="OR_ANDN_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 10 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {c7} ]", mnemonic="OR_NOR_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 01 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {c7} ]", mnemonic="OR_OR_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 01 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {87} ]", mnemonic="OR_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 01 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {07} ]", mnemonic="ORN_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 00 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {27} ]", mnemonic="SH_AND_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 11 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {27} ]", mnemonic="SH_ANDN_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 00 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {a7} ]", mnemonic="SH_NAND_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 10 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {27} ]", mnemonic="SH_NOR_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 01 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {27} ]", mnemonic="SH_OR_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 01 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {a7} ]", mnemonic="SH_ORN_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 10 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {a7} ]", mnemonic="SH_XNOR_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 11 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {a7} ]", mnemonic="SH_XOR_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 10 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {07} ]", mnemonic="XNOR_T")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) pos2(5) 11 pos1(5) b(4) a(4) {07} ]", mnemonic="XOR_T")\ndef tricore_ddd_arithmetic(obj, c, pos2, pos1, b, a):\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.D[b]\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1[pos1:pos1+1], src2[pos2:pos2+1]]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0001000 const9(9) a(4) {8f} ]", mnemonic="AND")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0100101 const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="AND_GE_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0100011 const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="AND_LT_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0001110 const9(9) a(4) {8f} ]", mnemonic="ANDN")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0001001 const9(9) a(4) {8f} ]", mnemonic="NAND")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0001011 const9(9) a(4) {8f} ]", mnemonic="NOR")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0010101 const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="GE_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0001010 const9(9) a(4) {8f} ]", mnemonic="OR")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0101100 const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="OR_GE_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0101010 const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="OR_LT_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0101000 const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="OR_NE")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0001111 const9(9) a(4) {8f} ]", mnemonic="ORN")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0000111 const9(9) a(4) {8f} ]", mnemonic="SHUFFLE")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0001101 const9(9) a(4) {8f} ]", mnemonic="XNOR")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0001100 const9(9) a(4) {8f} ]", mnemonic="XOR")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0111100 const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="SH_GE_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0111010 const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="SH_LT_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0110100 const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="XOR_GE_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0110011 const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="XOR_LT_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0011011 const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="MAX_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) 0010011 const9(9) a(4) {8b} ]", mnemonic="LT_U")\ndef tricore_ddc_arithmetic(obj, c, const9, a):\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.cst(const9,32)\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("16<[ ~const4(4) a(4) {c2} ]", mnemonic="ADD")\n@ispec("16<[ ~const4(4) a(4) {06} ]", mnemonic="SH")\n@ispec("16<[ ~const4(4) a(4) {86} ]", mnemonic="SHA")\ndef tricore_ddc_arithmetic(obj, const4, a):\n    dst = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.cst(,32)\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("16<[ ~const4(4) a(4) {92} ]", mnemonic="ADD")\n@ispec("16<[ ~const4(4) a(4) {8a} ]", mnemonic="CADD")\n@ispec("16<[ ~const4(4) a(4) {ca} ]", mnemonic="CADDN")\n@ispec("16<[ ~const4(4) a(4) {aa} ]", mnemonic="CMOV")\n@ispec("16<[ ~const4(4) a(4) {ea} ]", mnemonic="CMOVN")\ndef tricore_ddc_arithmetic(obj, const4, a):\n    dst = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.cst(,32)\n    src1 = env.D[15]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    if "CADD" in obj.mnemonic:\n        obj.operands = [dst, src1, dst, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("16<[ ~const4(4) a(4) {9a} ]", mnemonic="ADD")\n@ispec("16<[ ~const4(4) a(4) {ba} ]", mnemonic="EQ")\n@ispec("16<[ ~const4(4) a(4) {fa} ]", mnemonic="LT")\n@ispec("16<[ ~const4(4) a(4) {82} ]", mnemonic="MOV")\ndef tricore_ddc_arithmetic(obj, const4, a):\n    dst = env.D[15]\n    src2 = env.cst(,32)\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    if obj.mnemonic=="MOV":\n        obj.operands = [src1,src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("16<[ ~const4(4) a(4) {d2} ]", mnemonic="MOV")\ndef tricore_ec_arithmetic(obj, const4, a):\n    dst = env.E[a]\n    src = env.cst(,64)\n    obj.operands = [dst, src]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("16<[ const4(4) a(4) {a0} ]", mnemonic="MOV_A")\ndef tricore_ec_arithmetic(obj, const4, a):\n    dst = env.A[a]\n    src = env.cst(const4,32)\n    obj.operands = [dst, src]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("16<[ const8(8) {16} ]", mnemonic="AND")\n@ispec("16<[ const8(8) {da} ]", mnemonic="MOV")\n@ispec("16<[ const8(8) {96} ]", mnemonic="OR")\ndef tricore_ddc_arithmetic(obj, const8):\n    dst = env.D[15]\n    src2 = env.cst(const8,32)\n    src1 = env.D[15]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    if obj.mnemonic=="MOV":\n        