Aaron C Wacker PRO


AI & ML interests

AGI and ML Pipelines, Ambient IoT AI, Behavior Cognitive and Memory AI, Clinical Medical and Nursing AI, Genomics AI, GAN Gaming GAIL AR VR XR and Simulation AI, Graph Ontology KR KE AI, Languages and NLP AI, Quantum Compute GPU TPU NPU AI, Vision Image Document and Audio/Video AI


awacke1's activity

New activity in awacke1/AzureCosmosDBUI about 12 hours ago

AI Pair Programming - Tuning Code Wit

#2 opened about 12 hours ago by awacke1
New activity in awacke1/StreamlitMermaidEditor about 12 hours ago
New activity in xingpng/CSGO 16 days ago

Impressive Style Transfer

#2 opened 16 days ago by awacke1
New activity in fffiloni/RB-Modulation 16 days ago
New activity in jonatasgrosman/wav2vec2-large-xlsr-53-english about 1 month ago

Wow good spread

#19 opened about 1 month ago by awacke1
New activity in awacke1/Twitter-API-to-Grok-ComeInGrok about 2 months ago

Dev Mode on HF W VSCode?

#1 opened about 2 months ago by awacke1
New activity in HuggingFaceM4/idefics3 about 2 months ago

This is amazing!

#2 opened about 2 months ago by awacke1
New activity in awacke1/RealTimeImageGen 2 months ago
New activity in awacke1/ScienceBrain.AI 3 months ago

Multi Agent Systems

#3 opened 3 months ago by awacke1

Self Rewarding AI

#4 opened 3 months ago by awacke1
New activity in awacke1/VR-Aframe-3D-With-Claude-35-Sonnet 3 months ago

VR Aframe Development

#1 opened 3 months ago by awacke1
New activity in awacke1/3d_animation_toolkit 3 months ago
New activity in awacke1/Multiplayer-Game 3 months ago

Multiplayer Board Game

#1 opened 3 months ago by awacke1


#2 opened 3 months ago by awacke1


#1 opened 3 months ago by awacke1
New activity in awacke1/Image-Phased-Consistency-Model 3 months ago

Beautiful Art!

#2 opened 3 months ago by awacke1
New activity in awacke1/Image-Phased-Consistency-Model 4 months ago

Impressive Detail and Accuracy

#1 opened 4 months ago by awacke1
New activity in awacke1/AudioFileGenerationWithSDAudio 4 months ago

Sound file tests

#1 opened 4 months ago by awacke1
New activity in awacke1/MistoLine-ControlNet-demo 4 months ago

Maybe Some Day - The Piano Keys

#4 opened 4 months ago by awacke1
New activity in awacke1/dalle-3-xl-lora-v2 4 months ago

Testing Settings

#1 opened 4 months ago by awacke1
New activity in awacke1/OpenDalleV1.1-GPU-Demo 4 months ago

Test Comparison

#1 opened 4 months ago by awacke1
New activity in awacke1/Speech-Recognition-Canary-NvidiaT4 4 months ago

Canary or Whisper 1 ?

#1 opened 4 months ago by awacke1
New activity in awacke1/CameraLiveFaceRecognition 4 months ago
New activity in awacke1/GPT-4o-omni-text-audio-image-video 4 months ago

Tuned Up File Handling

#10 opened 4 months ago by awacke1
New activity in awacke1/3d_animation_toolkit 4 months ago


#1 opened 4 months ago by awacke1
New activity in awacke1/ImageBackgroundRemover 4 months ago

Test Images

#1 opened 4 months ago by awacke1
New activity in awacke1/MistoLine-ControlNet-demo 4 months ago

Negative Prompt Control Tests

#1 opened 4 months ago by awacke1
New activity in InstantX/InstantID 5 months ago

Super Fun Image Effects Model!

#69 opened 5 months ago by awacke1
New activity in awacke1/GPT-4o-omni-text-audio-image-video 5 months ago

Update backup-app2-app.py

#3 opened 5 months ago by mwkfy