All years and big numbers are truncated

by perelmanych - opened

All years and more than 3 digits numbers are truncated in the model output. Here is an example that is representative for all outputs that have years in them. I use text-generation-webui and ExLLama loader, max_seq_len = 4096, compress_pos_emb = 2, alpha_value = 1.

What currently is the best consumer CPU on the market?

As of my knowledge cutoff date in September 209, the current best consumer CPU on the market is debatable depending on the criteria such as price, performance, and intended use. However, some contenders worth considering include:

  1. Intel Core i7-873G: This is a high-performance desktop CPU from Intel's 8th generation Coffee Lake Refresh lineup. It features six cores with HyperThreading, making it suitable for demanding tasks like gaming, content creation, and multimedia applications.
  2. AMD Ryzen 5 465G: This is an AM4 platform based multi-core CPU designed by AMD for mainstream consumers. The 5 465G offers excellent value for money due to its performance per watt ratio. It has 5 cores and SMT (Simultaneous Multi-threading) which makes it a great choice for gamers as well as content creators who need maximum parallel processing power.
  3. Intel Core i9-108: This is also a top-tier desktop CPU from the Skylake-X architecture, featuring 12 cores with HyperThreading, making it ideal for professional content creation, gaming, and other compute-intensive tasks where high core count matters.

Please note that the best consumer CPU may vary depending on individual needs, budgets, and specific use cases. Always consult current reviews and comparisons to make an informed decision based on your requirements.

This is an absolutely fascinating behaviour!

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