obj.operands = [src1,src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) a(4) {42} ]", mnemonic="ADD")\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) a(4) {26} ]", mnemonic="AND")\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) a(4) {a6} ]", mnemonic="OR")\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) a(4) {a2} ]", mnemonic="SUB")\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) a(4) {62} ]", mnemonic="SUBS")\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) a(4) {c6} ]", mnemonic="XOR")\ndef tricore_dd_arithmetic(obj, b, a):\n    dst = env.D[a]\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.D[b]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) a(4) {02} ]", mnemonic="MOV"    , _dst=env.D, _src=env.D)\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) a(4) {60} ]", mnemonic="MOV_A"  , _dst=env.A, _src=env.D)\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) a(4) {40} ]", mnemonic="MOV_AA" , _dst=env.A, _src=env.A)\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) a(4) {80} ]", mnemonic="MOV_D"  , _dst=env.D, _src=env.A)\ndef tricore_mov(obj, b, a, _dst, _src):\n    dst = _dst[a]\n    src = _src[b]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) a(4) {12} ]", mnemonic="ADD")\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) a(4) {2a} ]", mnemonic="CMOV")\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) a(4) {6a} ]", mnemonic="CMOVN")\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) a(4) {52} ]", mnemonic="SUB")\ndef tricore_dd_arithmetic(obj, b, a):\n    dst = env.D[a]\n    src1 = env.D[15]\n    src2 = env.D[b]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) a(4) {1a} ]", mnemonic="ADD")\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) a(4) {22} ]", mnemonic="ADDS")\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) a(4) {3a} ]", mnemonic="EQ")\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) a(4) {7a} ]", mnemonic="LT")\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) a(4) {5a} ]", mnemonic="SUB")\ndef tricore_dd_arithmetic(obj, b, a):\n    dst = env.D[15]\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.D[b]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {01} ---- b(4) a(4) {01} ]", mnemonic="ADD_A")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {02} ---- b(4) a(4) {01} ]", mnemonic="SUB_A")\ndef tricore_aaa_arithmetic(obj, c, b, a):\n    src1 = env.A[a]\n    src2 = env.A[b]\n    dst = env.A[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("16<[ ~const4(4) a(4) {b0} ]", mnemonic="ADD_A")\ndef tricore_aac_arithmetic(obj, const4, a):\n    dst = env.A[a]\n    src2 = env.cst(,32)\n    src1 = env.A[a]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("16<[ const8(8) {20} ]", mnemonic="SUB_A")\ndef tricore_aac_arithmetic(obj, const8, a):\n    dst = env.A[10]\n    src2 = env.cst(const8,32)\n    src1 = env.A[10]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) a(4) {30} ]", mnemonic="ADD_A")\ndef tricore_aa_arithmetic(obj, b, a):\n    dst = env.A[a]\n    src1 = env.A[a]\n    src2 = env.A[b]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) ~const16(16) a(4) {1b} ]", mnemonic="ADDI")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) ~const16(16) a(4) {9b} ]", mnemonic="ADDIH")\ndef tricore_di_arithmetic(obj, c, const16, a):\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.cst(,32)\n    if self.mnemonic=="ADDIH": src2=src2<<16\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) ~const16(16) a(4) {11} ]", mnemonic="ADDIH_A")\ndef tricore_ai_arithmetic(obj, c, const16, a):\n    src1 = env.A[a]\n    src2 = env.cst(,32)<<16\n    dst = env.A[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {60} -- n(2) b(4) a(4) {01} ]", mnemonic="ADDSC_A")\ndef tricore_aaa_arithmetic(obj, c, n, b, a):\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.A[b]\n    dst = env.A[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src2, src1, env.cst(n,2)]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {62} ---- b(4) a(4) {01} ]", mnemonic="ADDSC_AT")\ndef tricore_aaa_arithmetic(obj, c, b, a):\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.A[b]\n    dst = env.A[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src2, src1]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) a(4) n(2) 010000 ]", mnemonic="ADDSC_A")\ndef tricore_aa_arithmetic(obj, b, a, n):\n    dst = env.A[a]\n    src1 = env.D[15]\n    src2 = env.A[b]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src2, src1, env.cst(n,2)]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 10 1110 off1(6) b(4) ---- {89} ]", mnemonic="CACHEA_I",  mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 00 1110 off1(6) b(4) ---- {a9} ]", mnemonic="CACHEA_I",  mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 01 1110 off1(6) b(4) ---- {a9} ]", mnemonic="CACHEA_I",  mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 00 1110 off1(6) b(4) ---- {89} ]", mnemonic="CACHEA_I",  mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 01 1110 off1(6) b(4) ---- {89} ]", mnemonic="CACHEA_I",  mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 10 1100 off1(6) b(4) ---- {89} ]", mnemonic="CACHEA_W",  mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 00 1100 off1(6) b(4) ---- {a9} ]", mnemonic="CACHEA_W",  mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 01 1100 off1(6) b(4) ---- {a9} ]", mnemonic="CACHEA_W",  mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 00 1100 off1(6) b(4) ---- {89} ]", mnemonic="CACHEA_W",  mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 01 1100 off1(6) b(4) ---- {89} ]", mnemonic="CACHEA_W",  mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 10 1101 off1(6) b(4) ---- {89} ]", mnemonic="CACHEA_WI", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 00 1101 off1(6) b(4) ---- {a9} ]", mnemonic="CACHEA_WI", mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 01 1101 off1(6) b(4) ---- {a9} ]", mnemonic="CACHEA_WI", mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 00 1101 off1(6) b(4) ---- {89} ]", mnemonic="CACHEA_WI", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 01 1101 off1(6) b(4) ---- {89} ]", mnemonic="CACHEA_WI", mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 10 1011 off1(6) b(4) ---- {89} ]", mnemonic="CACHEI_W",  mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 00 1011 off1(6) b(4) ---- {89} ]", mnemonic="CACHEI_W",  mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 01 1011 off1(6) b(4) ---- {89} ]", mnemonic="CACHEI_W",  mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 10 1010 off1(6) b(4) ---- {89} ]", mnemonic="CACHEI_I",  mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 00 1010 off1(6) b(4) ---- {89} ]", mnemonic="CACHEI_I",  mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 01 1010 