Where can I find the "Latenet (nearest-exact)" upscaler?

by aTrap - opened

Under AbyssOrangeMix2 (AOM2) it states that for the upscaler you should use "Latenet (nearest-exact)" but I can't find it on google or huggingface. Does anyone know where one could be found?

Wait a second, Are you using a webui like stable-diffusion-webui ?
Or just using diffusers or torch?

If you are using the first one, you can go to update your webui, the new version "Latenet (nearest-exact)" I found inside with.

I just pulled the latest version and the only upscalers I see are:
Unless its one of these?

Try to clone a new one. And my python's version is 3.10.8



Hey @aTrap ,

As yiximail mentioned, this is available in newer versions of the automatic1111 UI.

To clarify though, it is for the Hires. fix available under the txt2img tab. You will not find these upscalers under img2img.

I see thank you. I didn't realize the Hires. fix option existed lol

is there a way to use hires.fix after the image is generated (in extras section) . i only have 4 gb vram so it crashes on enabling hires.fix

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