this model is censored and has repetition and changes its mind

by deapond - opened

the model is as censored as any other model, it also repeats words too often, and also forgets things it says, for example it would say a gray rock found, then not too long later it would say a red rock instead of gray

the model is as censored as any other model, it also repeats words too often, and also forgets things it says, for example it would say a gray rock found, then not too long later it would say a red rock instead of gray

Haha πŸ˜…πŸ‘. There are several models that do that. I didn't know about this. Thanks. πŸ™πŸ‘

the model is as censored as any other model, it also repeats words too often, and also forgets things it says, for example it would say a gray rock found, then not too long later it would say a red rock instead of gray

Maybe you used some kind of promt with censorship, or what? I specifically asked questions on all taboo and forbidden topics, and as far as the model knew the answer, the model wrote it directly without any problems. Where is the censorship then? I don't understand.

As for the inaccuracy in some places - yes, it happened. But nevertheless, I have not yet seen more accurate models that I could run on a regular PC like this.

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