off1(6) b(4) ---- {89} ]", mnemonic="CACHEI_I",  mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 10 1111 off1(6) b(4) ---- {89} ]", mnemonic="CACHEI_WI", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 00 1111 off1(6) b(4) ---- {89} ]", mnemonic="CACHEI_WI", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 01 1111 off1(6) b(4) ---- {89} ]", mnemonic="CACHEI_WI", mode="Pre-increment")\ndef tricore_cache(obj, off2, off1, b):\n    src2 = env.A[b]\n    src1 = env.cst((off2<<6)+off1,10)\n    obj.operands = [src2, src1]\n    obj.type = type_system\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 10 0011 off1(6) b(4) a(4) {49} ]", mnemonic="CMPSWAP_W", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 00 0011 off1(6) b(4) a(4) {69} ]", mnemonic="CMPSWAP_W", mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 01 0011 off1(6) b(4) a(4) {69} ]", mnemonic="CMPSWAP_W", mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 00 0011 off1(6) b(4) a(4) {49} ]", mnemonic="CMPSWAP_W", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 01 0011 off1(6) b(4) a(4) {49} ]", mnemonic="CMPSWAP_W", mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 10 0010 off1(6) b(4) a(4) {49} ]", mnemonic="SWAPMSK_W", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 00 0010 off1(6) b(4) a(4) {69} ]", mnemonic="SWAPMSK_W", mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 01 0010 off1(6) b(4) a(4) {69} ]", mnemonic="SWAPMSK_W", mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 00 0010 off1(6) b(4) a(4) {49} ]", mnemonic="SWAPMSK_W", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ off2(4) 01 0010 off1(6) b(4) a(4) {49} ]", mnemonic="SWAPMSK_W", mode="Pre-increment")\ndef tricore_swap(obj, off2, off1, b, a):\n    if a%2:\n        raise InstructionError(obj)\n    dst = env.D[a]\n    src1 = env.A[b]\n    src2 = env.cst((off2<<6)+off1,10)\n    src3 = env.E[a]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2, src3]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 000 ~const9(9) a(4) {ab} ]", mnemonic="CADD")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 001 ~const9(9) a(4) {ab} ]", mnemonic="CADDN")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 001 ~const9(9) a(4) {13} ]", mnemonic="MADD", opt4="32+(32+K9)->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 101 ~const9(9) a(4) {13} ]", mnemonic="MADDS",  opt4="32+(32+K9)->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 100 ~const9(9) a(4) {13} ]", mnemonic="MADDS_U", opt4="32+(32+K9)->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 001 ~const9(9) a(4) {33} ]", mnemonic="MSUB", opt4="32+(32+K9)->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 101 ~const9(9) a(4) {33} ]", mnemonic="MSUBS",  opt4="32+(32+K9)->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 100 ~const9(9) a(4) {33} ]", mnemonic="MSUBS_U", opt4="32+(32+K9)->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 100 ~const9(9) a(4) {ab} ]", mnemonic="SEL")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 101 ~const9(9) a(4) {ab} ]", mnemonic="SELN")\ndef tricore_cond_ddc(obj, c, d, const9, a):\n    cond = env.D[d]\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.cst(,32)\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, cond, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011 ~const9(9) a(4) {13} ]", mnemonic="MADD", opt4="64+(32+K9)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111 ~const9(9) a(4) {13} ]", mnemonic="MADDS", opt4="64+(32+K9)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 010 ~const9(9) a(4) {13} ]", mnemonic="MADD_U", opt4="64+(32+K9)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111 ~const9(9) a(4) {13} ]", mnemonic="MADDS_U", opt4="64+(32+K9)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011 ~const9(9) a(4) {33} ]", mnemonic="MSUB", opt4="64+(32+K9)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111 ~const9(9) a(4) {33} ]", mnemonic="MSUBS", opt4="64+(32+K9)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 010 ~const9(9) a(4) {33} ]", mnemonic="MSUB_U", opt4="64+(32+K9)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111 ~const9(9) a(4) {33} ]", mnemonic="MSUBS_U", opt4="64+(32+K9)->64")\ndef tricore_cond_eec(obj, c, d, const9, a):\n    cond = env.E[d]\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.cst(,32)\n    dst = env.E[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, cond, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011010 n(2) b(4) a(4) {83} ]", mnemonic="MADD_H", op4="LL")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011001 n(2) b(4) a(4) {83} ]", mnemonic="MADD_H", op4="LU")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011000 n(2) b(4) a(4) {83} ]", mnemonic="MADD_H", op4="UL")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011011 n(2) b(4) a(4) {83} ]", mnemonic="MADD_H", op4="UU")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111010 n(2) b(4) a(4) {83} ]", mnemonic="MADDS_H", op4="LL")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111001 n(2) b(4) a(4) {83} ]", mnemonic="MADDS_H", op4="LU")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111000 n(2) b(4) a(4) {83} ]", mnemonic="MADDS_H", op4="UL")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111011 n(2) b(4) a(4) {83} ]", mnemonic="MADDS_H", op4="UU")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 000010 n(2) b(4) a(4) {43} ]", mnemonic="MADD_Q", op4="32+(32*32)Up->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011011 n(2) b(4) a(4) {43} ]", mnemonic="MADD_Q", op4="64+(32*32)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 000001 n(2) b(4) a(4) {43} ]", mnemonic="MADD_Q", op4="32+(16L*32)Up->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011001 n(2) b(4) a(4) {43} ]", mnemonic="MADD_Q", op4="64+(16L*32)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 000000 n(2) b(4) a(4) {43} ]", mnemonic="MADD_Q", op4="32+(16U*32)Up->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011000 n(2) b(4) a(4) {43} ]", mnemonic="MADD_Q", op4="64+(16U*32)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 000101 n(2) b(4) a(4) {43} ]", mnemonic="MADD_Q", op4="32+(16L*16L)->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011101 n(2) b(4) a(4) {43} ]", mnemonic="MADD_Q", op4="64+(16L*16L)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 000100 n(2) b(4) a(4) {43} ]", mnemonic="MADD_Q", op4="32+(16U*16U)->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011100 n(2) b(4) a(4) {43} ]", mnemonic="MADD_Q", op4="64+(16U*16U)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 100010 n(2) b(4) a(4) {43} ]", mnemonic="MADDS_Q", op4="32+(32*32)Up->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111011 n(2) b(4) a(4) {43} ]", mnemonic="MADDS_Q", op4="64+(32*32)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 100001 