Image artifacting in AOM3

by cathodeDreams - opened

Hello, I am unsure whether this is a appropriate area to open this line of questioning, but I'm going to. I have been generating images using the new AOM3 and while I generally think it can be better at composition I feel much of the images it produces have a kind of deep fried nature to them compared to AOM2. I do use loras extensively but it occurs without them as well. I have been trying to figure it out myself as I'm not sure I'm technically proficient enough to provide relevant information. Here are some comparisons I made:



Here are some grids I made trying to deduce the cause of artifacting and overbaking of the image, they are using AOM3A2. Note the grid-like pattern that forms in the image.



I have a 3070 ti, --xformers in command args, Here is a catbox of a generated image to see prompting style:

In general my question is what do I need to change moving from AOM2 to AOM3 to best mitigate these issues?

cathodeDreams changed discussion status to closed

So, what happened in the end?

So, what happened in the end?

It was the VAE I was using that I believe caused the major artifacts that I noticed. The images are still a little burned looking using AOM3A2 and AOM3A3, but nowhere near as bad. I actually closed the discussion on accident because I'm an old flubber brain and got rate limited. I can open it again, but much of it is user error.

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