
AI & ML interests

None yet


akhaliq's activity

New activity in hpoghos/Zero_demo 3 months ago

update reqs

#1 opened 3 months ago by akhaliq
New activity in InstantX/InstantID 5 months ago


#3 opened 5 months ago by cbensimon
New activity in TencentARC/PhotoMaker 6 months ago
New activity in modelscope/I2VGen-XL 6 months ago
New activity in HarborYuan/ovsam 6 months ago
New activity in modelscope/I2VGen-XL 6 months ago

add gradio to reqs

#2 opened 6 months ago by akhaliq
New activity in TencentARC/MotionCtrl 6 months ago
New activity in zcxu-eric/magicanimate 7 months ago

Trying upgrading `gradio` again

#24 opened 7 months ago by abidlabs

update to 5 for examples

#21 opened 7 months ago by akhaliq

fix oom error

#20 opened 7 months ago by akhaliq

import required library

#14 opened 7 months ago by ysharma
New activity in declare-lab/mustango 8 months ago
New activity in ICCV2023/ICCV2023-papers 10 months ago

fix demo link

#1 opened 10 months ago by akhaliq
New activity in haoheliu/audioldm2-text2audio-text2music 10 months ago

Update app.py

#49 opened 10 months ago by reach-vb
New activity in sail/lorahub 11 months ago
New activity in guoyww/AnimateDiff 12 months ago
New activity in ysharma/Explore_llamav2_with_TGI 12 months ago

Update app.py

#1 opened 12 months ago by abidlabs
New activity in DragGan/DragGan about 1 year ago

lower concurrency count

#2 opened about 1 year ago by akhaliq
New activity in Anonymous-sub/Rerender about 1 year ago
New activity in OptimalScale/Robin-7b about 1 year ago
New activity in longlian/llm-grounded-diffusion about 1 year ago
New activity in mpatel57/WOUAF-Text-to-Image about 1 year ago
New activity in noamelata/Nested-Diffusion about 1 year ago
New activity in AIGText/GlyphControl about 1 year ago
New activity in GMFTBY/PandaGPT about 1 year ago
New activity in OpenGVLab/VideoChatGPT about 1 year ago
New activity in SeViLA/SeViLA about 1 year ago
New activity in RamAnanth1/InstructBLIP about 1 year ago
New activity in facebook/sam-vit-huge about 1 year ago

Update config.json

#6 opened about 1 year ago by ybelkada
New activity in MAGAer13/mPLUG-Owl about 1 year ago
New activity in declare-lab/tango about 1 year ago
New activity in thomas-yanxin/LangChain-ChatLLM about 1 year ago