n(2) b(4) a(4) {43} ]", mnemonic="MADDS_Q", op4="32+(16L*32)Up->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111001 n(2) b(4) a(4) {43} ]", mnemonic="MADDS_Q", op4="64+(16L*32)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 100000 n(2) b(4) a(4) {43} ]", mnemonic="MADDS_Q", op4="32+(16U*32)Up->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111000 n(2) b(4) a(4) {43} ]", mnemonic="MADDS_Q", op4="64+(16U*32)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 100101 n(2) b(4) a(4) {43} ]", mnemonic="MADDS_Q", op4="32+(16L*16L)->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111101 n(2) b(4) a(4) {43} ]", mnemonic="MADDS_Q", op4="64+(16L*16L)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 100100 n(2) b(4) a(4) {43} ]", mnemonic="MADDS_Q", op4="32+(16U*16U)->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111100 n(2) b(4) a(4) {43} ]", mnemonic="MADDS_Q", op4="64+(16U*16U)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011010 n(2) b(4) a(4) {a3} ]", mnemonic="MSUB_H", op4="LL")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011001 n(2) b(4) a(4) {a3} ]", mnemonic="MSUB_H", op4="LU")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011000 n(2) b(4) a(4) {a3} ]", mnemonic="MSUB_H", op4="UL")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011011 n(2) b(4) a(4) {a3} ]", mnemonic="MSUB_H", op4="UU")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111010 n(2) b(4) a(4) {a3} ]", mnemonic="MSUBS_H", op4="LL")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111001 n(2) b(4) a(4) {a3} ]", mnemonic="MSUBS_H", op4="LU")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111000 n(2) b(4) a(4) {a3} ]", mnemonic="MSUBS_H", op4="UL")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111011 n(2) b(4) a(4) {a3} ]", mnemonic="MSUBS_H", op4="UU")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 000010 n(2) b(4) a(4) {63} ]", mnemonic="MSUB_Q", op4="32+(32*32)Up->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011011 n(2) b(4) a(4) {63} ]", mnemonic="MSUB_Q", op4="64+(32*32)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 000001 n(2) b(4) a(4) {63} ]", mnemonic="MSUB_Q", op4="32+(16L*32)Up->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011001 n(2) b(4) a(4) {63} ]", mnemonic="MSUB_Q", op4="64+(16L*32)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 000000 n(2) b(4) a(4) {63} ]", mnemonic="MSUB_Q", op4="32+(16U*32)Up->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011000 n(2) b(4) a(4) {63} ]", mnemonic="MSUB_Q", op4="64+(16U*32)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 000101 n(2) b(4) a(4) {63} ]", mnemonic="MSUB_Q", op4="32+(16L*16L)->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011101 n(2) b(4) a(4) {63} ]", mnemonic="MSUB_Q", op4="64+(16L*16L)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 000100 n(2) b(4) a(4) {63} ]", mnemonic="MSUB_Q", op4="32+(16U*16U)->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 011100 n(2) b(4) a(4) {63} ]", mnemonic="MSUB_Q", op4="64+(16U*16U)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 100010 n(2) b(4) a(4) {63} ]", mnemonic="MSUBS_Q", op4="32+(32*32)Up->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111011 n(2) b(4) a(4) {63} ]", mnemonic="MSUBS_Q", op4="64+(32*32)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 100001 n(2) b(4) a(4) {63} ]", mnemonic="MSUBS_Q", op4="32+(16L*32)Up->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111001 n(2) b(4) a(4) {63} ]", mnemonic="MSUBS_Q", op4="64+(16L*32)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 100000 n(2) b(4) a(4) {63} ]", mnemonic="MSUBS_Q", op4="32+(16U*32)Up->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111000 n(2) b(4) a(4) {63} ]", mnemonic="MSUBS_Q", op4="64+(16U*32)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 100101 n(2) b(4) a(4) {63} ]", mnemonic="MSUBS_Q", op4="32+(16L*16L)->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111101 n(2) b(4) a(4) {63} ]", mnemonic="MSUBS_Q", op4="64+(16L*16L)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 100100 n(2) b(4) a(4) {63} ]", mnemonic="MSUBS_Q", op4="32+(16U*16U)->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 111100 n(2) b(4) a(4) {63} ]", mnemonic="MSUBS_Q", op4="64+(16U*16U)->64")\ndef tricore_cond_eec(obj, c, d, n, b, a):\n    cond = env.E[d]\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.D[b]\n    dst = env.E[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, cond, src1, src2, env.cst(n,2)]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 0000 ---- b(4) a(4) {2b} ]", mnemonic="CADD")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 0001 ---- b(4) a(4) {2b} ]", mnemonic="CADDN")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 0010 ---- b(4) a(4) {2b} ]", mnemonic="CSUB")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 0011 ---- b(4) a(4) {2b} ]", mnemonic="CSUBN")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4)      {0a} b(4) a(4) {03} ]", mnemonic="MADD", opt4="32+(32*32)->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4)      {8a} b(4) a(4) {03} ]", mnemonic="MADDS", opt4="32+(32*32)->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4)      {88} b(4) a(4) {03} ]", mnemonic="MADDS_U", opt4="32+(32*32)->32")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 0100 ---- b(4) a(4) {2b} ]", mnemonic="SEL")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 0101 ---- b(4) a(4) {2b} ]", mnemonic="SELN")\ndef tricore_cond_ddd(obj, c, d, b, a):\n    cond = env.D[d]\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.D[b]\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, cond, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) {6a}      b(4) a(4) {03} ]", mnemonic="MADD", opt4="64+(32*32)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) {ea}      b(4) a(4) {03} ]", mnemonic="MADDS", opt4="64+(32*32)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) {68}      b(4) a(4) {03} ]", mnemonic="MADD_U", opt4="64+(32*32)->64")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) {e8}      b(4) a(4) {03} ]", mnemonic="MADDS_U", opt4="64+(32*32)->64")\ndef tricore_cond_ddd(obj, c, d, b, a):\n    cond = env.E[d]\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.D[b]\n    dst = env.E[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, cond, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {1c} ---- ---- a(4) {0f} ]", mnemonic="CLO")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {7d} ---- ---- a(4) {0f} ]", mnemonic="CLO_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {1d} ---- ---- a(4) {0f} ]", mnemonic="CLS")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {7e} ---- ---- a(4) {0f} ]", mnemonic="CLS_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {1b} ---- ---- a(4) {0f} ]", mnemonic="CLZ")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {7c} ---- ---- a(4) {0f} ]", mnemonic="CLZ_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {5e} ---- ---- a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="SAT_B")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {5f} ---- ---- a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="SAT_BU")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {7e} ---- ---- a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="SAT_H")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) {7f} ---- ---- a(4) {0b} ]", mnemonic="SAT_HU")\ndef