unconditional trainer updates
license: mit
# UNet2DModel-NatalieDiffusion
## Model Summary and Intended Use
NatalieDiffusion is a series of finetunes of [UNet2DModel](https://huggingface.co/docs/diffusers/v0.26.3/en/api/models/unet2d#diffusers.UNet2DModel) to aid a [particular graphic artist](https://www.behance.net/nataliKav) in quickly generating meaningful mock-ups and similar draft content for her work on an ongoing project.
## A Word About Ethics
There has been a lot of meaningful conversation about the implications of Computer Vision on the artistic world. Hopefully, this model demonstrates that much like engineers can now use Generate Software Engineering (GSE) techniques to optimize and improve their own workflows, so too, can members of the artistic community use Computer Vision to automate rote tasks such as mock-up and draft generation.
When used ethnically and transparently, AI offers no greater threat to the artistic community than it does to the world of programming because success in both domains skews heavily in favor of the creative.
## Notebooks
Training notebooks are made available as they are completed:
- [Unconditional Training](unconditional-training-noteboook.ipynb)