# Table of Contents |
* [run\_replanning](#run_replanning) |
* [ReplanningAskUserFlow](#ReplanningAskUserFlow) |
* [ReplanningAskUserFlow](#ReplanningAskUserFlow.ReplanningAskUserFlow) |
* [NewPlanGenFlow](#NewPlanGenFlow) |
* [ReplanningFlow](#ReplanningFlow) |
* [ReplanningFlow](#ReplanningFlow.ReplanningFlow) |
* [\_\_init\_\_](#__init__) |
<a id="run_replanning"></a> |
# run\_replanning |
<a id="ReplanningAskUserFlow"></a> |
# ReplanningAskUserFlow |
<a id="ReplanningAskUserFlow.ReplanningAskUserFlow"></a> |
## ReplanningAskUserFlow Objects |
```python |
class ReplanningAskUserFlow(HumanStandardInputFlow) |
``` |
Refer to: https://huggingface.co/Tachi67/ExtendLibraryFlowModule/blob/main/ExtLibAskUserFlow.py |
<a id="NewPlanGenFlow"></a> |
# NewPlanGenFlow |
<a id="ReplanningFlow"></a> |
# ReplanningFlow |
<a id="ReplanningFlow.ReplanningFlow"></a> |
## ReplanningFlow Objects |
```python |
class ReplanningFlow(PlanWriterFlow) |
``` |
This flow inherits from PlanWriterFlow. |
By changing prompts and injecting proper information to the controller and the PlanGenerator, we are able to achieve the replanning. |
*Input Interface*: |
- `goal` (str): information on the old plan (e.g. what is wrong) |
- `plan` (str): the old plan |
- `plan_file_location` (str): the location of the old plan file |
*Output Interface*: |
- `plan` (str): the new plan |
- `status`: "finished" or "unfinished" |
- `summary` (str): summary of the flow, will be written to the log file of the caller flow. |
- `result` (str): result of the flow, will be passed to the controller of the caller flow. |
<a id="__init__"></a> |
# \_\_init\_\_ |