tricore_dd_arithmetic(obj, c, a):\n    src = env.D[a]\n    dst = env.D[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("16<[ 1010 ---- {00} ]", mnemonic="DEBUG")\n@ispec("16<[ 0000 ---- {00} ]", mnemonic="NOP")\ndef tricore_system(obj):\n    obj.operands = []\n    obj.type = type_system\n@ispec("16<[ 0111 ---- {00} ]", mnemonic="FRET")\n@ispec("16<[ 1001 ---- {00} ]", mnemonic="RET")\n@ispec("16<[ 1000 ---- {00} ]", mnemonic="RFE")\ndef tricore_ret(obj):\n    obj.operands = []\n    obj.type = type_control_flow\n@ispec("32<[ ---- 000100 ---------- ---- {0d} ]", mnemonic="DEBUG")\n@ispec("32<[ ---- 001101 ---------- ---- {0d} ]", mnemonic="DISABLE")\n@ispec("32<[ ---- 010010 ---------- ---- {0d} ]", mnemonic="DSYNC")\n@ispec("32<[ ---- 001100 ---------- ---- {0d} ]", mnemonic="ENABLE")\n@ispec("32<[ ---- 010011 ---------- ---- {0d} ]", mnemonic="ISYNC")\n@ispec("32<[ ---- 010101 ---------- ---- {0d} ]", mnemonic="TRAPSV")\n@ispec("32<[ ---- 010100 ---------- ---- {0d} ]", mnemonic="TRAPV")\n@ispec("32<[ ---- 000000 ---------- ---- {0d} ]", mnemonic="NOP")\n@ispec("32<[ ---- 001001 ---------- ---- {0d} ]", mnemonic="RSLCX")\n@ispec("32<[ ---- 000000 ---------- ---- {2f} ]", mnemonic="RSTV")\n@ispec("32<[ ---- 001000 ---------- ---- {0d} ]", mnemonic="SVLCX")\n@ispec("32<[ ---- 010110 ---------- ---- {0d} ]", mnemonic="WAIT")\ndef tricore_system(obj):\n    obj.operands = []\n    obj.type = type_system\n@ispec("32<[ ---- 000011 ---------- ---- {0d} ]", mnemonic="FRET")\n@ispec("32<[ ---- 000110 ---------- ---- {0d} ]", mnemonic="RET")\n@ispec("32<[ ---- 000111 ---------- ---- {0d} ]", mnemonic="RFE")\n@ispec("32<[ ---- 000101 ---------- ---- {0d} ]", mnemonic="RFM")\ndef tricore_ret(obj):\n    obj.operands = []\n    obj.type = type_control_flow\n@ispec("32<[ ---- 001111 ---------- a(4) {0d} ]", mnemonic="DISABLE")\n@ispec("32<[ ---- 001110 ---------- a(4) {0d} ]", mnemonic="RESTORE")\ndef tricore_system(obj, a):\n    obj.operands = [env.D[a]]\n    obj.type = type_system\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 1101 -- 00 b(4) ---- {6b} ]", mnemonic="DVADJ")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 1111 -- 00 b(4) ---- {6b} ]", mnemonic="DVSTEP")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 1110 -- 00 b(4) ---- {6b} ]", mnemonic="DVSTEP_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 1010 -- 00 b(4) ---- {6b} ]", mnemonic="IXMAX")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 1011 -- 00 b(4) ---- {6b} ]", mnemonic="IXMAX_U")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 1000 -- 00 b(4) ---- {6b} ]", mnemonic="IXMIN")\n@ispec("32<[ c(4) d(4) 1001 -- 00 b(4) ---- {6b} ]", mnemonic="IXMIN_U")\ndef tricore_eee(obj, c, d, b):\n    if d%2 or b%2 or c%2:\n        raise InstructionError(obj)\n    src1 = env.E[d]\n    src2 = env.E[b]\n    dst = env.E[c]\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("16<[ ~const4(4) disp(4) {1e} ]", mnemonic="JEQ", _off=0)\n@ispec("16<[ ~const4(4) disp(4) {9e} ]", mnemonic="JEQ", _off=16)\n@ispec("16<[ ~const4(4) disp(4) {5e} ]", mnemonic="JNE", _off=0)\n@ispec("16<[ ~const4(4) disp(4) {de} ]", mnemonic="JNE", _off=16)\ndef tricore_jcc(obj, const4, disp, _off):\n    dst = env.D[15]\n    src1 = env.cst(,32)\n    src2 = env.cst(disp,32)+_off\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_control_flow\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) disp(4) {3e} ]", mnemonic="JEQ", _off=0)\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) disp(4) {be} ]", mnemonic="JEQ", _off=16)\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) disp(4) {7e} ]", mnemonic="JNE", _off=0)\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) disp(4) {fe} ]", mnemonic="JNE", _off=16)\ndef tricore_jcc(obj, b, disp, _off):\n    dst = env.D[15]\n    src1 = env.D[b]\n    src2 = env.cst(disp,32)+_off\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_control_flow\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) disp(4) {ce} ]", mnemonic="JGEZ")\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) disp(4) {4e} ]", mnemonic="JGTZ")\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) disp(4) {8e} ]", mnemonic="JLEZ")\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) disp(4) {0e} ]", mnemonic="JLTZ")\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) disp(4) {f6} ]", mnemonic="JNZ")\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) disp(4) {76} ]", mnemonic="JZ")\ndef tricore_jcc(obj, b, disp):\n    src1 = env.D[b]\n    src2 = env.cst(disp,32)\n    obj.operands = [src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_control_flow\n@ispec("32<[ 0 ~disp(15) const(4) a(4) {df} ]", mnemonic="JEQ")\n@ispec("32<[ 1 ~disp(15) const(4) a(4) {df} ]", mnemonic="JNE")\n@ispec("32<[ 0 ~disp(15) const(4) a(4) {ff} ]", mnemonic="JGE")\n@ispec("32<[ 1 ~disp(15) const(4) a(4) {ff} ]", mnemonic="JGE_U")\n@ispec("32<[ 0 ~disp(15) const(4) a(4) {bf} ]", mnemonic="JLT")\n@ispec("32<[ 1 ~disp(15) const(4) a(4) {bf} ]", mnemonic="JLT_U")\n@ispec("32<[ 1 ~disp(15) const(4) a(4) {9f} ]", mnemonic="JNED")\n@ispec("32<[ 0 ~disp(15) const(4) a(4) {9f} ]", mnemonic="JNEI")\ndef tricore_jcc(obj, disp, const, a):\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.cst(const,4)\n    obj.operands = [src1, src2, env.cst(,32)]\n    obj.type = type_control_flow\n@ispec("32<[ 0 ~disp(15) b(4) a(4) {5f} ]", mnemonic="JEQ")\n@ispec("32<[ 1 ~disp(15) b(4) a(4) {5f} ]", mnemonic="JNE")\n@ispec("32<[ 0 ~disp(15) b(4) a(4) {7f} ]", mnemonic="JGE")\n@ispec("32<[ 1 ~disp(15) b(4) a(4) {7f} ]", mnemonic="JGE_U")\n@ispec("32<[ 0 ~disp(15) b(4) a(4) {3f} ]", mnemonic="JLT")\n@ispec("32<[ 1 ~disp(15) b(4) a(4) {3f} ]", mnemonic="JLT_U")\n@ispec("32<[ 1 ~disp(15) b(4) a(4) {1f} ]", mnemonic="JNED")\n@ispec("32<[ 0 ~disp(15) b(4) a(4) {1f} ]", mnemonic="JNEI")\ndef tricore_jcc(obj, disp, b, a):\n    src1 = env.D[a]\n    src2 = env.D[b]\n    obj.operands = [src1, src2, env.cst(,32)]\n    obj.type = type_control_flow\n@ispec("32<[ 0 ~disp(15) b(4) a(4) {7d} ]", mnemonic="JEQ_A")\n@ispec("32<[ 1 ~disp(15) b(4) a(4) {7d} ]", mnemonic="JNE_A")\ndef tricore_jcc(obj, disp, b, a):\n    src1 = env.A[a]\n    src2 = env.A[b]\n    obj.operands = [src1, src2, env.cst(,32)]\n    obj.type = type_control_flow\n@ispec("32<[ 1 ~disp(15) ---- a(4) {bd} ]", mnemonic="JNZ_A")\n@ispec("32<[ 