Amphion Vocoder Pretrained Models
We provide a DiffWave pretrained checkpoint, which is trained on 125 hours of speech data and 80 hours of singing voice data.
Quick Start
To utilize these pretrained vocoders, just run the following commands:
Step1: Download the checkpoint
git lfs install
git clone
Step2: Clone the Amphion's Source Code of GitHub
git clone
Step3: Specify the checkpoint's path
Use the soft link to specify the downloaded checkpoint in the first step:
cd Amphion
mkdir -p ckpts/vocoder
ln -s "$(realpath ../diffwave/diffwave)" pretrained/diffwave
Step4: Inference
For analysis synthesis on the processed dataset, raw waveform, or predicted mel spectrograms, you can follow the inference part of this recipe.
sh egs/vocoder/diffusion/diffwave/ --stage 3 \
--infer_mode [Your chosen inference mode] \
--infer_datasets [Datasets you want to inference, needed when infer_from_dataset] \
--infer_feature_dir [Your path to your predicted acoustic features, needed when infer_from_feature] \
--infer_audio_dir [Your path to your audio files, needed when infer_form_audio] \
--infer_expt_dir Amphion/ckpts/vocoder/[YourExptName] \
--infer_output_dir Amphion/ckpts/vocoder/[YourExptName]/result \