0 ~disp(15) ---- a(4) {bd} ]", mnemonic="JZ_A")\ndef tricore_jcc(obj, disp, a):\n    src1 = env.A[a]\n    src2 = env.A[b]\n    obj.operands = [src1, src2, env.cst(,32)]\n    obj.type = type_control_flow\n@ispec("32<[ 0 ~disp(15) b(4) ---- {fd} ]", mnemonic="LOOP")\n@ispec("32<[ 1 ~disp(15) b(4) ---- {fd} ]", mnemonic="LOOPU")\ndef tricore_jcc(obj, disp, b):\n    src1 = env.A[b]\n    src2 =  env.cst(*2,32)\n    obj.operands = [src1, src2]\n    if obj.mnemonic=="LOOPU":\n        obj.operands = [src2]\n    obj.type = type_control_flow\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) disp(4) {7c} ]", mnemonic="JNZ_A")\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) disp(4) {bc} ]", mnemonic="JZ_A")\ndef tricore_jcc(obj, b, disp):\n    src1 = env.A[b]\n    src2 = env.cst(disp,32)\n    obj.operands = [src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_control_flow\n@ispec("16<[ b(4) #disp(4) {fc} ]", mnemonic="LOOP")\ndef tricore_jcc(obj, b, disp):\n    src1 = env.A[b]\n    src2 = env.cst(int(("1"*27)+disp+"0",2),32)\n    obj.operands = [src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_control_flow\n@ispec("16<[ 0000 a(4) {dc} ]", mnemonic="JI")\ndef tricore_ji(obj, a):\n    src = env.A[a]\n    obj.operands = [src]\n    obj.type = type_control_flow\n@ispec("16<[ 0000 a(4) {46} ]", mnemonic="NOT")\n@ispec("16<[ 0101 a(4) {32} ]", mnemonic="RSUB")\n@ispec("16<[ 0000 a(4) {32} ]", mnemonic="SAT_B")\n@ispec("16<[ 0001 a(4) {32} ]", mnemonic="SAT_BU")\n@ispec("16<[ 0010 a(4) {32} ]", mnemonic="SAT_H")\n@ispec("16<[ 0011 a(4) {32} ]", mnemonic="SAT_HU")\ndef tricore_a(obj, a):\n    src = env.D[a]\n    obj.operands = [src]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("16<[ n(4) disp(4) {ae} ]", mnemonic="JNZ_T")\n@ispec("16<[ n(4) disp(4) {2e} ]", mnemonic="JZ_T")\ndef tricore_ji(obj, n, disp):\n    obj.operands = [env.D[15][n:n+1], env.cst(disp,32)]\n    obj.type = type_control_flow\n@ispec("32<[ 1 ~disp(15) n(4) a(4) h 1101111 ]", mnemonic="JNZ_T")\n@ispec("32<[ 0 ~disp(15) n(4) a(4) h 1101111 ]", mnemonic="JZ_T")\ndef tricore_jcc(obj, disp, n, a, h):\n    i = n+(h<<4)\n    src = env.D[a][i:i+1]\n    obj.operands = [src, env.cst(,32)]\n    obj.type = type_control_flow\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {85} ]", mnemonic="LD_A", mode="Absolute")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {05} ]", mnemonic="LD_B", mode="Absolute")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {05} ]", mnemonic="LD_BU", mode="Absolute")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {85} ]", mnemonic="LD_D", mode="Absolute")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 11 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {85} ]", mnemonic="LD_DA", mode="Absolute")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {05} ]", mnemonic="LD_H", mode="Absolute")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 11 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {05} ]", mnemonic="LD_HU", mode="Absolute")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {45} ]", mnemonic="LD_Q", mode="Absolute")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {85} ]", mnemonic="LD_W", mode="Absolute")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {c5} ]", mnemonic="LEA", mode="Absolute")\ndef tricore_ld(obj, off2, off3, off1, off4, a):\n    dst = env.D[a]\n    if obj.mnemonic in ("LD_A", "LEA")  : dst = env.A[a]\n    if obj.mnemonic in ("LD_D","LDMST") : dst = env.E[a]\n    if obj.mnemonic=="LD_DA": dst = env.P[a]\n    src = off1//off2//off3\n    obj.operands = [dst, composer([env.cst(,28),env.cst(off4,4)])]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {c5} ]", mnemonic="LHA", mode="Absolute")\ndef tricore_ld(obj, off2, off3, off1, off4, a):\n    dst = env.A[a]\n    src = off1//off2//off3//off4\n    obj.operands = [dst, composer([env.cst(0,14),env.cst(,18)])]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {a5} ]", mnemonic="ST_A", mode="Absolute")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {25} ]", mnemonic="ST_B", mode="Absolute")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {a5} ]", mnemonic="ST_D", mode="Absolute")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 11 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {a5} ]", mnemonic="ST_DA", mode="Absolute")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {25} ]", mnemonic="ST_H", mode="Absolute")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {65} ]", mnemonic="ST_Q", mode="Absolute")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {a5} ]", mnemonic="ST_W", mode="Absolute")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {e5} ]", mnemonic="SWAP_W", mode="Absolute")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {e5} ]", mnemonic="LDMST", mode="Absolute")\ndef tricore_st(obj, off2, off3, off1, off4, a):\n    src = env.D[a]\n    if obj.mnemonic in ("ST_A",)  : src = env.A[a]\n    if obj.mnemonic in ("ST_D","LDMST") : src = env.E[a]\n    if obj.mnemonic=="ST_DA": src = env.P[a]\n    addr = off1//off2//off3\n    obj.operands = [composer([env.cst(,28),env.cst(off4,4)]), src]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) b bpos(3) {d5} ]", mnemonic="ST_T", mode="Absolute")\ndef tricore_st(obj, off2, off3, off1, off4, b, bpos):\n    obj.operands = [composer([env.cst(,28),env.cst(off4,4)]), env.cst(bpos,3), env.cst(b,1)]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) ---- {15} ]", mnemonic="STLCX", mode="Absolute")\ndef tricore_st(obj, off2, off3, off1, off4):\n    obj.operands = [composer([env.cst(,28),env.cst(off4,4)])]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {15} ]", mnemonic="LDLCX", mode="Absolute")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 11 ~off3(4) ~off1(6) ~off4(4) a(4) {15} ]", mnemonic="LDUCX", mode="Absolute")\ndef tricore_ld(obj, off2, off3, off1, off4, a):\n    src = off1//off2//off3\n    obj.operands = [composer([env.cst(,28),env.cst(off4,4)])]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 0110 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_A", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0110 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {29} ]", mnemonic="LD_A", mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0110 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {29} ]", mnemonic="LD_A", mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0110 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_A", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0110 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_A", mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 0000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_B", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {29} ]", mnemonic="LD_B", mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {29} ]", mnemonic="LD_B", mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_B", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_B", mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 0001 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_BU", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0001 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {29} ]", mnemonic="LD_BU", mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0001 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {29} ]", mnemonic="LD_BU", mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0001 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_BU", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0001 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_BU", mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 0101 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_D", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0101 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {29} ]", mnemonic="LD_D", mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0101 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {29} ]", mnemonic="LD_D", mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0101 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_D", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0101 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_D", mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 0111 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_DA", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0111 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {29} ]", mnemonic="LD_DA", mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0111 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {29} ]", mnemonic="LD_DA", mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0111 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_DA", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0111 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_DA", mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 0010 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_H", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0010 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {29} ]", mnemonic="LD_H", mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0010 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {29} ]", mnemonic="LD_H", mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0010 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_H", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0010 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_H", mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 0011 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_HU", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0011 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {29} ]", mnemonic="LD_HU", mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0011 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {29} ]", mnemonic="LD_HU", mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0011 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_HU", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0011 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_HU", mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 1000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_Q", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 1000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {29} ]", mnemonic="LD_Q", mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 1000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {29} ]", mnemonic="LD_Q", mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 1000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_Q", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 1000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_Q", mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 0100 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_W", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0100 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {29} ]", mnemonic="LD_W", mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0100 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {29} ]", mnemonic="LD_W", mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0100 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_W", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0100 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_W", mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 1000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {49} ]", mnemonic="LEA", mode="Short-offset")\ndef tricore_ld(obj, off2, off1, b, a):\n    dst = env.D[a]\n    if   obj.mnemonic=="LD_A"  : dst = env.A[a]\n    elif obj.mnemonic=="LEA"   : dst = env.A[a]\n    elif obj.mnemonic=="LD_D"  : dst = env.E[a]\n    elif obj.mnemonic=="LDMST" : dst = env.E[a]\n    elif obj.mnemonic=="LD_DA" : dst = env.P[a]\n    obj.b = b\n    src1 = env.A[b]\n    off10 = off1//off2\n    src2 = env.cst(,10)\n    obj.operands = [dst, src1, src2]\n    if obj.mode == "Bit-Reverse":\n        obj.operands.pop()\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 0110 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {89} ]", mnemonic="ST_A", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0110 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {a9} ]", mnemonic="ST_A", mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0110 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {a9} ]", mnemonic="ST_A", mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0110 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {89} ]", mnemonic="ST_A", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0110 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {89} ]", mnemonic="ST_A", mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 0000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {89} ]", mnemonic="ST_B", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {a9} ]", mnemonic="ST_B", mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {a9} ]", mnemonic="ST_B", mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {89} ]", mnemonic="ST_B", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {89} ]", mnemonic="ST_B", mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 0101 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {89} ]", mnemonic="ST_D", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0101 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {a9} ]", mnemonic="ST_D", mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0101 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {a9} ]", mnemonic="ST_D", mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0101 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {89} ]", mnemonic="ST_D", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0101 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {89} ]", mnemonic="ST_D", mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 0111 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {89} ]", mnemonic="ST_DA", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0111 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {a9} ]", mnemonic="ST_DA", mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0111 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {a9} ]", mnemonic="ST_DA", mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0111 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {89} ]", mnemonic="ST_DA", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0111 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {89} ]", mnemonic="ST_DA", mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 0010 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {89} ]", mnemonic="ST_H", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0010 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {a9} ]", mnemonic="ST_H", mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0010 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {a9} ]", mnemonic="ST_H", mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0010 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {89} ]", mnemonic="ST_H", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0010 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {89} ]", mnemonic="ST_H", mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 1000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {89} ]", mnemonic="ST_Q", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 1000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {a9} ]", mnemonic="ST_Q", mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 1000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {a9} ]", mnemonic="ST_Q", mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 1000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {89} ]", mnemonic="ST_Q", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 1000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {89} ]", mnemonic="ST_Q", mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 0100 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {89} ]", mnemonic="ST_W", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0100 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {a9} ]", mnemonic="ST_W", mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0100 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {a9} ]", mnemonic="ST_W", mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0100 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {89} ]", mnemonic="ST_W", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0100 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {89} ]", mnemonic="ST_W", mode="Pre-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 0001 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {49} ]", mnemonic="LDMST", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0001 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {69} ]", mnemonic="LDMST", mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0001 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {69} ]", mnemonic="LDMST", mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 0001 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {49} ]", mnemonic="LDMST", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 0001 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {49} ]", mnemonic="LDMST", mode="Pre-increment")\ndef tricore_st(obj, off2, off1, b, a):\n    dst = env.D[a]\n    if   obj.mnemonic=="ST_A"  : dst = env.A[a]\n    elif obj.mnemonic=="ST_D"  : dst = env.E[a]\n    elif obj.mnemonic=="ST_DA" : dst = env.P[a]\n    elif obj.mnemonic=="LDMST" : dst = env.E[a]\n    obj.b = b\n    src1 = env.A[b]\n    off10 = off1//off2\n    src2 = env.cst(,10)\n    obj.operands = [src1, src2, dst]\n    if obj.mode == "Bit-Reverse":\n        obj.operands.pop()\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 1000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {49} ]", mnemonic="SWAP_W", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 1000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {69} ]", mnemonic="SWAP_W", mode="Bit-reverse")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 1000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {69} ]", mnemonic="SWAP_W", mode="Circular")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 00 1000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {49} ]", mnemonic="SWAP_W", mode="Post-increment")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 01 1000 ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {49} ]", mnemonic="SWAP_W", mode="Pre-increment")\ndef tricore_ld(obj, off2, off1, b, a):\n    dst = env.D[a]\n    src1 = env.P[b]\n    off10 = off1//off2\n    src2 = env.cst(,10)\n    obj.operands = [src1, src2, dst]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 0100 ~off1(6) b(4) ---- {49} ]", mnemonic="LDLCX", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 0101 ~off1(6) b(4) ---- {49} ]", mnemonic="LDUCX", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 0110 ~off1(6) b(4) ---- {49} ]", mnemonic="STLCX", mode="Short-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) 10 0111 ~off1(6) b(4) ---- {49} ]", mnemonic="STUCX", mode="Short-offset")\ndef tricore_ld(obj, off2, off1, b):\n    src1 = env.A[b]\n    off10 = off1//off2\n    src2 = env.cst(,10)\n    obj.operands = [src1, src2]\n    obj.type = type_data_processing\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) ~off3(6) ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {99} ]", mnemonic="LD_A", mode="Long-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) ~off3(6) ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {79} ]", mnemonic="LD_B", mode="Long-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) ~off3(6) ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {39} ]", mnemonic="LD_BU", mode="Long-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) ~off3(6) ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {09} ]", mnemonic="LD_H", mode="Long-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) ~off3(6) ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {b9} ]", mnemonic="LD_HU", mode="Long-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) ~off3(6) ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {19} ]", mnemonic="LD_W", mode="Long-offset")\n@ispec("32<[ ~off2(4) ~off3(6) ~off1(6) b(4) a(4) {d9} ]", mnemonic="LEA", mode="Long-offset")\ndef tricore_ld(obj, off2, off3, off1, b, a):\n    dst = env.D[a]\n\n</context>\n\n假设一个实际的场景,我们需要采用这段代码来实现工作流程,可以给我解释一下这段代码的作用吗? \n\n\n\n